
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Giveaway Extravaganza DETAILED info! $643 products!

Now if that doesn't get excited, I'm not sure what does! All these items would make for great, scratch that, amazing Christmas gifts. Whether it be for your mom, sister, brother, dad, or you know what... yourself, a steal is a steal.

And $643 dollars worth of goodies to one person makes me a little, tad bit, jealous that I can't enter!

So when will this giveaway be? A WEEK FROM TODAY! Next Saturday! To kick of December. It will post at midnight. But in the meantime? I want you to meet the ladies behind this giveaway, go ahead and start following these ladies, their twitter and facebook handles, and get yourselves ahead come next week! Mark your calendars and get excited!

Wife to my dream guy, Momma to our spunky black lab Riley. Business owner, blogger, DIYer, wannabe kitchen goddess. Thankful every day for this life.

 I'm Jen and I blog at Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This. I'm a newly single mom of a 4 year old daughter named Miley and dog-mom to my English Bulldog Delilah. I currently go to school full time to get my degree in Accounting, I also work full time as a Bookkeeper at a local Business. I live in Colorado and enjoy all it has to offer including hiking and especially Snowboarding. In my free time I enjoy reading a good book, going to the movies or a concert, or going camping.

Hello, my name is Ashleigh. I am a Vegas girl, with a sweet sour tooth; but I love a "healthy" lifestyle. I have a black lab named Bogey, and he makes me smile everyday. Along with Bogey, I have the sweetest boyfriend ever who is constantly showing me what LOVE is all about. I am a brunette who, not that long ago, was a blonde; who loves the Green Bay Packers.  In my "little corner of the internet" I like to share things about my life, make up, recipes, workouts, and well whatever I feel like sharing. Grab a seat, pour a drink (and one for me) and let's chat.


First of all, I talk A LOT. Like more than a normal person should be allowed to. 
Secondly, what you are about to read you may not like.You may not agree with.
You may not want to read ever again.
You may find me annoying (look! we already have something
in common as I routinely get on my own nerves!)
You may think I think I'm full of myself because of my sarcasm - are you kidding? I have a body like Spongebob and my hair is falling out! I may joke about it but I'm aware of my flab and my flaws!
On the other hand, you may fall in love.....
Kiki La Rue.

So are you excited yet? YOU SHOULD BE! I'm excited and cannot wait to give away such amazing fun items for you!


  1. Holy cow!! That's a lot of goodies, haha! I am DEFINITELY excited :)

  2. Wow!! What an amazing giveaway!
    I would love if you checked out my giveaway too :)

  3. ooo so many great things I'll have my eye on the starbucks & a ad on your site.

  4. I'm all giddy and excited! Eeeeeek this shall be fun lots and lots of fun!

  5. SO SO excited for your giveaway!!! SO many amazing items!!! :)
