
Friday, December 21, 2012

Bump Attack; 37 weeks

I am still here guys! Obviously if you follow me on twitter, instagram, or facebook you know this already. Speaking of being up to date, if you would like to know firsthand when the "big moment" happens be sure to follow me here on twitter, facebook, and instagram {@frommrstomama}.

Okay okay. Lets talk about this week. What happened. What didn't happen. What is happening.

First and foremost, I had my doctor's appointment on Monday. Details? I am 4.5 centimeters {I know I know, how is this even possible}, 75% effaced, and head is engaged and water bulging {as we already knew}. Mucus plug gone {TMI, I know}. Does this mean anything? Again, no in the case of when he will arrive. It just means my body sure is preparing. It's a waiting game at this point. The baby could come Tomorrow. Or the next day. Or not for another 2 weeks.

Well, we know it won't be another 2 weeks. I will be able to go to the hospital at 39 weeks {in a week and a half} at the latest. So? 10 days until we meet baby at the most! 10 days!

Moving along. I have always predicted that he would be here around 38 weeks. Which is right at Christmas. However, I am thinking {hoping} we will be able to celebrate the holidays and meet baby boy after wards? Even if it were the next day? What do you say Graham.

Another prediction? Baby boy will arrive on his papa's birthday. Which is? Sunday the 23rd. You see, the hubby is very adamant about that being the one day the baby doesn't arrive. Why? Because he already has to share his birthday with the CHRISTmas, and now to add his son on the list? Poor guys birthday will completely be forgotten then. I assured him this wasn't the case though.

So enough prediction talk {I'm just going to jinx myself} how was this week?

Terrible. Ha. No seriously. The amount of contractions that I have had since Monday alone {after my appointment} is just ridiculous. And intense. But of course nothing regular. I don't even count then, time them, or anything. Which I probably should because things could go pretty fast once the big L starts. Real fast.

We haven't talked about this on the blog... but what if. What if I had the baby at home. Or in the car.

I would totally be the girl yelling at my husband while he is driving {insanely fast}... "AAANNDREWWW #@%$% he's coming he's coming!"..... all while trying to hold his head in.

Picture THAT.

Happy 37 {and a half} weeks baby Graham.


  1. It's so close, congrats!! I still have about five and a half weeks until my due date!

    - Chloe

  2. holy cow! 4.5cm dialated! new commenter here, though ive followed for awhile. hoping you either get to celebrate christmas at home with your new little one or he waits until after!

  3. Not too much longer, girl! I am also a new commenter here...and a fairly new follower! I'll be praying that ya don't have to spend Christmas in the hospital! Either way...if the baby were to come on will never have to buy birthday AND Christmas gifts for him. can roll it all in one!

    * Jennifer *

  4. So exciting! From my recent experoence, second babies come much faster, so get to timing those contractions Mama! I requested to follow you on Instagram. My username is mrsv722.

    Can't wait to meet Graham!

  5. I've never had a baby, and I simply can't imagine what it must feel like to be walking around and doing stuff while dilated to 4.5 cm.

  6. I can't believe he's almost here!! :)

  7. I had my baby girl last year on Christmas Day! Still got to open presents with the family, all while suffering through contractions... Never expected her to come ON Christmas Day! Good luck!

  8. 4.5 cm? Wow! That's like basically early labor combined with your contractions. I'm excited for you. ;)

  9. I was over 4 cm dialated for WEEKS and put on modified bedrest. My water broke IN MY SLEEP at 36 weeks and baby arrived umm SOON after arriving at the hospital on our wedding anniversary. What I am trying to say is, we have no control over when they decide to arrive. I hope he comes EXACTLY when he is supposed to whenever that may be :) and your family has a wonderful joyous holiday season, either celebrating the birth or anticipating the birth!

  10. SO exciting!! Can't wait to see pictures of that sweet baby soon!! :)

  11. I can't believe you are so close to your due date! I feel like your pregnancy FLEW by, but then again I was just reading about it, not living it. And OMG! how are you walking around at 4.5 centimeters!!! Crossing my fingers that Graham cooperates with your schedule!!!

  12. bahahaha! I love it! Hopefully he comes right after the holidays for you so that you can celebrate and then have your sweet little boy. :-)

  13. You're so cute!!!! Sounds like he is ready to come out. Hopefully you can make it through the holidays! :)

  14. Also a new commenter... I've been reading your blog for a couple months, I have to say it's definitely given me baby fever. I'm sure whenever the baby comes you will have lots of stories and happy memories to tell, plus that would be such a great present for your little girl to get a brother on Christmas! Best wishes!

  15. First off- you look AMAZING!!!! And I feel for the hubs because Julianna shares a birthday with my grandmother and as lovely as it is- she takes precedent and rightfully so (respect the elders right?), I think you are primed and ready love- any day now- keeping you in my thoughts-what a perfect Christmas gift though!! XOXO

  16. Good luck!! Hope all goes smoothly!!

  17. How exciting! I'm interested to see if you have a Christmas baby!

  18. Ahhhh, you are so close!! I can't believe you are already so dilated!! Praying for y'all!!
