
Monday, November 19, 2012

Show & Tell; Gobble Gobble Traditions & More

This Weeks Questions: Gobble Gobble

1. Tell us about your family traditions for Thanksgiving

We don't have specific traditions for Thanksgiving except eat lots of food. We did however have Thanksgiving last year at our home and plan on doing the same thing this year. I think this will be our new little tradition. We normally eat later than most people {dinner time}, and one of our favorite things to eat on Thanksgiving is a deep fried turkey. Normally, Andrew's dad does the deep frying, but since they moved to Texas and won't be able to join us, the duty is now Andrew's. So we purchased him a deep fryer a month ago and he's got it all ready. I think it's the cutest thing ever. That and my mouth is watering just thinking about the actual turkey.

2. Tell us about your favorite foods

Would you be surprised if I started out by saying Fried Turkey? No? Okay, good. Because that definitely is one of my favorites. Next up would probably be the green bean casserole, the cranberry cream cheese spread, the potato casserole, ham, and pumpkin pie. I am seriously salivating just thinking about all these delicious things. Oh, and, how could I have forgotten the harvey salad. The big delicious green chunk of a dessert.

3. Show us a picture that reminds you of this holiday

Picture from last year's Thanksgiving where we had the best time.

4. Tell us, do you wait to decorate for Christmas before or after Thanksgiving?

Andrew has this crazy rule where we wait until after Thanksgiving. Last year, I was able to talk him into doing decorations a couple days before. This yea, I actually put up a few the week before, and the final tree and all the rest will probably be going up the day before! Still not set in stone yet. We may just have to wait until after.

5. Tell us what you are thankful for this year

There are so many things that I am thankful for. For one, I am thankful for my beautiful family, their health, love, and happiness. I am thankful for the home that we live in and that we are are able to meet our needs and our wants. I am thankful for our freedom. I am thankful to have a great career that allows me to be home with my children during the day. I am thankful for my in-laws and parents who have gone above and beyond these past couple of years. Our family in general. I am thankful for a healthy pregnancy and being blessed to be a mother of two.

Most of all, I am thankful that I am allowed the opportunity to be here today, and hopefully tomorrow, and many more years to come. To live this life and to share the world with my husband and children.

This Weeks Questions: Thanksgiving Recap

Show & Tell us about your Thanksgiving! No other questions than that. Just tell us what you did, what you ate, what was exciting, what was not. And pictures pictures pictures! ***Grab a button {copy HTML code below and paste in your HTML post}, answer the questions, link up, hop around and meet new friends!***


  1. Such a great idea - I am joining in for my first Show & Tell

  2. Such a great idea - I am joining in for my first Show & Tell

  3. Hi Becky! I'm joining in for the first time- love this idea! As you may notice on my link-up, I have a bit of a "newbie blogger handicap" and was not able to add your button to the html of my post. I even had my husband who is much more tech-savvy than I am help- but no luck. Anyway, just didn't want you to think I wasn't following the rules :-) I tried to re-create it in my own "ghetto" way by including your direct link below the saved photo of your button. I will get it right next time (I hope)!

  4. I just adore this linkup! I've always wanted to try fried turkey on Thanksgiving -- everyone raves about how delicious it is!!!

    Thanks for hosting :)

  5. for some reason I couldn't add your button with the code lol blogger hates me lol so I did it the old school way copy and pasted then hyper linked it ha! Yup the hard ole school way but I gosta pimp out my gurl lol! OK so I love your chandiler would you be a dear and spill where you got it for I am in LOVE with it!! I love that ya'll look so super happy and the fun times and drinks look endless so adorbs and baby Elli in the background PRESH!

    Just think soon Graham will be in the next picture eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

    OK so we are big sticklers on not decorating until the day after Thanksgiving lol! It's funny the hubs and our other neighbor battle who can have the most lights I try to make it elegant he goes for bright annnnnnnnnnnnnd he has borrowed our adopted family neighbors yard too hahahahah! Yes it's massive lmao think Southern Living meets Griswald hahah! OK I love your link up almost as much as I love you!


  6. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I'm really looking forward to eating this year!

  7. Hey Becky, is that last URL box supposed to create the link up logo? If so, I can never get it to work - it just shows up blank. Maybe I'm just having a blonde moment, but I wanted to mention it in case other people were having a problem as well!

  8. I tried to use the "show and tell" link up button and it isnt working for me either. It doesnt show up on the post but does show in the HTML. I used the regular grab a button and it worked fine. Just thought I would post as well since it seems many others are having the same problem.

  9. Sounds like you have some great thanksgiving traditions! this year is my first Thanksgiving and I'm excited - especially when it comes to trying all these new foods. Green bean casserole has me intrigued!!!

  10. "We don't have specific traditions for Thanksgiving except eat lots of food." You just summed up my family's Thanksgiving with your first sentence! haha, but I love that you all eat later and include your immediate family! Sounds more intimate that way. Hope it's great for you this year!
