
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Elliana climbing out of her crib turned out to be a positive thing.


Who would have thought, that when my child, at the mere age of 20 months old, learned how to climb out of the crib, that I would be one to later say "YES!" It almost sounds absurd if you ask me. A little neurotic to the person reading this. Almost as though I have fallen off the normal people train.

You see, when you sit on the couch late at night while your family sleeps, you realize the little things that surprisingly turn out to be a positive thing in your life.

And things like my toddler refusing to nap in her crib? That right there...Positive.

You know, when it first happened, I though to myself, oh no. I also thought that it was just a phase. A one-day type phase that had come and gone. Truly. I thought this way. So when she started doing it, time and time again. Naps. Bedtime. You name it. I was quickly faced with the reality that yes, mama dear, you must do something about this.

After much shopping, browsing, and chatting with other moms that were in the same boat, Andrew and I finally settled with the day bed option. And I won't even get into the amount of money that this is costing us, because then I would have to look at numbers. And numbers? Make me nauseous.

But? It's totally worth it for my baby girl. No hesitation. Plus? It's a bed that she can grow into as a teenager. And she better.

So what do we do in the meantime? The time that it takes for the company to get our order, process our order, place our large package {or two} on a semi-truck and get it to me nice and safe in my little old home. Ah yes, that takes time. And in the meantime? We learn how to co-sleep.

I know I have written in the past about how we are an anti-co-sleeping family. Not because I don't believe in it, but because Elliana wanted no part in it. She absolutely could not sleep with us. And frankly, we never got any sleep either. So co-sleeping? I thought, was completely out of the picture. Again, mama is proven wrong.

We co-slept. Through the night. During naps. Every time those little eyes were shut for the night... it was in our bed. The problem is though, is that Elliana goes to bed at 730. And husband and I? Well we don't. And unfortunately, miss princess over here did not want us to leave the room. Which meant that either one of us, or both of us, were forced to lay in the bed with her until she fell asleep.

And then it happened. I fell in love with these moments. These times together. I cherished each nap, each bedtime. Each time I got a chance to stroke her hair. Touch her soft skin. Kiss on the most kissable tiny lips on earth.

I can't even tell you how many times I would just lay there and watch her. Times when I, too, should be sleeping myself due to work. Times that I had one hundred and one things to do on my list. But for me? All I could do is stare.

So when the big girl bed arrived? And when we put Elliana to sleep in it for the very first time? My mama heart was kind of, sort of, really broken. Because the little routine that we had going there for a couple weeks? Was now changed, yet again. And although its nice to have our bed back... there's a part of me that feels like something is missing.

And in the end.... here I sit. A crying mess, late at night, while my family sleeps... realizing that yes there are positive situations that come out of the negative. That the fact that my child learned how to climb out of her crib was in fact one of the best things to happen to us.

Because it motivated us to speed up the big girl room in the making.
Because it made us realize that our little girl was growing up.

Because it showed me that my little girl... will still forever be my little girl. Whether she's two. Or four. Or 18.

And if I want to sneak her into my bed at night sometime? Or sleep with her in her daybed? You better believe I will.

Because that girl? Is one amazing snuggler.
And I would have never known that had she never learned how to climb out of her crib.
You see what I mean?
Positive. Positive. Positive.


  1. I am so surprised that Emmy has yet to climb out of her crib... I'm waiting for the day. Her crib converts into a toddler bed. My kid is funny because she doesn't want to get out of bed! She will tell me, "No, I'm sleeping" when I try to get her up and moving at 9am! geeze... lol & yes, your little girl will be your little girl FOREVER! =)

  2. OK I could have written this post girl! I too had an early climber who was also in a big girl bed before the age of 2! While we were awaiting for her Pottery Barn Canopy Bed to arrive, a lot of convincing to the hubs ahem, we also co slept and I loved each and every moment, and I still do. Kelcee still likes me to lay in bed with her until she falls a sleep. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I stroke her hair, kiss her cheek, and as do you I just soak in my baby girl who is now a five year old in Kindergarten eeeeek but will always be my baby and I will be sneaking in that room when she is older too ha! Have you read the book "I love you forever, I like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be?" It is an awesome book to read to kiddos and it has been a tradition in our family this post reminds me of that book. I love this post and yes sweetie our little girls will be our little girls forever! love you

    1. My mom used to sing that line to me all the time. She used to read that book to me every night. I hope that one day when I have kids I can read it to them. Keep reading it to your little girl. She will always remember it!

  3. My Anna climbed out at the same time. We convert the crib for now and this month (25 months) will be putting her in a day bed so the new baby can use the crib. She transitioned very easily! Good luck!

  4. What a sweet post. I can feel the love that you have for your daughter.

  5. Snuggle that girl all you want!!! <3

  6. I can't wait to see her big girl bed in her room.

    For the past few months I have been alone with my Daughter while Hubs took a new job hours away and I finished nursing school. Instead of letting her sleep in her bassinet, I let her sleep with me and now tgat I am finished with school, we're going on night number 2 of being with Hubs as a family in our new home and I cant help but love hearing her cry at 4am and know that Hubs is fixing to go get her and bring her to bed with us. We too said co sleeping was a no no before she came, but after being in the NICU for 7 weeks we had a really hard time with her adjusting at home and the only place she would sleep was on top of our down comforter. I cherish every single moment of snuggling I can get.

  7. My 'babies' are 10 and 8 and you just motivated me to say to heck with the chores and the 1,000 things I have to do every night and take one night a week for each kid and lay with them until they fall asleep. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've done that... thank you for the reminder! <3

  8. I can't wait to see her big girl room and new bed! Kyla hasn't started climbing out of the crib yet, but I'm sure it's coming soon.

  9. i had a daybed and kept it for the longest time until i moved out! (at 19)

  10. We have always been a co-sleeping family. Not EVERY night but once Olivia came home from the NICU we knew it was right for all 3 of us. Olivia sleeps great with us, in her crib, etc. We co-sleep because Jeremy and I just want her as close to us as possible lol Even now at 15 months I still rock her in the glider at night and play with her hair until she falls asleep. I know one day she will get too old or want me to so right now I enjoy it because like you said she is my baby and she won't always be this little!! :(

  11. Oh that is really sweet Irina, I have no kids but I have been thinking about a day bed. I like to sleep on my couch and it's not the most comfortable thing so I thought why not a day bed. I think Elliana has inspired me!

  12. I have three boys the last two sleep with me I love it but my little son is still breastfeeding 5 times a night at 15 months lol. I do love it!

  13. Awww. What a sweet post. I sure wish my little girl was a cuddler. In fact I tried to get her to nap with me just this afternoon (which I NEVER do). She whined and fussed and ended up back in her crib alone, while I sent daddy to go rescue her while I really did nap. Loved this post!! Those little girl lips really are the tiniest most kissable lips ever, aren't they?

  14. I've heard so many stories of little girls that who don't want to sleep in their bed unless the parents are in the room. I'm glad you found a positive thing in this situation :)
