
Friday, December 28, 2012

Pregnant [number two] Woman Problems

I was at work the other night, and as my shift was getting ready to end and I am sitting at the computer patiently waiting for the clock to turn to 7, I start getting a lump in my throat. And then the hand goes over the mouth. And then I say... "Oh my, I think I'm going to throw up."
Next thing I know, I'm in the restroom, vomiting, and I'm pretty sure I peed my pants at the same time.
I can't tell you how many times this pregnancy I have stepped on blocks. Or puzzle pieces. Or toys that all have sharp edges, and make me want to say "Jimmity Cricket" except the other words we are no longer allowed to say in the house... all while the toddler snickers at me.
Wich brings me to my next topic of discussion. Chasing balls down the driveaway. You see, my sweet precious princess thinks that it is quite entertaining to watch mama chase balls down the driveaway that she conveniently throws. Intentionally. And once? This ball chasing caused me to make a big plummet backwards onto the ground.
Speaking of ground, I must have recently lost my balance because I will randomly get all sorts discombobulated and fall. Like the other day when carrying the toddler back to the house {from our little play date down the street} and all of a sudden one of my legs decided to go the opposite direction of the other, and down I went. Skinned knees and all.
The heartburn is so over the top this time around, that I promise you, at times, I feel like I am going to turn into a dragon and shoot fire. No exaggeration there.
The stabs in the... you know area. What is all that about. Not jabs. STABS. Like with a knife. Twisting and turning. That's what it feels like anyway.
So what have I learned this time around? That being pregnant the second time around is quite different from the first.

No more laying around during the day watching reruns of the baby story with a drink and a snack in hand. Dozing off for naps. Surfing the net. And most of all? Propping my legs up.

No feeling"cute" and energetic as I did the first time.
No more quiet. No more

But? I'm just as grateful, blessed, and excited for this bundle of joy as the first and the next. 
Next?! Yes. I just went there. A post for the future.


  1. There is a big difference, no doubt! I remember thinking the same thing 8 years ago. My body felt worn out and run down, girl couldn't get a break!!! The blessing was still the same at the end...a beautiful baby to cuddle and treasure!

  2. I think thats why with #2...i only gained half the weight i dd with #1 bcause i was chasing a toddler around all day more napping or baby story...LOL

  3. Oh gosh, I bet it is exhausting chasing around a toddler while pregnant! I bet you're awesome at it though :)

  4. Girl pregnancy suits you you looked just as gorgeous with this pregnancy as you did with Ellianna! Kelcee loved the delibertally throwing the ball down the driveway game I can relate to the off balanceness not pregnancy no 2 wise but no muscle strength wise and this momma has took many tumbles after that ball while precious toddler snickers again haha! Yup skinned knees and all! I have no idea where all that heartburn came from girl Graham didn't come out with a fro like we all thought lol! He is beyond gorgeous and I betcha the stabs in the vjj area was because you were carrying low I betcha he was kicking down there owie!

    I can't believe you just said the #3after just having #2 lol hahahahaha girl you are gonna have like ten babies aren't ya lol?

    love you mean it hug the babies for me!


  5. I can relate to so many things you said here... There's no 'relaxing' the 2nd time around and the down there pains; God awful the 2nd time around. I told my hubs over and over how I wish the bone would just break to relive the pain and pressure :) Oh the joys! :)

  6. Love your honesty! Just think...he's almost here!

    And uh...I still vomit just about every day and yes, now I pee my pants a little too.

    LOL, glad I have someone else to relate to with this! :)

  7. Number two is most certainly different. I can't believe how exhausted and achy I feel! I bet you're happy he is here!!

  8. I definitely don't feel as cute as the first time. Congrats again on baby Graham.

  9. Bless your heart mamma! I feel so bad for you... Tell little miss to be a bit nicer :) & from the way it sounds little mr needs to be nice too lol!

  10. Second pregnancy is HARD on the body....
    And Id love to say it is easier once here. Thankfully pregnancy is over and there's a sweet baby to enjoy...but there's still little down time...bc the nights up don't result in sleeping there's a toddler to play with all day! It's a journey, but a blessed one...full of sleepless days and nights! Congrats on G's arrival! Xoxo

  11. Lol, this post totally made me laugh. I, too, am expecting my second. It's definitely different this time around. I remember sitting around, relaxing, watching a baby story with snacks and a bottle of water years ago, LOL.

  12. Exactly! Expecting my second right now and have a 17 month old that I'm chasing around... Your post are my thoughts exactly!!
