
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Life Lately; Instagram Photos & Blog Updates

I haven't done one of these posts in a while. So I'm going to try to play catch up with my instagram photos, however I know I won't be able to go back as far as I should. Plus, I think that for the most part, I have this little space up to speed as to what as been going on... I hope.

Birth Announcement has been ordered, in my possession, and my "must to do" for Sunday {which is today when this will post}. Which means that once I have shipped them out on Monday, I will be sharing with you guys what they look like. I am in love.

Graham's two week post will be up on the blog tomorrow. Although he technically will be 3 weeks old on Wednesday. I just kind of sort of had other posts scheduled ahead. I promise I stayed on top of it though :)

We signed Elliana up for gymnastics. Well, we did so three months ago. But we finally got a call back last week {she was on the waiting list} and were able to squeeze her in starting yesterday {Saturday}. She loved it. Too much. I could barely control the child. Literally. She wanted to jump all over the place and on the trampoline. I am hoping that this will simmer down as we have 9 more weeks to go. She's also the oldest in the class {we didn't make the cut for the next age group}, so she is way ahead and that sort of bums me out. Regardless though, I absolutely adore seeing my little girl in a little leotard. Most precious thing ever.

I have all of January posts scheduled. Which means that as things come up, other posts will get bumped. So be prepared to see some dated posted. But still important {to me] to be posted.

It has been 60 degrees here the past couple of days, and in the 40's before that. Needless to say we have been outside every day, hitting the park, going on walks, and playing by the house. We need it for our sanity to get out of the house, and nothing beats some fresh air for the kiddos. Elliana could live outside if I let her. She is definitely an outside kind of girl. And I love it.

Which reminds me, I have a post scheduled for toddler activities while on maternity leave. I am going to keep adding on as my maternity leave goes on and then decide when to post it. Nothing grand and inspiring... just basic activities to do with your older child/children when bringing home a newborn.

Speaking of the newborn. He is pretty stinkin' awesome. That is all I have to say about that :)

And can we please talk about the fact that my sister... my baby sister... will be turning 18 on Wednesday! 18! I need help. What does an 18 year old want?.... Besides Justin Bieber.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! We have plans today to get some stuff done around the house, enjoy our baby girl, and snuggle up our baby boy. I couldn't have imagined a better Sunday.

***Last day today for 30% off advertising and only a few spots left! Check out my right sidebar and some awesome ladies I have sponsoring this space of mine this month. And I mean lovely!