
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday Randoms Galore.

1. Vegetable Soup . If I'm going to be honest here... it wasn't my favorite soup. Partly due to the fact that it was, well, the healthiest. Husband really enjoyed it. My mom licked her fingers. But my child was on my side of the boat... not a fan. It was eaten though, and gone pretty quickly. 2. Zoo. Two times in one week. That was E and I last Thursday. We had an amazing mama and daughter date and I have a special post to come on that later. 3. New Shoes. Free shoes. I have received a few large boxes from Totsy full of free stuff. And many people have asked.. how?! Answer: referral credit. I have had over 1,000 in credit and still have quite a large sum left over. Nothing like Christmas Shopping in March {now April}. 4. Elliana is a mischievous little thing. She loves to throw things out of my closet, and then look innocent while doing so. 5. She also almost hit world book of records the other day by sleeping almost 5 hours for her nap. 6. Homemade finger paint. Lets say it was a success. That and my porch is an unhappy camper.  7. Sleeps like a lady. Thumb in mouth. Twirling hair. Legs crossed. 8. Eats like a lady too. Not sure where she got all this proper etiquette from. But she is definitely all girl. 9. Painting pictures. I have the post ready about our painting art experience. It was so much fun, and I can't wait to share them.

10. Cousin love. My nephew came over on Friday and spent the night. With my mama. So she got to have both her grandbabies in the same room. And loving it she was. And E? Well E... I've never seen her giggle quite the way she did this weekend. It was pure bliss. 11. MK watch. So remember that gold watch I had bought a few weeks back? The Marc Jacobs one? The one I wasn't so sure of? Well it went bye bye and I brought home a MK one.. and I am definitely certain about this one. 12. Future gymnast? I see this in the works. I walked into E's room the other night and found her like this. Not going to lie, the flash made her reposition herself {which is a good thing}, but I just couldn't get enough of this picture. Or this child. 13. Crown. I had my final crown appointment. This was where they take out the temporary and put the permanent. And this appointment? Was absolutely nothing and I am so happy for that. Perhaps now I will continue going every 6 months. My sister came over to watch the baby girl while I went to my appointment, and then we spent the afternoon shopping... it was really nice to have her around, and it reminds me how much I miss her sometimes. 14. Russian Soup. My mama helped me make this the other day, and I wrote down the process so I can make it by myself in the future. This is one of my favorite beet soups growing up. Elliana of course wouldn't eat it.... not sure why not.. it is her favorite color after all. 15. Ladybug backpack. She is obsessed with it. Won't take it off for anything... even to garden. 16. Steals and deals. I went to TJMAXX yesterday with my sister and E and I picked up so many new tops, including this one. Original price: 179. I purchased it for 25. Too bad that wasn't the only thing I purchased. 17. Husband snuggles. Yay he exists! He hates when I take his picture, and I randomly snapped this one the other night when we were snuggling on the couch and he happened to look up at me. Perfect timing. 18. Beauty sleep. Elliana lately has been whining to go to bed really early. I got this text the other day from Andrew when I was on my way to work. Elliana was crying wanting to be put down. Walked over to her crib. And went to sleep. Just like that. At 645. I guess pretty girls need their beauty sleep. I need more of that myself.

Scheduled Posts
Friday: The Mean Mug
Saturday: Potato Soup Recipe
Monday: Family Day at the Zoo
Tuesday: We Wear Diamonds on our Feet
Wednesday: If Elli Could Talk edition 1
Thursday: Thursday Randoms

**If you'd like to follow our daily chaos... follow us on instagram @frommrstomama


  1. Love the shoes, and love them even more because they were free!!


  2. I'm in love with the shoes! And I have that SAME MK watch - although I feel a little bit Liberace-ish when I wear it, it's big & blingy ; ) But I love it. E's backpack is ADORABLE! Morgan's been whining lately to go take her naps...that's how I know it's time. I kinda love it, ha! Come to Cinci and we will go to the zoo, us and our girls! (Can't blame a girl for trying!)

  3. Super cute shoes, adorable pictures, and delicious looking food!
    My little guy sometimes will start fussing and go to his crib to be put to sleep on his own, those nights are very nice.

  4. love the photos.

    Eli is so cute, look like she going to be a artist!

    Check it out if you are interesting.

    I'm giving a giveaway for a design blog, the talented sisters from Truly Your blog, they will be drawing a blog something you want, with props, a draw picture that look likes you. Interesting? Go on and enter and hope to win... TODAY is the last day to enter

    Today is the last day to enter... Go on, its fun :D


  5. Oh fun finger painting! We did a painting yesterday for the first time and B loved it! We did his on a canvas so we can hang it! Can't wait to see your post! :)) Oh and that MK watch. That's the exact one I have and it's awesome! You'll love it! :)

  6. How fun! I am new to your blog and absolutely love it! Love love love the pictures and watch....have quite the collection myself :)

  7. I LOVE the MK watch much more! good choice!!

    Always love the pics of E and can't wait to read about your date!!

    Jealous of all your credit!!

    My hubby hates pics too!

  8. I'm pretty sure I liked and commented on most of these on Instagram!!

    I LOOOVEEEE (deep voice) that watch!!!

    Excited for the future posts!!!
