
Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Hospital Stay & Coming Home

Little man was still swollen on his right side of face for a couple of days

48 hours is a long time. Too long. I remember thinking the same thing when he had Elliana. Must we stay this full time? Can we just check out? Can I be that patient that goes AMA? Against medical advice.

Only kidding. About the AMA part. Although it would be nice to be discharged after say 24 hours, I completely understand why sometimes it's medically necessary. At the same time, I see a great positive for all those women who have home births. Every first in the comfort of their own home.

Enough of that. Lets talk about our hospital stay.

Uneventful is all I have to say about that. Aside from Elliana visiting both days and other visitors from family members, it was just Andrew, myself, and the little man. It felt eerily familiar as we had just done this 2 years prior, but definitely felt unusual as Elliana wasn't there with us the whole time.

Little man stayed with us throughout the two days, just as Elliana did. I had no intention of "sleeping" through the night, as I felt it was my duty as his mother to have him, hold him, console him, and nurture him. He made it easy though. Very peaceful, calm, and sure loved to sleep. So unlike the first time around, I actually did get to sneak in some zz's.

Once it was time to go, I couldn't have signed my name any faster. We were able to leave early in the afternoon, exactly 48 hours after the birth of our son, and I had that nervous feeling in my stomach. Butterflies. Excitement.

We were finally coming home to our daughter and starting our lives as a family of four. I was ready for this. I wanted to get started, and driving 30 minutes was almost too long. Two days at the hospital was too long. Two days too long.

I was ready the minute the little man was born.

And being home never felt so good.


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey to a family of 4! I've loved all your posts! I must ask- who took your hospital photos? I can tell you took many of them, but the ones right after the birth and the ones with you in them? Did you hire someone? They are all fabulous!

  2. I have really enjoyed reading your birth story. Absolutely beautiful and I know it will be something your son treasures forever!

    I can totally relate wanting to wanting to get home. I had to stay 3 days and lets just say I was more than itching to get home. There were times I was seriously just staring at the wall.

  3. They told me I could leave after one day since everything was looking good but I opted to stay. I thought of it as a vacation ha ha!

    How did Eliana do being away from you for two days?

  4. Becky, how is his clavicle doing? Love hearing these stories, you're giving me baby fever all over again!

  5. I love the picture where elliana is hugging him!

  6. Such great pictures!

    I think I'm one of the few people that actually was in no hurry to get home but that was due in large part to recovering from a very painful C-Section and it being hard to move much and my son being in the NICU. I didn't want to leave without him which unfortunately I ended up having to do. If I have another one I'll probably want to get home sooner because I'll miss my son.

  7. What sweet pictures. And also your husband has the prettiest blue eyes!

  8. Did you change Graham into your own outfits since right after he was born? Did you also use your own swaddles? I just used hospital ones, but it just looks so much nicer when you use your own. I'm so opposite from you, I wanted to stay at the hospital. I was scared for what would await me at home. I had a c-section so that's 3 days anyways, but they had me stay an extra two days because Noah had jaundice. I was not anxious at all to get out of there. haha. I know it won't be the same with baby #2, because of Noah.

    Also- same question as another blogger, who took the pictures? Did Andrew? They came out great. My husband took pictures but not nearly as much as you guys have, documenting every moment. Good for you for being so good about editing and posting all your pictures, you are so on top of your game. Here I am, one year later, and I still don't have a baby book :(

  9. Love the pictures! Grahams outfit is adorable!!
    How do you look so amazing after just having a baby?!

  10. Adorable pictures! I actually left the hospital 24 hours after baby boy arrived. I couldn't bear the thought of losing an extra day to the hospital. It worked out really well for us :)

  11. Beautiful pictures! Congrats!! I also left around 24 hours after my second one was born. My husband wanted to leave like 3 hour after he was born. LOL.

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  12. This is just such an amazing series of awesome! Goosebumps, tears love it girl! You are the prettiest preggers and post preggers girl I have ever laid my eyes on! Other than the fact your holding a bouncing baby if Graham you can't tell you just gave birth! Secrets please lol?!?! Elliana is so gorgeous the pictures of her holding Graham are just amazing, the pics of Abdrew and Graham so touching I love daddy/baby pics I did have to giggle for a moment there i though Abdrews arm was Graham's and I was like no wonder she had heartburn lol then I was like hold up that's Abdrews arm ha! I bet you were so anxious to get home and get your new life as a family of four started! I just live all of this so much and am just over the moon excited and thrilled for you guys! xoxo

  13. I love that you have such a wonderful collection of pictures...they tell such a great story without any words!! Congrats again on a beautiful family!

  14. I have SO enjoyed reading these stories. I definitely need to tell my story before I forget all the little details (it's been 10 months already).

    I was like you in that I did not want my baby to leave my side and I was also very ready to go. Although the doctors / nurses were only doing their jobs I felt that they kept interrupting sleep and precious moments that we didn't want to share.

    I can't wait (although I can) to have a little boy as well! I know it will be a totally different experience and I'm so looking forward to it!

    So ready to hear more stories about this little man of yours. Congratulations and take care :) and thanks for stopping by my way and following along. I really appreciate it!

  15. I felt the same way! We did get to leave at 24 hours with Owen. The first time they have let me leave that early and it was so nice! I actually find it easier to sleep at home.. Ya, know without people coming in and smashing on your belly all night long. Congrats! He is beautiful!

  16. Omg! Love the pictures. Big sister was so excited, I love the picture that shows the shocked looked on her face.

  17. I love the outfit Graham has on in the hospital (blue and green). Can you tell me if you had it made from an Etsy shop and possibly give me the name of the shop. I am due Jan 3rd and would love to get a outfit like that made. You can email me at
