
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saving Memories in a Boxed Canvas. AND A GIVEAWAY!


With Christmas right around the corner, my shopping tendencies at its all-time high, and my to-do list extending longer than ever anticipated, I find myself forgetting to buy for one of the most important people in my life. You know, the dear husband of mine.

I'll overhear him randomly say he needs "shoes" or "a shirt" and so forth, but then once Christmas actually nears us, I frantically panic at the fact that I hadn't gotten him a gift yet that is of sentimental value. I know it's Christmas and not an anniversary, persay, but I think it's still important to get the love of my life something of meaning. It's just something we like to do.

So when I was given the opportunity to choose 3 prints to pick to get framed from Snapbox as a gift, I knew exactly who it would be for. And of what.

You see, Andrew always talks about how the large prints in our home are overpowered by our daughter. I mean, she is the center of our lives, so it makes sense. But I know that he enjoys seeing pictures of just us. Our love. Our special memories.

The images that I decided to work with for this special gift are from our wedding day. One of the most important days of our life and the moment that we became a family of two. Everyone always talks about how meaningful and beautiful their wedding day was, but I think ours was extra special because of the fact that it was just the two of us. So anytime we reflect back on the images of this day, no one else can chime in and talk about it. Just me and him. And that? That's something we get to share with just one another.

This was my first experience with Snapbox, and I have nothing but great things to say about it. You choose the images that you want to enlarge and email them to the company. I thought maybe this takes a day or two of processing. Oh no, I had a response within 10 minutes stating that my images were ready for viewing.

The next step is deciding sizes. What I really appreciated about Snapbox is that I could see my images in the designated sizes and compare them to one another. So it gave you a perspective of size differences and where the sizes would work best for in your home. Of course, for me, the bigger the better. So all three boxed canvases that I had chosen were in 11x14

I received an email just a couple days later stating that my order had shipped. And what do you know, it arrived at my doorstep in less than a week!

As far as price goes, I think they are competitively well priced, especially for the quality. Unlike canvas prints, this comes in a sort of box that appears will last us for many years down the road. I was definitely impressed by the quality and it exceeded my expectations in that area.

Lastly, one of the most important parts of the images is the quality of the print. I always upload my images in their original format, and therefore like to see them in real life reflecting all the details that are most important to me. Especially since it is a gift. And let me tell you, when I received this? My mouth literally did drop. I have tons of canvases in my home, but nothing like this!

Now that I have them, I am so excited and it's hard to resisit myself from getting these to him early. I cannot wait to wrap these up and Andrew to open them on Christmas day. And I am definitely looking forward to making more of these for gifts from Snapbox in the future.

And I have even better news. Today, one of you will get a chance to win 3 boxed canvas prints of any size you choose with free shipping! Again, these would make fabulous gifts for that special someone, grandma or grandpa, or even for yourself to personalize your home.

Use the rafflecopter below to enter and good luck!! The giveaway will run for 2 days {just so you have time to order and get the items before Christmas}. I will email the winner when the giveaway ends with the promotional code and announce via facebook/twitter! Be sure to follow along!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would get 3 pictures of my son it would be the perfect gift for his great grandparents.

  2. Definitely for me! One of my daughter and 2 family ones for the bedroom. :)

  3. I would get wedding pictures! I only have one in our house from our wedding!!

  4. I would get one of my daughter, one of my son, and a family one...and keep all three for us to display in our home :)

  5. It would be a gift for myself. I would get one of the family, one of my son and one of my daughter.

  6. I also would get pics of the hubs and I for our bedroom. Like you said our house is full of pictures of our daughter and hardly any of us. That has to change!

  7. 3 photos would be our wedding photos one of us, his side & my side.

  8. I would definitely have to keep these for myself! I've been wanting something like this to redecorate but I'm always spending my money on gifts for everyone else, so this? This would be all for me! :)

  9. I would do them of our children and then keep one for us and the other 2 would go to grandparents. what a neat idea!!
    Jamie Pennington

  10. Great giveaway, just in time for christmas. I would give one to my mom of our little girl. The second would be one of my and the bf a d the third I would do one of our family pictures!

  11. I would get some prints from our engagement session to hang up in our future apartment!

  12. It would be a gift or myself and I would get a pic of each of my girls

  13. I would get a newborn picture of each of my 3 kids. I have no canvas' and to have ones of my kids would be amazing- so they would be for me!

  14. I would either get pics of my two year old and her new cousin for my parents or do pics of our little family of three to have in our house. Such a fun idea!

  15. I absolutely LOVE these!!! I would give them as a gift to my special guy as well, we only have ONE picture of the two of us alone and giant photos of the kiddos everywhere else.

  16. These are wonderful! I'd love to have canvas prints of our Bahamas wedding.

  17. these would be perfect for our new house! i think i would choose to use our family picture and then one of each of my daughters!

  18. I would choose 3 wedding pictures from our wedding almost 2 years ago. I have yet to put any up on the walls (terrible of me!), and I'd love to start with these!

  19. For my new hubby of course! We just got married 2 weeks ago and it would be perfect timing right before xmas!

  20. I would keep the three for me and put in my husband and two daughters.

  21. As a recent newlywed {09.15.12} I'd pick some of our wedding photos for sure! And I'd probably gift them to my hubby :)

  22. I would get them for myself and pics of my daughter

  23. I would get some of my daughter and some of our family and keep them for ourselves!

  24. I would do a picture of each kid and a family photo. These would look great with the updates to our home!

  25. I would get 3 wedding photos, since after 5 years we just received the digital copies (nightmare). Our anniversary is on the 22 - would love to finally have some wedding photos in our house.

  26. I would get 3 wedding photos, since after 5 years we just received the digital copies (nightmare). Our anniversary is on the 22 - would love to finally have some wedding photos in our house.

  27. I would order 1 for me 1 for my mom n 1 for my mother in law of my new baby to be displayed proudly.

  28. I would either do wedding or engagement photos. They would both look so elegant in those boxes. :)

  29. I would love this for our family pics!

  30. I think I would do a baby pic of my son and a wedding photo. I do not know what the third one would be. I love pictures so I am not sure how I will just pick 3.

  31. I would get photos of us and our baby!

  32. I think I would have to keep this for myself ;) Hmm, maybe some wedding pictures or recent pictures that we had done!

  33. I would get three pictures of our baby girl! I've been wanting to update the pictures around our house since she was born but just haven't had the time to do it. This would be perfect! :)

  34. I would do two pics of my son and one of me and the hubs.

  35. I would definitely use this for my family pictures, but I would share the love. My dad never puts up pictures unless you send it preframed, and these would be perfect!

  36. I'd get one of each of my babies. I'm not sure if i'd gift it or keep it though.

  37. My grandpa passed away this year and my grandmother recently moved in with my mom, so I would use 3 pics of them together for her new room. This is a great giveaway! Love your pics!

  38. Would do the same for my hubby!! He needs some pics for his office! Love your bog!

  39. I would do this for my grandparents. They would love it!

  40. I would get one of my wedding & the other two of my boys. I'd keep the wedding one & gift the ones of the boys :)

  41. I would get either our wedding photos or our daughter's newborn photos. And they'd be for me!

  42. I would probably do this for myself! They would look great in my new office!

  43. I would do this for myself. Three great pictures from my fiance and I, to display at the wedding!

  44. I would do this for myself and my husband! I would get a picture from our wedding, one of our daughter, and one of our whole family. They would look great on our mantle!

  45. Definitely can relate with having more baby pictures than couple pictures. I would definitely do the same as you and have some wedding photos printed to put up in our bedroom. Where we have nothing on the walls currently.

  46. I would get a picture of each of my girls, and one of me with them for my husband for his birthday in January!

  47. My wedding photo and my 2 sons photos for my husband.

  48. I would get a photo done of each of my kids! :) I would keep them for myself and hang them up on my gallery wall!

  49. I would get a portrait done of all three of my boys :D

  50. I would get our family pictures done for my husband and I. He has been saying he would like us to change out the pictures in our upstairs hallway, and I think these would be GREAT!! :)

  51. I would get 3 pictures for my dad. In the last 2 years both his parents passed away. I would get 1 of him and his mother, one of his father and him, and one of all 3 of them.

  52. I would select three of my favorite pics from our recent family/maternity photo shoot. I have a sweet three year old daughter and I am expecting a baby boy on Jan. 6th! I am so excited about this chapter of our lives, and I would give these prints to my husband since he said the money we spend on the photo shoot was the best investment we have ever made!

  53. I have always wanted to get canvas prints done but they are not currently affordable for us- this would be a great gift to ourselves this year! I would get three pictures of our new little family- from a newborn picture, six month, and 1 year old. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  54. I would get 3 pictures of the engagement pictures I just took with my fiance! :)

  55. One of my nephew and one of each of my nieces love this giveaway

  56. I would probably do three pictures of our yard and barn for the dining room. Our big wall is empty because I need something really big to put there!

  57. Just bought our first house, and I've been wanting canvases of our bride & groom portraits for the master bedroom. This would be perfect!!! :)

  58. We are moving the end of January & I would use it for myself to frame a picture from my wedding day, one of my daughter the day she was born & our first family photo.

  59. I would get pictures of my younger brother and myself for my sweet, sweet mom!

  60. I think I would have to give them to myself :) I really like your idea of wedding or engagement pictures. It would be a great gift though as well!

  61. The three pictures I would get would be our wedding pictures. One of us, one with our wedding party, and one with the family. I would give the family one to And the other two would be rocked in our offices :)

  62. I would do wedding pictures! Amazing looking and an awesome addition in anyone's home!!,

  63. I would do wedding, maternity and newborn for my three. Great giveaway!!

  64. I would also do wedding pictures and it would be to keep for our house!

  65. I would probably get wedding pictures as well! It would be a gift to my husband =)Great giveaway!

  66. I would get three pictures from our wedding. One for each set of parents and one for us!

  67. I just took some awesome [Christmas] pictures of my newborn and would LOVE to have some 11x14 prints of them. While I'd probably want to keep all three, I would keep one while giving the other two to each set of his grandparents. :)

  68. Love these! Would be perfect for our living room!

  69. I would buy this for my husband and use pictures from our last photo shoot in Chicago!

  70. I would keep it for myself and get our professional pictures that we just got done!

  71. Oh my word, my house is full of canvases, but none that are boxed like this!!! I would love one!

  72. Whooops clicked post to fast.... totes for me, and I would put a wedding pic, a baby pic, and a family pic!

  73. I'd choose pictures of my girl to give to each of her grandparents!!

    They're so cute!

  74. I wold actually do somethings very similar to what you did for our master bedroom!!

  75. Would love to have them for our master bedroom!

  76. I would get one from our wedding and a couple of our newborn daughter when she arrives in February!

  77. I would get a picture of my son when he was first born and then the two pictures of my husband and I holding him for the first time.

  78. I would get one printed for my fiance so we have a nice one whenever we get a place together, one for my grandparents of us, and probably keep one for myself ;) oops!

  79. I would get prints of our son done for us, his, two sets of grandparents. This is cute!

  80. I'd have to pick pictures from our wedding. However we got married in the days of film so I don't know how well I could get a print done. I would totally keep them for me!!!

  81. I would get these photos for my mom because she misses my brother and I so much as we no longer live at home!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  82. I think I would do a combination of wedding pics/pics from honeymoon, pics from now. We are redecorating the master bedroom so these would be perfect!

  83. I think I would do a combination of wedding pics/pics from honeymoon, pics from now. We are redecorating the master bedroom so these would be perfect!

  84. I would love pictures of our son for our new home!

  85. I would give them as a gift of the family together, my 3 kids together and just me and my husband.I would send them to relatives upstate.

  86. I would get pictures of my husband and I, since having Pierce our world revolves around him and I think it'd be nice to show that we had a love before baby!

  87. I love these they look so finished & classy!! I NEED to order some asap they would look perfect in our new bedroom!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I would use some of our wedding pictures! And I would totally keep them for myself for our new house!

  90. I would get pictures of my new fiance' and myself to put in our apartment!

  91. I would love to get 3 photos of my girls! Thanks for the chance! :)

  92. I would get pictures from my wedding... or maybe pictures from our up-and-coming photo session!

  93. I would get our first family pictures taken this fall to decorate our entry way!

  94. These are Amazing and I would get them for myself and would use them for pictures of our family!

  95. I would get it for myself. I dont have enough photos up in my house.

  96. I would probably do our wedding day as well because I feel bad we have a million pictures of our daughter and our little girl due in Feb will have no wall space left!

  97. i would get one of our wedding, one of my maternity, and one of us finally as a family of three, and then I would wrap them up for the hubs!
    the sweet life of a southern wife

  98. I would get some of our family pictures done so I can put them in our living room!

  99. I would get one of just J & I, one of our family of 3 and one of just Cruz for our stairway. So cool!!

  100. I love these canvas prints! I have a few at home, but I've never seen them boxed. So classy!

    I would get them for me/my husband. For our hallway by the bedrooms and I'd pick 3 of our wedding pictures as you did. All the pictures in our house are of our son, so this would be really nice! :)

  101. I would get one picture from my wedding and 2 of our daughter! great giveway!! keeping my fingers crossed! All for me! As my happy gift to myself. I order canvas prints for my parents all the time but never get some for myself :)

  102. I would do this for me with my wedding pictures! Such a beautiful idea!

  103. I would do a wedding picture and a picture of each one of our kids.

  104. Your pics are beautiful. I would probably get 3 for my husband for Christmas as well, but maybe one of our engagement pics, one from our wedding and then one with our two kiddos.

  105. I would get our wedding photos done for our future house!

  106. I would use pictures of all 3 of my kids!! & of course, it would be for...ME! :)

  107. I would love to get three pictures from our most recent family photo shoot - our first pics as a family of five :)

    so for me, of course :)

  108. Pics of Eva and I would keep them ;)

  109. I would get 3 pics of my kiddos, and they would be for me! We just moved into a new house a few months ago and I'm still trying to get stuff up on the walls!! :)

  110. I would get some pictures of me and my family and probably put them in my room!

  111. 3 pictures is perfect... I would get one of each of my kiddos!!! And I'd keep it :)

  112. I would definitely get wedding photos! its been over 3 years and we have NONE up in the house, just baby photos and family ones! i'm so lame!!

  113. This is so awesome Becky! I've been wanting these so bad. I woud put all three above the bed. One from our wedding, maternity photo and a family photo above our bed.

    LOVE this giveaway!

  114. How neat! I would get get 2 of my daughter, and the other a family photo!

  115. I would get canvases of wedding photos!

  116. How awesome! I would choose one of our daughter, one of my husband and I, and a family shot! For our home :)
