
Thursday, November 1, 2012

The meaning behind our son's name.

I don't have some extravagant story to tell you of how my son was named. He's not the second, or the third. And he's not named after a grandfather, or ancesetor of ours. I can tell you this....his name does have a meaning to us, and we knew it was perfect from the moment we said it out loud.

Okay. Lies. We were actually debating between two names. But when we did say his name outloud? It had a nice ring to it. When Elliana said his name? We thought it was the sweetest thing our hearts could hear. And when we talked further over why this name would fit  for OUR son, we were further convinced that yes, this would, in fact, be his name.

Here is the story behind our son's name.

From the day that we saw him for the first time up on the ultrasound at our 9 week appointment, he looked like a tiny little blob with buds for arms and legs. He probably looked like any other little fetus at the 9 week mark, but simultaneously, Andrew and I looked at each other and said, "He looks like a Teddy Graham."

And without even knowing it, our son now had a a permanent nickname.
We continued to call him "teddy graham" through the beginning stages of pregnancy without even knowing that he was in fact a HE. To us... it was a nickname. But little did we know, it would mean something more.

So it made sense. When we thought of Graham. That our son would be named after the first thing that came to mind when we first saw him for the very first time. A meaning that is close to our heart. A name that was decided before we even knew it.

And when we sat down to actually talk about the name, it made even more sense. I knew in my heart our little boy was supposed to be named Graham. I could envision right there and then him running around as a toddler and me calling after him. At the same time, I could picture him as a teenager, playing sports, coming home from school and wrapping his big arms around me and saying "hey mom."

"Hi, son. Hi Graham."
And just as easily as I could picture the early years and the teenage stage, I could also see him as an adult. As a husband. A father. A hard working man. And Graham? Well it sounded so masculine. So strong. A name that seemed suiting for our son to be.

Here are a couple of things that I had found about the name. Meaning behind it. Something I will look forward to looking back at in the future.

"People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony. "

"People with this name tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. They are drawn to the arts, and often enjoy life immensely. They are often the center of attention, and enjoy careers that put them in the limelight. They tend to become involved in many different activities, and are sometimes reckless with both their energies and with money." We will ignore the reckless part ;)

There you have it. Our son's name.
Graham Jeffrey. Jeffrey after Andrew's dad, who is very important to us and someone we are so grateful to have in our lives.

His name fits perfectly in our family. HE fits perfectly in our family. And we are so excited to see his face in a couple of months!

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  1. So sweet! I love it and think it's a very strong male name. And the Teddy Graham story really does just seal the deal

  2. Aww, the story behind it is so sweet. And it's a great name; cute for a little boy, yet strong for an adult. :)

  3. Oh, I love it! We called Cameron Poppy because when we first found out I was pregnant, he was the size of a poppyseed!! That was his name until we found out he was a BOY and then we gave him a permanent name...I don't think he would have liked the name Poppy forever. ;)


  4. I love his name! I'm due just a week before you and our boys are going to have the same middle name!!!! After my dad too!

  5. Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the story of how you got his name! I had totally forgotten that you had been calling him that! It was obviously meant to be from the very beginning!

  6. Awe! I love that it isn't very common too. It's hard to find a boy name that isn't super popular, but also classic. Good choice.

  7. Graham Jeffery, it does has the perfect ring to it! I love it! Our neighbors just named their little boy Graham and that is the first time eeer second time I had heard it, I had heard it on the Bachelorette as well lol, and now your little teddy Graham! I remember from day one you calling your little guy Teddy Graham and I just love how the name grew to be his actual name! I can now see him hugging you as a teenager and you saying "Hi Son, Hi Graham, and Elli saying Graham stop it that's my boyfriend quit being all protective and stuff ha! The fact Jefferey is your hubs dads name makes it even more special! Kelcee's middle name is after the hubs and his dad the hubs dad passed of lung cancer never smoked a day in his life before Kelcee was born! I just love this name and I can't wait to see Graham's perfect little face! love you

  8. is it just so amazing how things fall into place like that. you already had his name and you didnt even know it! by the way, love the whole name, Graham Jeffery.

    the sweet life of a southern wife

  9. Graham was in our top choices as well! It sounds very nice!

  10. I love the story behind the name. When I was pregnant in the very beginning I envisioned us having a little boy named Hunter (which is the only name we had ever discussed pre-pregnancy) so even though there were other names I liked better none just seemed to fit. He was always a Hunter. Some babies just seem to pick their own names in a way.

  11. Love it and the meaning. So cute.

  12. Such a perfect story to his name! I can't wait to meet Mr. Graham Jeffrey! Did you know that Sloane is Sloane Jeffrey? :) Love it!

  13. perfect story and name. love it!!

  14. Beautiful! Absolutely LOVE IT! :)

  15. What a great story behind his name, thanks for sharing!

  16. I love the story behind his name! So sweet(: It does have a great ring to it.
    xoxo Kenzie

  17. I love the name you've picked and how cute! There's a story behind it. My bf had two names picked out for our bean, but before we knew the sex, we called him, "Baby Gunther." All my friends went crazy when they thought that's what we were going to name our baby.

    We found out we were having a boy, but unfortunately, we found out after we delivered him sleeping. We agreed on our first name, Parker Ryan. We wanted a strong name, something that would sound authoritative as he grew older.

  18. I love the way you two came up with his name. So sweet & cute! I know you both are so excited to meet the little guy! I think I can say this for all us ladies we are so excited to meet little Graham Jeffrey

  19. Love it! What a cute story too :) I can't believe you're 30 weeks's flying by!

  20. A few weeks ago you referred to him as your teddy graham and I thought I had missed it and that was already going to be his name :)
    Precious and perfect!

  21. I just absolutely love the name y'all have chosen! Graham is one of my favorite boy names :)

  22. That is such a cute story behind the name and it is such a strong name :)
