
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving came and went.

Well there you have it. Thanksgiving. Came, and went. And now? We creep closer and closer to Christmas.

{Thanksgiving Morning}
Here at the S household, we had a wonderful holiday with our family. We had Thanksgiving at our house this year (first time ever), and while you may think that means that we cooked and prepared, I am here to tell you otherwise.
{All pretty and ready!}
Yes guys, my dear parents and Andrew's parents, and his grandma brought the dishes. Andrew's dad brought the goods and made the fried turkey here, and we? Well we provided the booze {which was equally as important if you ask me, although I did not get to partake!}

Speaking of fried turkey, I hope you all got to enjoy a piece of this heavenly creation. I mean honesty, it is one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted. And Andrew, my sister, and myself devoured that stuff in all its glory. Yum. {I need to make sure my FIL makes one of those for Christmas top}.

When it comes to stuffing our faces, I feel like I was a glorious big fat FAIL. I only had one plate {which wasn't even full} and my stomach hurt so bad that I had to lay on the couch to rest it off. In fact, it didn't get "better" until around midnight.

Overall, this Thanksgiving was just plain wonderful. We laughed. We prayed. We gave thanks. And we just enjoyed one another. That? Is the best type of holiday.

And? We all got excited about the thought of how close Christmas really is.

So after our family left, we hung out as a little family of 3 for a bit... before... I had to go to work.

Yes. I had to go to work. And although I had thought that I would be upset, I was surprisingly okay with this. I mean the only thing left to do was lay on the couch and watch football. And, you guys know how much I love football.

So I kissed my little family and headed out. And the craziest thing happened as I was driving.... I shed a couple of tears. Quickly picked up the phone to call Andrew.... to tell him how thankful I was for him and Elliana. I was. I am. So very thankful for these two beautiful amazing loving people in my life.

And I am most thankful to God for blessing me with this amazing life that I have because of these two.

I hope you all had a warm, loving, memorable thanksgiving full of thanks and family.

And I leave you with the best family portrait from the day. Ahem.


  1. Love the blog's name and what you wrote. Adorable kid but then you already know that:)

  2. Glad you guys had a fantastic holiday! Elli looked adorable as always. I am a little upset for you that you weren't able to partake in the drinking part, but I understand your work wouldn't really appreciate that. haha. Don't worry I drank enough for the both of us. And super happy to see that tree up in the last picture...finally. xo

  3. She is so precious in that little polka dot skirt! I also am LOVING the backsplash in your kitchen. Looks like you had a wonderful t-day.

  4. Great pictures (as always)... LOOOVE E's skirt!

    Glad to see you and your fam had a fabulous Thanksgiving :)

  5. I love the pictures of your little girl! And, that's the way to do it no cooking (but I like cooking sometimes) or traveling. Nice.

  6. E looks so adorable!!! So when I read you couldnt partake in the alcohol, i was waiting for another statement after that hahaha, but then as I continued ready...well I realized you had to work ;)
    Looks likemyou had an amazing thanksgiving!! :)

  7. Elli looks so big in these pictures!! She's so adorable - but I don't need to tell you that.

    Looks like you guys had a great day! Thanksgiving is my favorite - no expectations other than sitting around and EATING.

  8. Glad you had a fabulous Thanksgiving, amazing place settings! Why were you not partaking in the adult beverages? Another on the way..? secrets, secrets... :)

  9. Glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving!! Loved your pictures girl!

  10. E is so adorable! Love her skirt, Keira has one like it.

    Love your place settings

  11. You guys are just too cute! :-) Glad you had a good time, and hellooooo to fun Christmas events!

  12. I like other bloggers was waiting for a reason as to why you couldn't drink. cough cough. I understand work purposes though. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! I'm jealous that you already have gifts wrapped and under the tree. Tree? Hubbs let you put it up I see!

    E looks sooo pretty!!

  13. Oh Elli Belly you are way too cute!! Looks like an amazing I am hungry again! haha!!!! xoxoxo

  14. new to your blog.. and in love with those black and whites!!


  15. Oh mannnnn .. I was like SHE DIDN'T GET TO PARTAKE?!?! YAAAYYYYYYY!!! and then I saw someone left a comment about it being because of your work. Dang it! I went from being excited to being mad that you had to work :) haha! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving & love that Elli had on a shirt that said thankful for mommy!

  16. Such cute pictures of your Thanksgiving! You are a lucky lady!
