
Friday, December 14, 2012

36 week Bump Attack with a "Progress Report"

Why yes, I lost a brain cell or two when I decided that I was in the mood for heels at 9 months pregnant. And to top that off... I accessorized those beautiful boots with one active I'm-definitely-two-mom toddler. Good news? I survived. And? No one was hurt.

Moving right along.....

Well. If you follow me on twitter, instagram, or even facebook than some of this update will be old news to you. Why? Because Monday, after my doctor's appointment I posted my "progress report" for all my readers. In other words, how things are going down THERE.

So. Here is my progress report for those that are not aware.
Centimeters: 3.5
Effaced: 60%
Head: VERY low
Water: "Bulging"

Yes, I do realize that this may mean nothing in the world of when baby boy will make his arrival. To me though? What it DOES mean? Two things. That these bloody wild crazy contractions are doing something. And that my body is preparing for Graham's arrival. What it also means to me? That things could go super fast {especially after only being in labor with E for 3.5 hours}.

Other things going on this week? I think I gained 2 pounds. So I'm up to about 28 pound weight gain. Not bad, I am totally okay with this. I still fit in all my non-maternity clothes so honestly not complaining. No stretch marks. Linea Nigra {finally} made its appearance. The belly button is popping out and about to do some damage with how far its sticking out. Baby boy is super low. Lots of trips to the bathroom. Still sleeping through the night though. Have had my periods of nesting, and periods of completely wanting to do absolutely nothing {which is okay too}. Lots of braxton hicks. Lots of pressure down there.

Mucus plug? Oh what... you weren't wanting to know this kind of information? Plug your eyes. I'm about to talk about bodily discharges from the down yonder region.

Are we nervous? Andrew is. I'm doing okay. Are we excited? Certainly. Are we ready? As ready as one can get. Elliana? She loves her baby brother already. Talks about him all the time. I think she will be an amazing big sister. I say that with true confidence.

In the past couple days alone, the girls at my work noticed a "significant drop." I never even said anything. They would come up to me and comment on how much lower my belly looked. Does this mean anything? Who knows.

What I do know is that being 9 months pregnant and working in a such a high acuity critical care unit has been really tough on me. Mainly the other night when I got a new admission that was the sickest of the sick. I nearly fainted toward the end of the night. This mama just doesn't have the pep in her step like she used to.

My prediction? I still stand by the 38 week mark. Which actually happens to fall right on Christmas. Do I want him to come on Christmas? No, not really. But I do want him to come when he's ready. And this certainly is just my little prediction. But lately? I've been thinking sometime within the next week. So before Christmas.

Full Term in just a few days!!! Hello 37 weeks. You have been long anticipated!

So, I'm going to do open this up to a little prediction test here. Put in your dates and times! Whoever is the closest will win a medium AD space on my blog.


  1. My guess is December 20 at 5:30 AM! :) Good luck girl!!

  2. My guess is December 21st at 8:30am

  3. My guess is December 19th at 10pm! Hope it all goes great for you! He will be beautiful.

  4. 4:30am on December 19th :) Good luck whenenver he decides to enter this crazy world!!

  5. My guess is December 23 at 7 am :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I saw the pic on instagram and you def dropped! Very exctiting! I can't imagine the anticipation as you go from a family of three to four!

    I am going with a little later January 3rd at 2 p.m.

  8. Im going to go completely opposite on this one and say you will have baby Graham on January 12. My pregnancy was super similar (boy, carried low, was 3.5 cm dilated a month before my due date, hated grilled food, etc) and my baby boy didn't come until 3 days late. Just a guess :). January 12, 8:38 am

  9. My guess is December 30th around 1am.
    I'm hoping its not christmas eve or day for you either!

  10. I'm guessing December 27th (just because that's my birthday). 5.06pm

  11. I'm guessing 12/22/12 at 12:22pm! Just for fun!!! Yay...can't wait to hear all about Graham's arrival!

  12. Praying you go past 37 weeks. Pierce came at 37 weeks and was in the NICU for 20 days. I'm not saying that everyone with a baby born at 37 weeks will have our outcome, but I get so nervous when people want their babies, or have their babies at 37 weeks. The NICU nurses said that babies born at 36 weeks and 38 weeks do great. There's some transition that occurs in their lungs at 37 weeks that causes a lot of those babies to end up in the NICU.
    And, our 37 weeker was called preemie, because he went to the NICU. Had he not they would have said he was fullterm. NICU taught us that 38 is full term.
    Praying for a healthy baby.

  13. December 19th at 7:14 pm...good luck mama!

  14. December 19th at 7:14 pm...good luck mama!

  15. I am picking 12/21 just cause that's my daughters birthday.
    Time: 5pm

  16. I had a dream you put a Facebook message up that you were 9 cm at your appointment, ha ha, so random.

    How long are you taking off for your maternity leave? Do you plan to continue working nights? I can't even imagine how you would do it...although you seem to have endless amounts of energy so I'm sure you can!

  17. December 20th at 11:43 AM Can't wait to see pics of the little man!

  18. Dec 23 2:23pm those numbers are significant to our baby girls arrival ...

  19. He is going to be here so soon!! How exciting! A Christmas baby!!!
    I predict the 27th at 8:00 pm!

  20. December 26 at 4:30pm :) I actually had a dream about you being in labor the other day... signs I read your blog too much?! LOL!! Good luck!!

  21. Good luck in the home stretch!! My prediction is the 20th at 3pm!

  22. December 27 @ 9:45 am. :)

    Fingers crossed!

    Good Luck!!

  23. I will guess - December 27th 3:05 pm
    Mine will be exactly 5 months then :)

  24. Gosh, we're at the exact same place almost as far as "down there" goes - I'm 37 weeks now and 3 cm, 75% effaced, baby super-low! It's kind of freaking me out actually - every time a get a bit of pain down low I'm afraid my water is about to break or something! Excited to read about your little guy's arrival. :-)

  25. I think I'm about to put in the earliest prediction?
    December 17th 7:20 am

    Hurry little babe!

  26. SO exciting! You look so fabulous mama, even though I'm sure you probably don't feel like it. I can't believe he is almost here! Emma's first birthday is December 27th so I'll make that my prediction...maybe they will share a birthday :)

  27. I'm gonna guess 12/30/12 at 4:51pm because that's the exact day and time my son will turn one!

    That's my fun guess, my real guess is 12/21/12 at 9:30am.

  28. I'm going to guess 12/26/12 11:30AM

  29. my guess is December 26th @ 3:30pm (this way you get one last christmas as a family of three! lol)
    the sweet life of a southern wife

  30. December 23 at 6:23 birthday :)

  31. December 22 at 3:00pm

    Good luck!

    Kate @ Raising the Rogers

  32. Wow! You're almost there!! My daughter was born Dec 16, it's a good month to have a birthday.

  33. I'm saying Christmas aftenoon since you're such a fan of the holiday! 12/25 @ 2:45pm.

  34. December 17 at 7:45p. You must be getting so excited!!!

  35. My guess is December 26th @ 3:37pm.

  36. December 27th 10:03 AM :) I am just so excited for you!!!!!
