
Monday, November 26, 2012



It's a great holiday you know. Besides the fact that you give thanks, you look around and feel blessed with what you have, and the general happiness that surrounds this day... it's just a pretty darn stinkin great holiday. This year, I was thankful that I had the day off and was able to fully enjoy it with the ones that I love.

Like last year, we decided to host again at our house. Except, unlike last year, I actually did cooking this year! My excuse before was of course the fact that I had to work that night. This time? No excuse.

So I rolled up my sleeves and dug in. Dug into the unhleathiest of unhealthy kind of recipes out there.

Sure, I probably could have found "healthier" versions of what I was cooking, like the mac n cheese and green bean casserole, but 1. The husband would kill me {not really} and 2. Thanksgiving is all about stuffing our faces. Again, obviously that's NOT what it is all about... but eating is part of the reason people enjoy this holiday so much. Wouldn't you say so?

Moving along. I cooked. I cooked and surprisingly... because these recipes were so unhealthy and called for a lot of packaged/canned items, it was much easier than I anticipated. In fact, super easy. So easy, I would call it a success.

One thing that delayed the cooking process was my sweet girl was running around the house, fell down, and bit her tongue. Accident number two of her life, and what do you know... it involves the mouth area, AGAIN. Sweet girl had to be held by mama and would not let me put her down. Of course, I soaked it all in. And when my mom came over, grandma, she snuggled up with her while I finished a couple more dishes. You can see in the pictures below. Elliana rocked like a baby. She NEVER lets us do this.

My parents ended up coming over around 1 and my sister and her boyfriend came over around 3. Dinner was served around 4, and we sat around the table stuffing our faces. And I wish I could tell you that I went in for seconds. But really? I didn't. The one plate did it for me. I hurt.

Might I add in here that the husband FRIED the turkey for the first time this year. All by himself. Usually this is his dad's tradition, and last year {even though we had it at our house}, his dad brought everything over and had the turkey ready for us. This year? FIL lives in Texas and our in-laws couldn't be there. And there was NO way we would be breaking the fried turkey tradition. So we purchased Andrew's goodies a few weeks before, which might I add this tradition cost us a pretty penny, and then Andrew did all his research. Love his soul, he was DETERMINED not to catch the house on fire. And me? I'm thankful for THAT. He was so funny, he would come in and out of the house and say "honey, we're still good." Ha. Glad to hear that we will be surviving this Thanksgiving.

I cooked too much food. Which I didn't think was possible. But it was. No one even had room for dessert we had that much food. I sent my mom home with tons of meat, and we were stuck with a refrigerator over for leftovers. Which, might I add here, I love me some Thanksgiving leftovers. But only for one day {lunch and dinner}.

And just like that, Thanksgiving was over. Which only means one thing. Christmas is not only right around the corner, but it will literally be here before we can even think twice about it. It always seems that way anyway. After Thanksgiving, everything just flies by. It's almost like we skip through the month of December. Which? To be honest with you? I don't mind at all, except for the Christmas part. I love to savor those few days with the family. It is, afterall, my favorite holiday {day} of the year.

Here is the thing though. We have a baby coming. A baby who will be full term a week before Christmas. A baby who could surprise us at any time. So that? Well that makes the time go by THAT much faster.

I'm thankful for the holidays, my family, my home, and all the things and people the Lord has blessed us in our lives. It is definitely my favorite time of year, and there is absolutely nothing out there like the holiday season.

This time next year? We will have two kiddos. Life is good.

Next Week's Show & Tell: Show off Your Christmas List & Tell us About It!!
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**Reminder: WOMEN CONNECT link up tomorrow! Starting at midnight. Get your posts ready! Click here for more details.


  1. Elliana is absolutely gorgeous!
    I love ALL the photos (as usual) especially the ones where your mama is holding E. so sweet. Glad you had the day off and got to enjoy the entire day with your family.

  2. Your pics are fabulous as always! Looks like you had a wonderful day with your family :)

  3. Omg gorgeous Elliana is breathtaking just like her mama! Now I see where she gets that gorgeous blonde hair from your mom! Those pics are precious! Bless her heart she fell, glad she is ok and looks like she had alot of TLC! That's funny about ur hubs lol sounds like something mine wld do! Glad yall survived Thanksgiving lol! Girl don't feel bad I overcooked too and we didnt even eat our late eve apple pie tradition til the next day lol! You look so beautiful you and your fam look like you should be in a magazine just gorgeous! I love ur necklace btw! Glad ur Holiday rocked ours did too! Love u!!

  4. Sooo happy you had a wonderful thanksgiving love- Elliana is getting bigger and more beautiful by the day!! I can't believe it our girls are 2! ahh!! I hope you are feeling great- I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by!! Lots of love!

  5. Happy (belated) thanksgiving! Love the photos, the second last B&W ones are especially gorgeous!
