
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Crafts with the kiddos

Every Tuesday, Elliana and I try to make it to toddler time {crafts and story time} at the library. Most of the time we are successful in getting there, but sometimes of course things come up. And then there are days {like today 11.27.12} where we had every intention of going, got ourselves all ready, and then found out that toddler time was not happening at the library that day. Due to a by week. I know what you are thinking. Is this football or something?

Anyways, so what's a mama to do when it's freezing out and we are all cooped up in our house? She whips out all the craft material that she can find in the closet. And uses her non-crafty brain. And comes up with some brilliant idea.

Really? Not that brilliant. Construction paper, scissors, and a glue bottle does the trick. Never fails.
So we were able to make a snowman, a christmas tree, and even a cookie for santa {per toddler request}.

The great thing about these crafts is, not only does my toddler enjoy it and squeals with excitement, but also it gives us an opportunity to "talk" and to learn. We count the ornaments. We talk about the colors. We talk about the number of chocolate chips that are on the cookie. And sure, my daughter already knows these things, but it's never a bad thing to keep reinforcing all these things that are wrapped in our babies' brains.

Plus, she is becoming a pro at the glue part. "Squeeeeeeeze." She even holds her breath as she concentrates on getting the glue out. Makes me laugh, of course.

Other crafts that I have found on pinterest that we can't wait to try are shown at the very top {we have actually already done the snowman one, see image above}. I chose crafts that were 1. Easy to do with toddlers, 2. Keep them entertained, and 3. Doesn't require steps or instructions. In fact, I have not provided any instructions, because if my anti-crafty self can look at it and figure out what to use, I have confidence that you will too!

In no time, we will have all of the Christmas crew plastered on our fridge. And that?
That's one of my favorite parts of being a mama.


  1. How adorable!!!! I think it's so great that you take her to the library to do crafts...she must love it!!

  2. Super cute Santa. Tuesdays are our library day, too. But, my boys are still in "lapsit"...we'll graduate to crafts and stories soon when they turn two. Looking forward to it! These are some great ideas. Might have to try to get the glue out with my two. Wish us luck. :) Love for you to share this post with us at my Season's Best {Christmas} Link-Up...

    Thanks so much and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Holli :)

  3. Oh my gosh, these are adorable!! Such a good little mommy :)

  4. I can't until my son is old enough for crafts. I loved doing stuff like this when I was younger.

  5. I seriously love these craft ideas!! Can't wait to do some this weekend w Olivia!! :)

  6. These ideas are SO adorable!!! I want to make them myself!
    -Kelly (your newest follower)

  7. Crafts with the kiddos are always a blast! I have a ton of ideas for the month of December! Makes me feel like a kid again!

  8. we did some too, I did the feet/hand print year she will be a bit older so we can tackle these! I love all the fun things you do w. E
