
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Life Lately & Blog Related Updates

Where do I even begin with life? I know I used to do these sort of posts once a week, but now I find myself only updating about once a month. I think, overall, I keep this blog pretty much updated with the major important things. But sometimes? Sometimes? It's nice to just sit down and write random. Because the mundane day-to-day things are just as important.

So. To begin with. LIFE IS GOOD. Thanksgiving was wonderful {as I had written about} and we feel really truly blessed and thankful for all that is going on in our lives. Now that one holiday has passed us, we are busy getting ready for the next. The big one. The one I crave and love the most. And with the baby {possibly} coming this month, we have a lot of things to check off the list for the holidays before we get caught off guard. You know, by labor.

As you can tell, my belly has been growing growing growing. If you want to read more about my pregnancy, I write my bump attack posts every Friday. For the most part, I have been feeling good. But... I have to say, definitely feeling very pregnant and having more pain than I ever did with Elliana. I will be 35 weeks here in a couple days and that means the countdown begins. I'm sure most of you are wondering about this nursery update. I have decided to hang up canvases above the baby's bed, and these will have to be of him. That meaning? I obviously cannot show pictures of the nursery until he is here. So that will be the update on his room. But, let me just say one thing. I LOVE IT. It's really turning out even better than I had expected.

Elliana's second book came that I ordered. Which brings us to a total of 5 books for E's first 5 months of life. Let's just hope that I keep up with the second one like this.

My backup hard drive went out on me the other day. Yes, the one just purchased a little over a month ago. And guess what? All my pictures are gone from it. Sure, all of them are loaded on my facebook account... however those aren't the original files. So when I go do Elliana's albums down the road? I'm out of luck. I can't express enough how upset this makes me. What's the point of a back up hard drive if you just lose it all? And before any one asks... yes, we tried contacting the company. Yes, we tried taking it to best buy. It's all gone. So? We purchased a different one. Hopefully this one serves us with better luck... but I still worry.

Our house is decked out in Christmas decorations and I absolute love it. Our tree is up {the day after Thanksgiving}, and Elliana's tree is up as well. She loves the Christmas tree. She also adores the 2 Santa Clause's on her dresser. And? Girlfriend sings christmas songs all day every day. Clearly, she is my daughter.

Speaking of being my daughter. We went out to eat the other day and when Elliana and I were walking to the bathroom this group of older couples kept saying how "cute and adorable that little girl was" and then I heard one of them say "look they both have dark hair, and she has such blonde hair!"  Yes, I can hear you. And yes, this is my child.

We have been doing tons of crafts and "christmas" activities at home. I have a post ready and scheduled about this, be on the look out! But seriously? I'm loving this time of year.

See that Santa picture in the top right hand corner? Yesterday we went to the Children's Museum {love having a membership} and I had no idea that Santa was going to be there. So we got our pictures taken, purchased the cutest snowball with the picture in it, and checked off another thing on our "Christmas preparation list." Elliana of course didn't say a single word to Santa Claus. She sat there as stiff as can be. That girl of mine.

I purchased my girl a handbag at the grocery store the other day. I won't say any more on that topic.

And as far as getting ready for this baby, I have to say that I accomplished a lot this week by washing all his clothes, washing the car seat {still need to install} and getting some last minute things purchased for him {like mittens, and hats, and booties... things I completely forget babies needed}.

Lastly, lets shift gears here and talk blog related topics.

To start off with, Women Connect 2012. Absolutely amazing. If you have not gotten a chance to read these stories, please do. So many amazing stories. On love. Loss. Depression. The good and the bad. Women pouring their hearts out. So many bring me to tears. I cannot wait to do this again next year! It was so refreshing to read people opening up. And I'm trying to put together a tab on my top navigation bar that will have the links to all the stories. I'm hoping that it will work even when the link-up closes. Hoping.

The large and amazing $643 in prizes giveaway was posted on my blog on Saturday! Have you entered? Go here and check it out. One winner! Amazing things including $100.00 to starbucks, canvas print, Kiki La Rue, Popsugar, handbag, jewelry, and ad space!

Deals of the week will post later on today! Have any great deals? Share!

Show and tell us about your Christmas List is scheduled and ready for midnight tomorrow. Tell us all you want for Christmas!

Other posts scheduled:
Vtech Monitor Review {and goody basket giveaway}
Sponsor Highlight Post December
Christmas Crafts with the Kiddos
Our Upstairs Bath Remodel
A Day in the Life
Bump Attack 35 weeks
Summer highlight post
Boys will love on you {guest post}
Lessons learned from Motherhood {guest post}
Our Favorite Kid Approved Apps
Remembering Childhood
Bump Attack 36 weeks
Deals of the Week
Snapbox post & Giveaway
A Moment in Motherhood
Mailpix Review & $100 giveaway
College Savings for our Kids

There you have it. The updates of all updates. It's nice to not have a scheduled post, push things kind of the way and just jot down some things going on lately. That's what blogging is about right? 

The random. The mundane.


  1. Girl, you're such a rockstar! How do you find the time to be such a good mama and wife AND still have all of these wonderful posts scheduled?! xoxo

  2. I always enjoy reading your posts. I'm very excited for you, that baby #2 will be coming soon. I've been reading your blog, before Eli was born- and it's crazy how you're now on baby #2! :)

  3. Oh no! I'd be so upset about the pictures too :-( Good luck with baby #2 coming soon!

  4. Start backing up your pictures online. I use shutterfly. Yes, it's a pain in the butt and takes forever. But it is totally worth it.

  5. Oh, you should try cloud storage. Like skydrive or Google. It stores things online so it cannot fail. Awesome and easy and cheap. Do it!

  6. I started backing up to two hard drives after I lost everything once. Now, I back up to a hard drive and to carbonite (cloud storage). It's decently priced, and you can access the stuff from anywhere (so if your house got burglarized, you could access it from a new computer and restore the whole thing). It gives me a lot of peace of mind. I wouldn't recommend Shutterfly because you can't get the same quality of photos back when you try to re-download them! So sorry this happened! It's so depressing to lose something like that!

  7. Congrats girl on your successful Women Connect! It was so great!! :)

  8. That is so unfortunate about your pics!!! Same thing happened to us! Our external drive told us everything was saved and we would look on there and the pics would be there and then all of the sudden we couldn't access them! It has been devastating! I started doing the "old school" way and burning discs with pics. It is a pain BUT at least I know they are saved and it makes things easier since they are dated and I can go back and look at the pics by date and use them to make books online!

  9. Im so sorry about your photos! :((((
    I always ALWAys make a disc for each month .... AND put them on the backup! That way if something happens to the backup i can load from disc to a new backup! :(((
    but im glad everything else is going good! :)

  10. I've had my hard drive go out on me...twice! I know exactly how you feel. I was able to have it recovered - pretty costly, but if the photos are worth it to you, it's worth a try sending it in for a free estimate. I can find the cards from the 2 different companies I used if you'd like. I have learned to make CD backups of JUST my photos almost every month. You can buy some cheap 4GB CD stacks at Costco or Sam's :)
