
Friday, January 25, 2013

Say hello, I'd love to meet you.

I remember seeing this kind of post on a blog last year and had made a mental note to do something similar on my blog as a way for me to get to know my readers. Last year.

Obviously my memory hasn't served me quite well in the blog aspect, and it wasn't until I saw this again a few weeks ago that I decided to make that "mental note" a permanent thing.

So here we are. Here I sit. And I'm going to ask you to take time out of your day, your hectic schedules, your lives and say hello. Even if it's to tell me your name and where you're from... I'd love to know!

Why? Because I'm always interested to know who exactly is reading out there. Why you read. What keeps you coming back for more. Are you a mom as well? If so, how many kids do you have. Are you a nurse? If so, what area do you work in? Do you blog? Tell me about it. From a different country? ME TOO! So tell me where. Is there something you'd like for me to talk about on the blog? If so, what. A question? Shoot away. Just want to chat? I'm listening.

I spend so much of my time telling my readers about my life, my thoughts, and my family, that I'd like to for once not talk about me.. and talk about you.

Because I know there are readers out there that may not blog, I am going to open up anonymous comments in hopes of hearing from as many of you as possible and learning more about you.

So, what do you say? Will you say hello and tell me about yourself? I would love to meet you.


  1. Hey, I am Sam, mom to 2 1/2 year old Gwen and I blog over at Adventures With Gwen. I live in New Jersey, and I don't even remember when I started reading... i think E was about 6 months old. I love reading your blog daily and I'm sorry for not commenting more. Your blog is inspirational! You are so easy to relate to. Thank you for letting us into our lives!

  2. I'm a mom to four girls (the youngest due in a week). I stay at home, as my husband is active duty coast guard. I do have a blog for completely selfish, personal reasons. I don't have anyone to talk to most evenings, and we move so often that good friends are far away. I share our life, vent, laugh, etc. on it. Plus it's a venue to share my obsessive picture taking. I read your blog because it's just one that I connected with. To be honest, there's no specific, special reason. You seem transparent, which I appreciate, and you take fun pictures.

  3. Hello :)))

    I've been following you since last summer. I am not a mother, nor a nurse. I just love reading your little stories & adventures with your daughter & now your new baby. I think they're so sweet. And it's not like I'm not going to be childless forever. I follow many moms on blogger. So much cuteness in one blog.

    I am a lifestyle blogger. Which to me means I can blog about whatever I want. I blog about my recipes, thoughts, opinions, little stories, my photography & more. My blog has no rules :)

    I hope you & your family have a great weekend!

    XO Charlene Zale

  4. Greetings!
    I've been following you for probably a little over a year now. I love your blog because I have always wanted kids in my mid-twenties. I love watching how you handle it all and how you absolutely love being a mother and throw yourself into it 100%. The way that you seem to live in the moment and soak up every adorable thing they do is an inspiration.
    We're finally at a place where it's a possibility for us {we bought a wonderful house last year!} and we are going to start trying in a couple of months!!! So I would love if you did an advice post for working new mothers. I will be doing medical coding from home and I'd love to hear more about how you manage it all!
    I do blog, it's not nearly as impressive as yours, but it's
    Love your blog! Keep up the good work!

  5. Hi! I'm Sarah! Newlywed blogger over at Tucker Up. I can't wait to be a mom, but until that time comes, I just love reading about your adorable kiddos :) Right now, being a mom to two furbabies is enough! I am an accountant (blah) by day and blogger/MBA student by night. I am from good 'ol Texas and love reading your blog! Keeps the posts coming so I can keep admiring your precious kiddos until we are ready to have our own!

    Love this post!

  6. Hi, I'm Susan! Fellow Boilermaker who resides in West Lafayette (born and raised in the Frozen Tundra of WI). I have a 15 month old little man named Jackson and just found out we are expecting again (although still in that nerve wracking several week wait to see my OB to have our first trimester scan). I've been reading since before E was born!

    I did work as an Engineer down in Dallas, TX for a little while after I graduated in 2008, but TX wasn't for us so we came back! Now I plan on staying home until all munchkins have started school because I couldn't fathom only seeing them a few hours a day! I seriously envy your ability to work nights, nap, and still be able to function to take car of your little ones!

  7. Hi, I'm Susan! Fellow Boilermaker who resides in West Lafayette (born and raised in the Frozen Tundra of WI). I have a 15 month old little man named Jackson and just found out we are expecting again (although still in that nerve wracking several week wait to see my OB to have our first trimester scan). I've been reading since before E was born!

    I did work as an Engineer down in Dallas, TX for a little while after I graduated in 2008, but TX wasn't for us so we came back! Now I plan on staying home until all munchkins have started school because I couldn't fathom only seeing them a few hours a day! I seriously envy your ability to work nights, nap, and still be able to function to take car of your little ones!

  8. Hi! I'm Megan, new mommy to a sweet 4-month old little boy named Max. I used to be a 2nd grade teacher, but now I'm lucky enough to have the BEST job in the world--a SAHM. I love reading your blog, because you seem so personable and easy to relate to. I started my blog a few years ago to stay in touch with friends and family who lived far away. Then, I used it to document my pregnancy. And, since then it's become a great outlet for me to share my thoughts, questions, recipes, crafting projects---and lots of other things! I've loved meeting new bloggers in this bloggy world, and some days it's the only adult interaction I get! I hope you'll stop by and visit. ~Meg

  9. Hi My name is Stevie, Mother to a beautiful 10 month little girl Isabella. I recently started blogging for my daughter. (little light of mine)
    Im a SAHM & love it. I used to work in retail until i got pregnant and my husband did not want anyone raising our daughter but me ;)
    I just recently found your blog! I think through another persons post on FB. I love mommy blogs in general. Im new to the whole blogging thing didnt really know anything about it. Now im addicted! Always looking for new blogs to read! :)

  10. Hi, I'm Susan! Fellow Boilermaker, fur mommy, and mommy to one insanely adorable 15 month old little man named Jackson. We also just found out we are expecting number 2 (although still in that nerve wracking several week wait to see the OB to hear a heartbeat.) <-I seriously worry all day long. We currently reside in West Lafayette, although I was born and raised in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin.

    I used to work as a Mechanical Engineer down in Dallas for a little while after I graduated in 2008, but TX wasn't for us. We relocated back and couldn't be happier about being back home. After all munchkins are in school, I have intentions of going back to work but I couldn't fathom only seeing them a few hours a day right now. I seriously envy your ability to work nights, nap, and then still have enough energy to be so involved with your children.

  11. Hi I'm Kelly - I'm from RI. I'm a mom myself to 2 little girls 6,4. My job title is investigator ;-)

    I am a blogger myself

    I love your blog, your so open and honest and creative! My question is with being such the awesome blogger that you are, have you ever had any scary blogger moments where you thought about stopping?


  12. Hi, I'm Shelley from (currently) snowy Michigan. I have a blog but I don't post regularly. I started following when Elliana was less than a year old. We have three kiddos and I work part-time. I love that your blog is your scrapbook!

  13. Hey girl! I'm Natasha. I write over at Imperfectionswelcomed. I write primarily of my nothing to special, ordinary but joyful life with my husband and two girls (2 1/2 & 17 months). I try to keep it humorous and real. I'm no super mommy, but I love my job to death, and work hard to keep humor and beauty in the small and hard things. I enjoy reading about your children and the passion you have in raising them too.

  14. Hi! I'm Regina and I have been actively reading your blog for a little over 2 years now, although I just made a blogger account recently to keep track all of the blogs I love to read! :) I love your blog for so many reasons! You're so honest and I love hearing about your beautiful children. I cannot wait for that one day when I can have my own little family! I am also currently a student nurse (graduating later this year) so that's something I can relate to. Seeing how you juggle between work and being a STAHM is AMAZING and it inspires me to work that much harder. :)

  15. Hi!

    My name is Jackie and I live in Cincinnati with my husband, 18 month old and soon to be newborn in the next 4 days! I've been following your blog for about a year. I can relate to a lot of your posts and love your writing style! I feel super busy all the time so I tend to find tips through others who are as busy. I also have a blog but I am not as committed to it as you are. I can be found at

    Your family is beautiful.

  16. Hi my name is Shana I am new to the bloggy world, over at meetthebrowns:) I have two kids 3 counting the husby! I live in the UP of Michigan and i'm still learning to love it!

  17. Hello Im Sarah and I live with my husband,and our son Austin Austin in Northern California. My blog, started out as a way for me just to vent and tell my family about my life. Then when I got engaged and found out I was pregnant it transformed into a weekly update of my pregnancy. At 37 weeks I gave birth to what should have been a perfectly healthy baby boy. Austin came into this world not breathing or moving. He spent 5 months in the NICU and finally came home in March of 2012. It turns out I have myotonic muscular dystrophy, and I passed it onto Austin when I was pregnant with him. He was diagnosed in the nicu and I was diagnosed a month later. Its funny how a diagnosis can make things from your past make so much sense. Anyway I am now a stay at home mom and then state pays me to care for my child. Austin is our pride and joy, and we are so proud of the milestones he has accomplished in his short life. He is tube fed, although we have been practicing with solids, and has multiple doctors and physical therapy sessions every week. Anyway I plan to start blogging again on a regular basis, i just need to find the time with our hectic weekly schedule.

    PS. I love your blog and all your FB updates and deals of the week or day posts.

  18. I'm a mommy of 2, former nurse, runner, wannabe photographer, and blogger! Love your blog!

  19. Hi! My name is Lindsay and I am from Virginia.. not a blogger because I have NO CLUE of where to begin :) I've tried. Believe me. I started reading your blog when I was pregnant with my now 20 Month Old son! You have the sweetest little family!

  20. Oh and I started reading your blog because of my friend jody, ur bff :) and I love it because your a busy non stop super mom/nurse. I think its great and my goal is to get my RN/LPN...

  21. Hi my name is Katie. I am a stay at home Mom to a beautiful seven month old little boy and wife to my fabulous husband. We live in CT and until this year I had worked with special needs children in an elementary school. Love hearing about your beautiful children and your world!

  22. Hiiiiii :)

    I'm Summer and I blog over at Summer's Sentiments. I had my first child, a son on the same day you had Graham. It's been great to see how you have bounced back so amazingly- and I strive to do the same! I'm so amazed by your amazing mommy skills!

  23. Hi Becky! My name is Lauren, and I'm a newlywed and aspiring stay at home mom (whenever that day comes.. we're in no rush;)). I've been reading your blog for about a year now and I love the way you share your life so openly!

    I have a blog, it's and-although it's small-I love it because it's my outlet for crafting and sharing life! I like to call it "my space" because that's exactly what it is--my space to feel creative!

    It was nice to meet you! :)

  24. Hello, my name is Lauren and I'm from Memphis, TN. I am a 30 something working professional in the photography industry and mother to two teen daughters, 16 & almost 13. I have been contemplating adding to our family for several years and started reading pregnancy blogs at that time. I have been following you since you were pregnant with Elli. I love your writing. You are very real and I connect with that and love reading about your family. I do not have a blog.

  25. Hi Becky! I've been reading your blog for quite a while and I'm not sure I have ever commented. I'm thirty years old from Cincinnati and a Mommy to a beautiful *almost* two year old curly headed girl. I'm a counselor for the blind and visually impaired. I love reading about how you balance everything in your life and I always leave inspired. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  26. Hi my name is Liz and I am a mommy to a sweet girl named Megan who just turned 3 and am due in 2 weeks with another sweet girl! I have been married for 5 years to my best friend and we have been together for 13 years, I will be 34 in a few months. I work full time in Property Management and my husband also works full time at Best Buy. We live in WI and it is bitterly cold here right now! I do not blog but I enjoy reading blogs as a hobby I guess you could say. I have been following your blog for about a year and I love it because I get lots of ideas from you as you are a wonderful mama! Love that you just had a baby and reading how you are adjusting to 2 and how Elli is adjusting puts my mind at ease some for what is to come in 2 weeks! So, hello there!!!

  27. Hello! My husband and I are both teachers and we live in New Mexico. We have a 4 year old son and are expecting our daughter, who is due in May. I've been reading your blog for about a year now. I do not blog myself, but love to read various Mommy blogs and yours is one of my favorites. I love how devoted you are to your family and are always so positive and enjoy the little moments. I also love when you post great shopping deals and decorating tips!

  28. Hi! I love this idea of just saying Hey! I am Nikki, I live in Arkansas ..I have a four year old little girl and two spoiled dogs..all thanks to a wonderful husband! I have been following your blog for a while..matter of fact you did my blog design over at Just Lovely!
    making a mental note of a just say Hello post!

  29. Hi,
    I'm Denise and I'm from cold and snowy Buffalo, New York (it's really not that bad). I have a son named Eli who just turned a year on the 10th of January. I am a teacher who works four days a week in an Elementary school in my neighborhood.

    I love to read your blog for a few reasons. One I can relate to you being a young mom, and although you work at night I love that fact that you work because I can relate to that too. Some times it's hard for me to moms that stay at home all the time.

    I also love your positive attitude and you are beautiful to boot.

  30. My name is Laura. I live in the Dallas, Tx area and teach Pre-k here as well for now 15 years. I have been married to the best man ever for nearly 8 years now. We tried for 5 years to have our precious Vivian. We were finally able to do that through 2 different IVF cycles and one FET. She is a joy to us daily. We have a blog...
    Thanks for sharing your life/family with all of us...they are precious!

  31. Ps. Please keep the positivity coming with the second baby. I read horror stories about how much harder it is having two and that scares me, another reason I love reading lately is soon we will be trying for another. Oh and my husband is from another country and speaks two languages so it's the opposite of you and your husband.

  32. Hi!

    I'm Janna and I blog over at Faith, Love, and Hope ( I'm a mom to two children. My son is 5 years old and my daughter is 2 years old. I'm married to a soldier after only dating him for 3 months. Currently, I'm a stay at home mom but I aspire to one day teach at the college level.

    I've been reading your blog for two years now and you were actually one of the bloggers that inspired me to start a my own blog!

    What keeps me coming back is the fact that you're honest, sincere, funny, and your heart shows through in every post which I love. There isn't anything I would add or take away because your blog is amazing!

  33. Hi! My name is Darian and I am a 2nd grade teacher. I live in Arkansas and blog on occasion. I love reading about your sweet family and look forward to your posts each day. You are a very creative writer and have one of the few blogs I continue to read every day! Congratulations on your precious baby boy. Nice to meet you. :)

  34. Hello!
    My name is Lauren. My husband and I are both teachers and we live in Michigan! Super cold here right now! We have 3 kids, Oliver is 5, Jillian is 4 and Ari is 19 months. We are expecting triplets. It is a HUGE shock to us and I am about 10 weeks along, We are due in August. I have been reading for about a month now. I LOVE you blog. I have a blog of my own as well:
    Take Care!

  35. Hi I'm Elise. I currently l live in NY, but I grew up in the Netherlands. I blog over at Sprinkles on toast ( and I started blogging as a way to keep my family updated on my life. I'm a fulltime student and I work fulltime in a bakery. I have no babies, yet! :) I just love reading about your adventures and other mommy bloggers alike. Once I graduate in May, I cannot wait to move south!! Your family is beautiful, thank you for sharing your life! Nice to 'meet' you :)

  36. Hi there! My name is Brittany but I prefer Britt. I am a third generation born and bred Bostonian and proud of it! I am not a blogger nor am I a mother (at 17 I hope to wait another few years before I have kids!) but I am in the medical field. I am a certified nursing assistant. I work in the mornings until 11 at a rehab center as part of a school program. The rest of the day I am found doing normal high school senior things (ie trying to get my drivers license, applying to nursing schools, daydreaming about prom and graduation!). I have been reading for about a year. I love your blog because when I am your age I hope to, basically, have your life. I want to be a SAHM during the day and be an L&D nurse at night. I love life and am enjoying my last year of high school before "the real worl" hits me!

    With love,

  37. My names Krista I'm 23 years old. Have 2 sweet babies, Jerimiah age 7 and Aubrey age 18 months. I am a fulltime stay at home Momma who has a associates degree but couldn't settle her heart down for adding baby #2 to the mix, so the degree is on hold currently. I started following your blog about 2 years and have come back to read everyday since :) What made me start to follow your blog was Elliana and your sweetest love for her and all the images shared. I have loved watching E grow and have been so excited to follow you start to finish with Grahams journey! I love to watch you juggle motherhood with such a passion and also work fulltime!

  38. Hi, I'm Jamie! I follow on you on Twitter and your blog! I am 17, a senior in high school and daycare worker. I love baby names and children! I am planning to go to college to become a Kindergarten teacher!

    Jamie :)

    PS your children are adorable!!

  39. Hi, my names is Danielle. I live in Virginia and am currently a student/SAHM to a five month old baby girl. I am an accounting major and can't wait to graduate in May and move back home and be closer to my family. I love reading about your family. You have a beautiful family. I have been reading your blog since shortly before you announced you were pregnant with your second. Nice to meet you.


  40. This is such a lovely idea! I might have to try this one day too.

    I'm Luana :) I'm a relatively new reader to your blog (happily discovered it a couple of months ago) - love reading about what life with 2 is like as my husband and I are thinking about expanding our little family.

    I'm an Australian SAHM but I now live in California. I have a 1.5yr old son who was born in the Netherlands where we lived for the past 2 years. I love to craft and have a little Etsy business selling softies and I blog over at:

    Have a lovely weekend!

  41. Hiii!!! I am Rorie from Imperfect obsession!! I have been following for quite sometime & love seeing ur beautiful family!! I am a momma to be!! Less than 17 weeks to go!! I am not a nurse but work in a hospital as a therapist on the psych floor!! Your blog helps me get ready for our baby and I loooove all the advice and cute ideas!

  42. Hi I'm Jessica, a newlywed graduate student over at She Loves Deeply ( I've started following you a few weeks ago & I love how relatable you are. I don't have kids yet (getting fit to try next Spring) so I enjoy reading about yours & getting an idea of what's ahead. I'm from sunny Central Florida. I love to scrapbook, craft & I'm a Pampered Chef consultant.

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  43. Hello!
    I am a newlywed 26 year old from California! I am a new-ish blogger over at and I am an aspiring nurse who currenly works in the admitting department of one of our local hospitals. Hopefully little baby Kliemann's coming soon :) I adore the stories you share on your blog and just how sweet and genuine you are. Hope you have a wonderful weekend <3

  44. My name is Shellsea, I'm a former elementary teacher. Currently a SAHM, part time home daycare/preschool owner, and tutor. I have s 2.5 yr old boy born 07.04.10 and another on the way due in March. Recently I've loved reading about having a second child with s toddler.

  45. Hmm I though I commented, but it isn't showing up. My name is Stephanie and I live in MD. I have been following your blog and Instagram for awhile, although pretty quietly. I am a Mom to an adorable 19 month son, Aiden. I also am an eighth grade English teacher. I do have a blog but it is private due to hubby's work concerns. If you are interested, my e-mail is I love reading your blog. You are the type of Mom that I aspire to be!

  46. Hi Becky! I'm Sarah, a fellow Boilermaker and a Florida lawyer. I enjoy your blog because of your high quality posts and your fun writing voice. Keep keepin' it real. I've followed you since before I started my blog,, where I share my life with the world. Have fun with your gorgeous fam.

  47. Hi Becky! Love that you opened up the blog to get to know us. Cute idea. My name is Katie and I blog over at Once Upon a Dime ( Feels funny to introduce myself since I sorta feel like we're already friends. And I mean that in the least creepy way possible. I've been following your blog forever (and all other forms of social media!) and love your honesty, stories, pictures- all of it. I just connect with you and always find myself reading your blog in reader first thing. I'm usually in awe of how you seem to do it all! I'm a mama to a 20 month old little girl named Elena and currently expecting number two- due in August. Married to my high school sweetheart and just moved to the great mid-west (Ohio) from NJ. Keep up the great work. I'm hoping to get on the sponsorship bandwagon as soon as I finish up some tidying up my blog :) keep up the great work, Mama!

  48. A Big Hello from The Bahamas!!!!!
    I love your blog! Your two kids are just BEAUTIFUL! I am a mommy of one little boy! 4 years old! Happily married.. and I homeschool him!!!! I blog over at Little Adventures (
    I Love to kayak, go beaching, cook, tennis, croquet!!! I love to read! :D and scrapbook! I am a freelance photographer here on my island in the Bahamas!!! I love all the stuff you blog about and your letters to your children! SO special! You inspired me to write them for my son! :D

  49. Im a 23 year old single girl with no kids..your blog is one of the best!! I can't wait to see what you're going to post daily...your marriage and family life inspires me! Keep writing. Xoxo

  50. Hi!! My name is Charise, im 23, and I live in South Carolina. I've been reading your blog for a while (and following you on Instagram, too). I'm not a mommy yet, but it is my aspiration in life. I read your blog because you're honest, and I love when mommy bloggers are transparent with how they feel. It's refreshing. And, I love kids and the hilarious things they do/say!

  51. Hi Becky! I LOVE that you did reason i LOVE sponsoring your blog, you care about your readers

    So lets see... I will refresh you! Cari SAHM to Breanna from Pittsburgh blog over at Adventures of the Roberts. Right now as you know I mentioned in a previous post, we are happy with just one child but still debating on our #2 baby!

    Some things you might not know...I went to school for fashion merchandising and after working 7 years in retail, I landed myself an office job until i decided to stay home after I had Breanna

    I love that you aren't afraid to keep it real...something I myself as a blogger am starting to now do thanks to you!

    So thank you for being an awesome blogger and amazing sponsor host!

  52. Hello! I am Ashlee & I blog over at A Step in the Right Direction. I am a new mom and I love every minute. I am also married to a great guy.
    I am on a weight loss journey. I lost 35 lbs before getting pregnant and now I am trying to lose more.
    I read your blog because I love your family stories and your personality.

  53. Girl, you know I love following you, even if I don't always get time to comment. I have followed for oh...forever? Lol! My question for you is: Do you plan on returning to work after your maternity leave is up? Will you continue working night shift? Everytime I think about going back to work in the hospital *and that's at least once a day, ha!* I think "Well Becky does it and does it all well!!"

  54. Hi! I'm Heather and have been following your blog before you had your beautiful daughter. I recently found out that I am expecting baby #2 and I love reading your updates about being a mommy. I made that wonderful DIY magnet board you posted a few weeks ago and my son, Aiden, LOVES it! Since then, several other mommy blog friends have made them too! I blog mostly to document my life/pregnancies/infertility issues. Blogging is how I get my thoughts/feelings out, it's so therapeutic!
    Can't wait to continue reading your story!

  55. Hi, I'm Jessica. I am a stay at home mommy to a 2 1/2 year old boy, a 13 month old girl, and am expecting twins in June. I love reading blogs of other mommy's. I enjoy reading your about your adorable family :)

  56. Hi Becky! I love this idea of getting to know readers and responding. I try to respond to emails as well but as we all know sometimes life gets a bit crazy. My name is Jessica, I sponsored you before my wedding as the blog "Before The I Do's" & i would love to sponsor again but right now I am trying to think of a good blog name that I truly like. Right now it is "Little Country Girl" but I dont think I like it so much to keep it forever. The husband wants more of a wedding/marriage blog name. Do you have any ideas? Hope you have a great weekend!!!

  57. Hey!! Im Kalli and I blog over at Chasing Sunshine. It's a brand new blog that I decided to start after years of reading other peoples!! I haven't even posted yet! I have been reading here for quite a while! I love seeing your adorable family and reading all of your insights. I originally found your blog because I wanted some insight into the "real" world of nursing from an actual nurse before I dove into nursing school! I am actually going to dental hygiene school instead but I just couldn't quit reading here!

  58. Hi! I'm Chantal and I blog at Scattered Seashells ( I'm wife to Brandon, an Army helicopter pilot, and mom to Penny, who is 13 months old now. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and love seeing all your adventures! You're a roll model for someone with a little girl!

  59. Hi! I'm Cait and I'm from Chicago. I am expecting my first baby (a boy) this St. Patrick's day. I am a former teacher and will be a SAHM. Thanks for sharing your life with your readers. It's only fair for us to share a little bit about ourselves with you! :)

  60. Hi! I'm Amanda. I'm a mom to two boys 2.5 and 14 weeks. There names are Monroe and Gray. I used to blog, but haven't really since my son was born in 2010. I work in the emergency department as a psychiatric assessment counselor. I stay home with my boys during the day and work on Wednesday and Friday nights. I'd love to hear how you manage doing the same 3 days a week. What exactly is your schedule? How much sleep do you get? I didn't know you were from another country. Which one?!

  61. Hey I'm Katie and I blog over at Everyday Graces (I recently changed names so the url is, its a work in progress). I'm a wife to John, a mom to a 13 mo old little boy named Landon, and a Hem/Onc RN! Love your blog! :)

  62. Hey! I'm Katie. Wife to John, mom to Landon (13 months old) and a Hem/Onc RN. I blog at everyday graces, the blog url is (I recently changed titles and haven't switched URL's yet!). I love your blog!

  63. Hi Becky! I'm Mandy and I blog over at
    I have been married for 11 years to my sweet hubby, I turned 30 last year (yep, that means we were babies when we got married!), and we have 2 sweet blessings here with us (Jackson who will be 6 in May, and Ann Elise who will be 2 in February), and one angel baby. We've emailed a couple of times before and I love reading your blog! Our girls are the same age and E reminds me so much of my little girl. I was a teacher, but quit when AE was born and haven't looked back since. I eventually would love to go back to school to be a nurse (but it wouldn't be until later after all of our babies are in school). We're getting the fever for baby number 3 so we'll see when God thinks that it's time to add to our family. Thank you for sharing your life with us and for always recommending great products, sales, and tips! We all love hearing from you! Anyways...nice to "meet" you!
    Oh and I'm also on Instagram (mandybriann)

  64. Hello! I am Valerie...mommy to Brayden (just turned 1)...wife to Jeff for 9 years... Live in Illinois, couple hours south of Chicago...SAHM for the most part, work part time few evening a week. I have followed along on your blog since middle of last year and just love it. I do blog, its nothing like what you have here but its my little space. I really enjoy reading blogs and love hearing what other mommy's are doing out there. Feel free to stop by my blog and get to know me and my family better.

  65. hi becky! i'm emily and i've been reading for probably about 6 months or so now. i blog over at paging dr. grace ( i'm currently doing a sports medicine fellowship in indianapolis and looking forward to finally getting a real job this fall. my hubby is a fellow boilermaker. i'm pregnant with our first, our little liam, due june 14. seeing your pictures of graham make me so excited to meet our little guy in a matter of months!

  66. Hi I'm Katie... I'm a nursing major at a school in Chicago, which is how I happened upon your blog. Your kids are adorable and I love following along, but I'd love to hear more about your nursing life once you start working again! I love hearing about current nurses as it gets me even more excited for my future job! Nice to "meet" you!

  67. Hi I'm Katie... I'm a nursing major at a school in Chicago, which is how I happened upon your blog. Your kids are adorable and I love following along, but I'd love to hear more about your nursing life once you start working again! I love hearing about current nurses as it gets me even more excited for my future job! Nice to "meet" you!

  68. Hi I'm Katie... I'm a nursing major at a school in Chicago, which is how I happened upon your blog. Your kids are adorable and I love following along, but I'd love to hear more about your nursing life once you start working again! I love hearing about current nurses as it gets me even more excited for my future job! Nice to "meet" you!

  69. I'm Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl. ( It is Craftiness with a little bit of randomness. We were married within the past six months and love every minute of it. Starting a family is in our year and I can't wait. I have loved reading everything you post about parenting and I can't wait until I am a mommy. Our nephew is going to Purdue now and we love supporting Purdue sports especially basketball as well as our Georgia Bulldogs. My husband and I are business owners. Well, he is the owner. I just work for him. He owns an Ebay business called Nathan's Clearance Outlet. He sells name brand clothes at cheaper prices. We are starting to get into collectibles and antiques as well. You can google Nathan's Clearance Outlet to check us out.

  70. Hello from Canada! My name is Teagan, and I have been following your blog for a year or so now. I'm engaged to my highschool sweetheart, and we have two littles. Hailey is our sweet little 4 year old, and we have Riley our 3 year old little man! I am a part time pharmacy technician, and a wannabe blogger. I am truly inspired by you and so thankful to have found your blog. You remind me what is really important in life & to simply enjoy the small things. I look forward to reading more about you and your adorable family.

  71. Hi, I'm Candice. I blog over at Wolf's on Safari. Our last name is Wolf. When we started the blog, we were on a little adventure, living abroad in South Africa for 1.5 yrs. Hence the blog name!

    Now, we are back to living in MI. I am a stay-at-home mom to 2 little ones. Graham is nearly 5, and is sweet as can be. he has some challenges, but handles them remarkably! Macy is 1.5 yrs and is an absolute joy. We are blessed!!

    I was an Engineer before having kids. My husband is an Engineer for GM and that's where we met.

    I like your blog because you post often and include lots of pictures. I also love all your tips on good deals. And let's face it, everyone in your family is easy on the eyes. :)

    I'd love for you to stop by and say hi!

  72. Hello! I'm Krystal. But most call me Krys. I'm not a mom yet, but I really can't wait to be one. I'm engaged to a pretty awesome, yet pain in the butt man, who I love with all my heart. We are planning our wedding for Fall of 2014. I'm a blogging newbie just getting off the ground. I enjoy reading your blog so much. Especially all your current baby stories. I have baby fever & lately it seems I can hop from blog to blog before realizing the day has slipped past me. lol.

    Anyway, wanted to say hi! I'm reading this! :)


  73. I'm Valerie :] I'm a wife, mother, wanna-be blogger, and full time nursing student. I started following your blog right when I started blogging and felt a connection because I am going to nursing school.. I enjoy reading your posts, but don't always comment much because I deleted my blog about 6 months ago once school really starting picking up. I felt like I was more worried about 'getting that post posted' then school, so I just deleted it.
    My son is almost 21 months (just a few days shy!!) and as crazy as any toddler, so I love reading your posts about E!

  74. Hi, Becky! I'm Leah... A fellow blogger and IGer @leahcoats. I started reading your blog over a year ago now after I noticed that you had started following our blog. I'm a SAHM and homeschool teacher to Eli (8), Emma (3), and Abe (5 weeks). Graham was actually born on my due date!

    I love taking pics of my kiddos and I love to look at other peoole's pics as well. I really enjoy reading your blog! You seem like such a down-to-earth kind of girl. Your stories keep me laughing and wanting to read more! You are a wonderful photographer and your kiddos are just adorable!

    Other things about me: I am a Christian who loves my family dearly! I love to take pics, read, bake, spend time outdoors, and I love to have fun with my peeps!

    Thanks for sharing so much with us! Stop by our blog sometime when you can! Hope you have a restful weekend!

    Leah :)

  75. im kerri. i blog because I'm an emotional crazy person and i need a huge outlet. :) im 5 and a half months pregnant and seeing pictures of your kids makes me excited to be a mom! i really like the way you write, and you seem like a wonderful mother.

  76. Hi! I'm Alyssa. I blog over at I'm hit and miss with my blogging but I love reading others blogs. I'm a mom to a beautiful almost 2 year old little girl named Sadie and we are expecting our 2nd one in September. I have an amazing hubby who works hard so I can stay home. I love reading your blog and hearing about your family and adventures in mommy hood!

  77. Hi Becky! I am Tennille, from Vancouver (Canada). I've been following your blog since a few months before you got pregnant with baby Graham. I love the way you write. And you have amazing photography skills. It seems like Elliana is such a sweet girl, and I am sure Graham will be much the same. I blog over at

  78. Love reading and following along from Canada! I'm going into Nursing and am thinking of working in the ICU. I love to see how you juggle work and family - makes me hopeful! Thanks for sharing :)

  79. Hi mama! I've been reading your blog for over a year nd half. Since I first found out I was pregnant, and now my daughter will be one in March. I read because we are relatively close in age and life experiences. But you are fun and inspirational. You're brave and creative. You're he kind of girl that I would definitely be best friends with in real life. And we would've had a blast together in college, but now we'd do fun mom things like take our babies to he aquarium with bud light n our cups.

    I keep reding because you are real and honest. And your love for your family is o tangible and real. It shines through in every post.

    Xo, Brandi

  80. Hello! I'm Krista, from good ole' New Jersey. No kids, not a nurse but have a blog...Life Somewhere in the Middle.

    I've been following along for about 6 months...mainly because I amazed that being the same age you have all this already figured out! Love reading all about it and the way you write it.

    I aspire to be a do it all mom like you...perhaps even a MILF like you ;)I'm on my way to marrying my college sweetheart on June 7th and can't wait to keep reading along!

  81. Hi, I'm Kellee. I've been a reader for almost a year now..maybe more. I live in a small Southern California town. Recent college graduate, aspiring real estate agent (yes the market is better than it seems here) and engaged to marry this summer! I love your blog for the main reason that who you are is who aspire to be... SUPER WOMAN/MOM! I read many blogs and yours is my favorite by far. Congrats on the new one, and the beautiful Big sister of course :)

  82. Hi! I'm Sarah :) I've been reading your blog since before you were even pregnant with Elliana! I can't even remember how I found your blog. I've loved following your journey... even though I have hardly ever commented... I'm terrible at commenting! I love your writing style and the obvious love for your family which shines through.
    Let's see... I'm a SAHM to my 11 month old baby boy. I'm British by passport, but grew up in several countries in Africa which is where I consider home (and where I met the hubs!). We now live in Texas. I keep a little blog to document our lives for our families all over the world :)

  83. Hi, I'm Laura, I've been reading your blog for about 6 months. I'm from Monterey, Ca. I'm a sahm of three per-teens. I love reading your blog!

    I stumbled upon it when I searched for tutorials on blog design - I've learned so much from your post on how to design your own blog. So helpful! Every time I reference it I think "Goodness gracious how long did this post take her to write up!" It's so detailed and accurate! Anyways, love reading about your adventures as a parent of two now...your family is adorable!

    I do have a blog, it is

  84. Hi my name is Joeylee and I blog over at Sweet N Sassy Girls {}. I'm a stay at home mom to 3 beautiful little girls Kaylee {3}, Keira {2} & Kendall {3 months}. I started following your blog a little after you had your beautiful daughter, my second daughter was born shortly after so it's been fun to see how similar her and Elliana are. I love how real you are and of course to see pictures of your adorable kids. I love this idea, it's fun to get to know your readers a little better.

  85. Hi there! I started my blog last summer when my family of four (two sons: Connar is 3 and Parker will be 2 in a couple weeks) moved from Texas to South Korea for my husband's job. I wanted a way to document our adventures, and when I started blogging I came across your blog through someone else's I follow. Thanks for sharing your life with the world. One thing I'd like to know is how you turn your blog into an actual book at the end of each year. I'd like to do that with 2012, but I'm not sure where to go to have that done. Thanks!

  86. Hello from down under! I'm Megan. While I'm not a momma, or a nurse, or from another country (although I love in one now), I absolutely love your blog and have been reading for a little over a year I think. I love the sweet stories you share of your family, and your photography is just beautiful! I do hope to (soon-ish) have some kiddos of my own, so I love to read about your life as a mom. You've already taught me a lot. I'm a newish blogger ( My husband's job brought us to Australia about 6 months ago, and we will be here for 3-4 years. So I blog about our adventures here and to keep in touch with friends and family on the other side of the world- literally. Oh, and I'm also the annoying one who was asking you about blog design a while back ;-) I'm still holding out on the hope you'll come back to it eventually. :-) Thanks for sharing your life and your family with the blog world! Have a great weekend!


  87. Hey becky .. I'm Denise from california. 22 years old and a full time student hoping to get my bachelors in nursing. I do not blog, I tried starting a blog but I just didn't know what the heck I was doing. I do have two kids kiley who will be 3 in October and Lucas who will be 2 in September yes they are irish twins (11 months 5 days) apart. It is hard especially being so yong and going to school. Ive been reading your blog for about a year and just wanted to let you know that you are a huge inspiration! I love following you on instagram and seeing your adorable little ones. Nice to "meet" you :)

  88. Hi,
    My name is Sharna and I am from Newcastle in Australia. I found your blog about a year ago from reading Raven's blog at don't quote the Raven. I love reading both of your blogs. You both sum up motherhood so well. You really inspire me to try and get more out of my day as you always seem so organised.
    I am a mother to a 20 month old little boy and we are about to have another baby in 8 weeks time. So I am so interested to see how you juggle two bubs and get some pointers.
    I am a teacher part time since having my bub but am looking forward to having a year off with bub no. 2. I don't have a blog but love reading yours. Keep up the great blogging!!!

  89. Hi Becky! I'm Jen and I blog over at I recently got more into the blog world mostly due to inspiration from you. I'm a newlywed who currently lives with my hubby in Kenya. I blog about our lives here mainly as a way to document our experiences and let our families know what we're up to. I love reading what your little family is up to and find inspiration in your pregnancy posts as we're opening that chapter in our lives!

  90. A warm hello from snowy Russia! :)
    My name's Yulia and I'm a Mama to a sweet 15 month old boy named Alexander. I am a teacher of English and I currently balance between being a SAHM and working part-time.
    I've been reading your blog for quite a long time now, I think I started following you before Elli was born. I like reading you because you are an inspirational mama, your passion for your children and family is amazing! Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  91. I'm Michelle! I'm a stay at home mom of one. I have a 16 month old son. His name is Collin. I have no idea how I found your blog but I stuck around when I found out you lived in Indiana too. I live in Northern Indiana. Notre Dame area to be exact. :) I blog too but I'm not well know. I think only my family reads it. HA! I love your daily posts and I think your children are adorable!

  92. Hi! My name is Emily and I blog at . My son is 7 months old now. I consider myself a SAHM, though I do work out of our home 15 hours a week. I love your pictures the most - you have inspired me to really get more into photography and take better pictures of my family! Your photos are always so gorgeous and timeless.

  93. Hello, My name is Jessica and I am a 26 year old from Ohio. I'm in my last year of medical school studying to be a military pediatrician. I'm married to a wonderful man also studying to be a military doctor. I love reading new Mommy blogs because my husband and I are hoping to become parents soon, and I feel like it helps me relate to my patients and their families. Good luck with your cute little peanuts!

  94. Hi! I'm Jess from sunny Florida and I blog over at Life with My Loves ( I'm Momma to a 6yr old boy and a 3.5yr old girl and wife to their Daddy. While I dream of being a SAHM, I spend my days wearing my nurse hat as a pediatric Hem/Onc/Bone Marrow Transplant RN. It's tough work but I can't imagine doing anything else. While my blog's not that big, I've met some amazing people through blogging and really enjoy this community. You'll find me ranting about my kiddos, our trips to Disney, my attempts at becoming a runner, and you'll see more pictures than you probably want to see. I can't remember how I stumbled across your blog but I'm so glad I did! Congrats again on your little boy. You kiddos are adorable!

  95. Hi I'm Sarah living i n northern Wisconsin born and raised on a dairy farm. A sahm and wife. Husband Wayne two stepdaughters 11 and 9 daughter Adelaide 21/2 and Easton. 9 months. Been reading yyour blog since August and i love it! I do not blog myself though :)

  96. Hello! I'm Karla, and I follow you in pretty much every way possible! I especially love seeing all the instagram pics of your cute little family. I'm a newlywed, & do not have any children yet. So I'm kind of creepily living vicariously through you!! Haha, I love reading all about your family & how it has grown. You are a great Mom. Your family is absolutely beautiful. =)

  97. Hi! I'm Jaclyn, a fellow nurse and soon-to-be mommy of two. I work as a surgical oncology nurse in Nashville. My little man turns one next week and #2 is due in August. I write at

  98. Well, hello!!! I'm Susan and a mommy of 2 amazing hockey playing boys ages 10 and 8. They keeps on my toes and make me smile every day.

    At the age of 37 I decided to persue a life long dream, returned to school and in May 2012 graduated as an RN! I'm now a pediatric nurse on a hematology/oncology unit (with general peds as well). I'm so lucky to have a supportive family who saw me through school, graduation and my boards. My dream really is coming true each shift I work!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us!

  99. Hi my name is petchie and I blog over at
    Im not a nurse nor am I a mom ( yet :D ) but i would love to be a mom one day. I'm an accountant and newlywed I live in PA and have always lived in the US. I have been following your blog for a while now. I love the pictures you share, the beautiful stories ( loved reading on the birth of your new little son, so amazing and touching).


  100. Hello, I am Meredith from VA! I just became a Mom about 3.5 weeks ago to a beautiful baby boy (we actually had the same due date, but I went a bit early too). I love reading your blog every morning with my coffee. I can relate on so many levels. I look forward to having my second child and love hearing about your new journey as a Mommy of 2!
    Thanks for a wonderful blog!

  101. Hi! :) I'm a California mommy to a 2 year old boy and have a little girl due to arrive in May! Love reading and writing blogs- although I've been totally slacking in both areas! Love reading your blog when I can!

    Have a great day!!!

  102. Hey! I'm a California mommy to a 2 year old boy...and have a baby girl due to arrive in May! I have a blog that I'm totally lagging on keeping up with, but love to update when I can! I try and read people I follow atleast once a week, to stay in touch with my "blogging friends!"

    Have a great day!!!

  103. Hello! My name is Jamie from Illinois. I got started reading your blog from Summer. I am a 37 yr old SAHM. I have Gastroparesis were your stomach doesn't work:( I do have a blog:)

    Congrats on your sweet baby boy!
    Jamie Pennington

  104. Hi, I'm Ashley and used to be a blogger.
    Once I had my son in Nov 2011 and went back to work after maternity leave, I just didn't have time to keep up with it. I still read your blog though and have for a few years. You once blogged about "Lessons from a first year mom" and I remember reading it just weeks after my son was born. Even though it made me cry, I loved it and bookmarked it. I can't tell you how many times in the first year of my sons life that I went back and read it. So thanks for creating a great blog and keeping me entertained for the past few years!

  105. I'm Emily, and I've been following for almost a year now. I hardly ever comment, because you get SO many comments that usually say exactly what I would say. I blog, too, and your blog design tips really helped me!! Thanks :) Your writing also inspired me to be more conversational with my posts. When I read your blog I feel like I'm hearing the words in person, and I want my readers to feel the same. I also just started working evenings in the ER, and as my husband and I talk about trying to have our first baby I wonder how I'd do it with this schedule. Then I remember, "Becky does it, so I could too!" E and Grahm are absolutely precious, by the way! Thanks for sharing your story with all of us!


  106. you are one amazing lady and mama to set out with this post and read all our comments :) love that!
    i'm sarah! im living in Minnesota with my husband, were both 25 and after struggling infertility pregnant with our first child, a son! i'm also from another country - berlin, germany! i have this crazy idea to take my husband and our son there when the babe is 3 months old in october. im a SAHW soon to be SAHM who just began blogging. i truly love it but am slowly getting the hang of it! my wonderful writing skills seem to be hidden in a blog post, but not anywhere else! i cant wait to get it designed and do advertising with you, i dream of it! love your blog, i share it to all. thanks for opening your life to us and sharing your wonderful memories with your great husband and two blessings!

  107. I've been reading your blog since the summer, I'm inspired by how you balance so much :) I love your pictures too. I live with my husband on the east coast and we're expecting our first baby in Sept. I'm not a nurse, but I do work at a children's hospital (research division). :)

  108. hey there!!! i'm laura from texas...sahm to 6 kids ages 16-5 months...4 boys 2 girls...whew!

    I teeter on the edge of insanity often haha...I get little sleep (hello dear cole...mommy wants a full night one night soon) and am in constant motion (thanks to #5 who keeps me on my toes) I stay pretty much in the kitchen prepping and cooking meals ...I have to triple all recipes to feed this family. I try to venture out to Target often to keep my smile (and hubs checkbook empty) often! It's my happy place

    I love to bake, decorate cookies, take pics of the kids, and blog.

    I adore being a mommy (even though hubs cut me off at 6 kids) and blog about my kids and recipes!!!

    i stumbled upon your blog eons ago ...

    i'm sure i'm forgetting something...besides a shower! haha feel free to stop by my blog...

  109. Hi Becky! I'm Mariah and I blog over at -- I have two daughters a 2 (well I guess almost 3 since her birthday is on Valentine's day which is not far away) and a 3 month old :) I do work full time, but lucky for me my girls get to come with me-- makes for crazy-busy-packed filled days, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have been following your blog when I discovered it when I was about 5 months pregnant with my 2nd. I love your blog so much because (this may sound funny) but I can almost hear you talking- haha, like you are having a conversation with us readers & it's so relate able- you inspire me to be a better blogger!

  110. Hi!
    I'm Martina Jambrovic, a 21 year old med student from Croatia (I included my last name just because not a single foreigner has ever pronounced it right, but I have faith in you since you speak Russian). I have been reading your blog for a year now. School takes up a lot of my time so I'm ispired by the way you balance it all!

  111. Well hello there Mrs Becky...
    I'm Claudia from Texas. Not a nurse nor a mom yet. I've been married for four years and I'm also not from here- Havana, Cuba.
    I work from home not in the typical kind of work from home I have a home daycare so could say I'm a mommy because I love those kids like they were my own.
    I blog (or pretend to)over at The Estradas about my life, being a wife and our future hopes.

    Your blog is amazing and your kids and beautiful.
    Your babies always give me big horrible baby fever. Too cute for words.
    I've been reading for a 1 1/2 if not more you Elli was a baby.
    Very inspired by everything you do.. You never stop..
    Please share how you do it all because girl you do..
    Very nice of you to read about us..
    Thanks Becky and have a great weekend!

  112. Hello! I have been reading your blog for about a year now I have a daughter that will be 2 next month so I love watching E grow and the things you do with her! You are an amazing mom and you aspire me to be the best mom I can be although I fail often! I thank you! My new obsession with you blog is that I am expecting a son in May and have anxiety about the sleep situation and juggling two so you sharing your experiences is helping me in so many ways!

  113. Hey I'm Beth Ann. Married to Shon (high school sweetheart) for almost 5 years. We have a 16 month old baby boy - Holden- and have another little boy- Brooks- due in April. I used to be a NICU nurse but stay home with my babe(s) now. I'm also a fellow Hoosier! ;) My blog is Instagram bethann1124. You amaze me by how much you seem to get accomplished all the time and how little sleep you seem to require! I know how I used to feel after 12 hour nightshifts and I needed some major sleep afterwards! I don't know how you do it! Superwoman for sure! ;)

  114. Hi Becky! My name is Katie & I blog over at I am 27 and live in Minnesota. I am a SAHM to my 10 month old daughter (we bought E's old bedding set). I started reading your blog around the time you announced you were pregnant with Graham. I am fascinated by all things related to Criminal Justice, more specifically Corrections. Once I am done raising my daughter (and future kids) I want to work in a prison. For now, I just volunteer. You are an inspiration to so many out there. I love reading about your little family. I think its great you want to get to know your readers! Have a great weekend!

  115. Hi Becky! My name is Katie & I blog over at I am 27 and live in Minnesota. I am a SAHM to my 10 month old daughter (we bought E's old bedding set). I started reading your blog around the time you announced you were pregnant with Graham. I am fascinated by all things related to Criminal Justice, more specifically Corrections. Once I am done raising my daughter (and future kids) I want to work in a prison. For now, I just volunteer. You are an inspiration to so many out there. I love reading about your little family. I think its great you want to get to know your readers! Have a great weekend!

  116. Hi I am Samantha and just recently found your blog. I just had my third baby (a boy) 3 weeks ago, so it is so fun reading about your new addition as well! I also have a 3 year old and 5 year old. I live in Northern Virginia (right outside of Washington DC) and blog at I really enjoy your blog, and can't wait to read more!

  117. My name is Jennifer, i have been married for 5 years. we have a 4 year old little girl who is our entire world. she love music and dancing. i love reading blogs by other moms, i would love to have my own but doubt that i have much to

  118. Hi! I'm Jenna and I blog {not nearly often as I should and want to} over at I'm a new mom to my strong lil preemie. He turned 12 weeks (6 weeks adjusted) yesterday. My hubs is a stay-at-home dad right now but I hope within a year at so him & I can switch roles so I can be home. All of the fun and creative things you're always doing with E

  119. *sorry, it wouldn't let me continue typing.

    All the fun and creative things you do with E inspires me. I hope to be half as involved and creative as you! Your pictures are always BEAUTIFUL, as are your children.

    While I have you, I was wondering what website you use to make your blog posts into a book...? Thanks!

  120. Hi my name is Jenn, I love reading blogs haven't figured out how to break into the blogging world myself. Your daughter has the same name as my 10 year old niece. I have 2 children of my own a 12 year old boy, 7 year old daughter! Your an amazing blogger a daily read for me.

  121. Hi Becky, my name is Ileana. I started reading your blog about two months ago when I started blogging. I'm a Montessori teacher curently but soon to be SAHM to my baby boy who will be here in just 7 weeks. I love reading about your family most recently G's birth story. It gave me a lot of confidence that it doesn't have to be a horribly painful experience like I've heard, but a truly amazing and beautiful one. Thank you for being so open and honest in your posts :) Have a wonderful Saturday!


  122. Hi my name is Jenn, I love reading blogs haven't figured out how to break into the blogging world myself. Your daughter has the same name as my 10 year old niece. I have 2 children of my own a 12 year old boy, 7 year old daughter! Your an amazing blogger a daily read for me.

  123. Hi Becky! I'm Nicole, I am a newlywed and graduate student in Utah. My husband is in law enforcement and EMS. I'm not a mother, but I can't wait to be. Planning to start a family after I'm done with school. I enjoy crafting and reading. I love reading your blog you're such an inspiration!

  124. Hi Becky! I'm Nicole, I am a newlywed and graduate student in Utah. My husband is in law enforcement and EMS. I'm not a mother, but I can't wait to be. Planning to start a family after I'm done with school. I enjoy crafting and reading. I love reading your blog you're such an inspiration!

  125. Hi, Becky! I'm Steph, from WI, married 4 years with no kids yet. Been reading for a couple years, your kids are so adorable! Love love love your photography and writing style.

  126. Hey! My name is Stephanie I'm 25 years old and I'm currently in CO my husband is in the Army and we love it for the most part. We have no kids so far we have been trying for 3 years it's just not our time right now. I love reading your post I haven't been on blogger in awhile though. I'm over at Army Wife on a mission.

  127. Hey, I'm Kim. I'm 23. I'm from England. I met my now husband online a few years ago and moved to El Salvador to meet and live with him. We have a 17 months old daughter (Chloe) and I'm pregnant with baby number two. I stay at home and take care of Chloe while hubby works. We've been saving up and will be moving back to England this year. I write a blog but it's mainly just my own way of keeping track of milestones etc, I have very few followers ( I love ready all your inspiring posts, especially one's related to being a Mummy.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. I'm Ashley and I live in Hershey PA. My husband is an anesthesiologist resident at Penn State Hershey and I'm and enrollment director for a local university. We have one little girl (11 months) named Amelia and we just found out we are expecting again.

  130. My name is Annie. I live in Montana! I wonder if you have any other readers from there? I'm actually 13 years old and the oldest of seven kids. I love you blog and your kids are soooo cute! ps I love your kids names! One of my future sons will probably be Graham. Love it! Like I said, Love your blog! ~Annie

  131. Hi Becky, My name is Sanaz. I am mommy to Anisa who is 15 months old. I love following your blog since we share intrests. I share your love of capturing moments in pictures. You have to tell me what you use to do your baby books and publish them I would love to know. Please do a post about it. Also we are in the same boat as you and we are thinking of trying for another baby soon :-) Just a few more months of just me and baby Anisa.
    Please do a post about the baby books and keep us uopdated on your mommy experiences. I have been following your blog before I even got pregnant and I have learned so much from your experiences. Can not wait for you to share your experiences as a mommy of two ! :)

  132. Hi, my name is Rose. I'm a newlywed in Colorado, hoping to have kids in the next year. I works at Children's Hospital with kids with diabetes. I found your blog through a friend's blog, Little Stay at Home Momma. I love the posts about everyday life, makes me excited to grow our little family.

  133. Becky, My name is Sanaz. I am mommy to baby Anisa who is 15 months old and growing by the minute. I have been following your blog before I even got pregnant and I have learned so much from your experiences. I also share your love of capturing moments in pictures. Please do a post on how your do your baby book and publish them. I would love to know what your use. We are also thinking about trying for the second baby soon. Just a few more months of just me and baby Anisa :-). Keep up the good work, I would love to hear about your experiences of being mommy to two babies. Your babies are beautiful :-). Please don't forget to do a post about your baby books. Love your blog! ~ Sanaz

  134. I'm Katie! I'm a NICU nurse turned stay at home momma to Meyer (2.5) and Hadley (5 weeks). We live in Indiana, which if my memory serves me correctly, so do you? I've been following for a while, but became a really loyal follower after you made the announcement you were expecting Graham only a few days before we announced our news! I love reading your blog and following along with your sweet family. We seem to have so many similarities! Looking forward to continuing following along and hope you visit us too!

  135. Hey there! I'm Laurie, from outside Boston, MA. I have been reading your blog for a long while your whole pregnancy with E..I LOVE it! I love seeing pics of your beautiful babies and read about your life! I wish I could remember where I found your blog, oh well!

  136. Hello,
    I am Molly, I am a pediatric nurse, and a mommy to a sassy little 9 month old girl. I love following your blog and your IG. I do not have a public blog, but I do have an IG account. I love watching the fun things you do with your little girl.

  137. Hey girl! It's me, Mandy! I feel like I've been reading your blog forever and have watched it grow from small to MASSIVE! Blogging and reading blogs has become my little "me time" I get during the day with my 3 little ones (Reagan- almost 4 and the twins- 4 months tomorrow!) XXOO

  138. Hi! I'm Julie. I have a little boy, Harrison, who is 19 months old. We are also expecting another little boy, Hayes, in May. I have been a little nervous about having another little one, and one day I stumbled upon your blog. I love it! I can't wait to see more adventures!

  139. Hi! I am Julie. I am a mom to Harrison, who is 19 months. We are also expecting another little boy in May. :) I stumbled upon your blog a couple months ago, and I love it!

  140. HI!!! I"m Laura Mom of three, I have a blog also it's about our life and trying to find a little humor in the crazy situations. I've been following yours for a while now, you have such beautiful babies and congrats on your newest bundle!!

  141. hello hello. I'm Nicole and I blog at Treasure Tromp. Not a mom, just a fan :)

  142. I'm Stacy! I've been reading your blog for over a year now and I just love it! I love your honesty and you really have a way with words! I'm currently 33 weeks pregnant so I've loved reading about you and Graham and of course Elliana. To be honest, your posts about Elliana made me want to be a mother more than I ever knew! Keep the amazing posts coming and thank you for being a source of advice and knowledge!!

  143. Love this. Hi, I am Jamie. I am a mom of (almost) 2 kids and a military wife. I live in Maryland but I am from California and Thai red curry.

  144. I've been a blog stalker of yours for awhile now! I just love it. Especially because you just had a baby. I don't know why but birth stories are my jam. I'm weird. I'm jealous of how insanely organized you are! You have a great schedule for your babies. I love it. I have one child. She's 4 and I got the dreaded's time to enroll for kindergarten. I died and ugly cried. yep.

    And I

    Gahh I hate putting my blog address for people to read. I've never done it before.

  145. Hey there! I'm Ashley, an almost 26 year old momma to a perfect 2 year old (next week!!)daughter, Faith, and a son, Ezra, that will be here in March! I too am a nurse, however I stopped working when we moved for my husband's job. I worked nights in pediatrics, and I hope to eventually go back to work in pedi!I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now, and I love it! I feel like we have so many things in common. You have written so many posts where I think "Man, if I could write well, this is what I'd say"! Ha! I have especially loved reading your posts about how it's been having G at home and how E has been with him. I just know my sweet girl is going to be an awesome big sister like your precious girl is!
    Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us! I always look forward to reading!

  146. Oh, I love stuff like this :o) My name is Kelly Jo. My husband and I live in Wichita, KS (we're here for his surgery residency) with our golden retriever and our brand new baby girl. I found your blog a couple of weeks ago when I was experiencing some mega pregnancy insomnia and I've loved following your posts and newborn adventures since then. Our little gal is just one week old now, so it's nice to hear from someone who is just a few weeks ahead of us.

    Keep up the bloggin'! It's great to read!

  147. Oh, I love stuff like this :o) My name is Kelly Jo. My husband and I live in Wichita, KS (we're here for his surgery residency) with our golden retriever and our brand new baby girl. I found your blog a couple of weeks ago when I was experiencing some mega pregnancy insomnia and I've loved following your posts and newborn adventures since then. Our little gal is just one week old now, so it's nice to hear from someone who is just a few weeks ahead of us.

    Keep up the bloggin'! It's great to read!

  148. Hi, I'm Sabra. I'm a college girl from South Dakota but have to admit to loving anything babies, so i have loved following your pregnancy posts and now little baby posts! I also loved your blog design tab as it encouraged me to try to make my blog more my own on my own instead of relying on someone else to do the creativity for me. I like to post different college organizing tips and things about my life on my little blog. I only started blogging in October, but I do enjoy it!

    Your little guy is such a cutie! and so is your daughter.



  149. Hi! I'm Barbara. 1) Thank you so much for recently following my blog! :) 2) A little about me: I'm originally from Connecticut and moved to Texas for grad school and ended up staying when I met my husband on a blind date. I basically live the exact opposite life that I imagined myself ending up. I'm a city girl at heart, but we live in the Texas county.

    I have a 2.5 year old daughter, Kathryn and I work outside of the home in communications in higher ed. I love the blogging community and all the amazing connections to make with other women who are also sharing their story.

    I'm SO glad to have found your blog and truly love reading along! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  150. Hello! I've been reading since before you find out that E was coming and have truly enjoyed all the posts you do. I used to blog, but now only do it privately. I mostly read others (like yours) and hop around at night after my kiddos are in bed. :) I married my high school sweetheart 8 years ago, but we have been together for 12 (never with anyone else - either of us). My husband is a Paramedic/Firefighter and musician. I stay at home (my life long dream) with our 3 living girls (6, 4 and 1)and mother-by-spirit the baby girl I lost in utero 3 years ago. I am currently attempting to have my first childrens book published and am writing a YA novel with my sister. I volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center and would love to finish school to become a fetal sonographer, working for the center part time. We live out in the woods of Colorado ... and reading your blog (and a few others) makes me feel connected to this wonderful community of Mamas! Thanks for always sharing!

  151. What a great idea! My name is Laura. I live in Georgia and am a full time 6th grade teacher. I got married in September, and I started my own blog in December. It's
    I am still new at it, but have had fun exploring other blogs out there- including this one! I hope to be a Mom one day soon, but we're trying to get a foundation for our marriage right now :) Your blog is great to read! Thanks for the cool idea!

  152. Hello! My name's Shelby and I'm writing from Phoenix, Arizona. I'm an 18 year old college student. I'm not a nurse, but I am going to school to work in a hospital. Right now my goal is to get certified as a Child Life Specialist, providing support to families and children who are suffering from a terminal illness. I'm only eighteen so I don't have any little ones of my own just yet, but reading your blog has definitely made me more excited to have my own family once I finish school. I've been reading since E was about a year old. I absolutely love reading about you and your kids and hope I can start my own lifestyle blog once my life gets a little more interesting. Right now I do not have my own blog but I still greatly enjoy catching up on yours every few days. God bless and best wishes to you and your family.

  153. Hi! My name is Amanda. I am a 31 year old mom of a 14 month old boy, Hudson (birthday 11/7/11). My husband and I have been married 9 years. I am a RN, BSN. I work 2 days a week for a private practice (have been there almost 7 years after working in a hospital for 3 years). I enjoy following your blog, but I do not blog myself.

  154. HI! I'm Emily. I am not a mom or a nurse, but a 19 year old college student who loves just about any lifestyle blog, especially if there are cute babies involved. So I love reading yours! I go to Moody Bible Institute in the great wonderful windy city Chicago, and I'm studying Pre-Counseling, as well as Bible. I DO blog! right here: about my life in the city, what I'm learning, etc. Love this kind of post! so much fun. Hope you're having good weekend :)

  155. Hey =) I'm Christy! I have a little boy who is 14 months named Payson. I'm a full time mom and a part time phlebotomist at a plasma center here in Spokane, WA. My husband and I got married almost 3 years ago, and we will be moving to southern Utah later this year to be closer to his family.
    I love your blog and sometimes I feel like I'm reading about a friend rather than a stranger from across the country just because you are so interesting and relatable that I always read your posts =)

    Congrats on your little guy, he is so cute. And that daughter of yours is just a doll! Thanks for caring to get to know us =)

  156. Hi! 152 comments, dang girlfriend! My name is Sam! I am a mommy to a beautiul 8 month girl Grace. I am also a part time Medical Assistant in Pediatrics. I love my job and will one day be a nurse but am focusing on family right now. I love your blog! I blog over at

  157. Hello, I'm Nora from Two is better than One- now called, this little love. I am 23 and married to my husband Sean for 3 years! We have two dachshunds and a grouchy cat. We live in Gresham, Oregon where it rains a lot and I love to blog about day to day and our lifestyle as well, no kids yet but until then...I'm happy getting to know people and building friendships! Have a lovely night- your kids are beautiful by the way, Congrats on Graham.. and proud of Eliana!

  158. Hi, my name is Kelli and I am not a blogger but have really enjoyed following yours for about a year now. My husband and I live in Minnesota, although my husband lived in Romania the first 18 years of his life. We have two daughters after 2 1/2 years of marriage! Anica is 18 months and Emilia is 5 weeks old (born 12/21/12). When I'm not on maternity leave I work 3-11pm as nurse in the float pool where my husband is also a nurse in the ICU. I find you to be truly inspirational cause I worked night shift for 2 years prior to having a family and I was a complete train wreck all the time! So I truly can't understand how you manage a family and working nights!! It's a miracle to me! And you make it seem so easy!

  159. Hi! I've been following your blog for about a year and a half now. Can't remember where I first found you.

    I'm a mom to two girls, Meredith is 4 and Charlotte is 19 months. I'm a former teacher, now SAHM and cop wife. I have blog over at

    I really love the blogging community and am so glad I became a part of it!

  160. Hi my name is Becky too! I think that's what first caught my eye on your blog! I'm not a mom or wife, just a college student, but I enjoyr reading your posts! Your kids are adorable and it's been fun following your journey for the past few months! congrats on your handsome little man :) i'm over at !

  161. Hi, I'm Amy. I live in England. I do not have kids, nor am I a wife. Your blog just interests me. I've been following you for a few months now and your kids are just the sweetest. I think the first post I read from you was a Show and Tell Monday. I do blog too.

  162. Hello :)
    Dani here from Little Spindle ( I've been following for awhile but fell off the grid while I was pregnant. I'm getting back into it now and love reading about your adventures!

  163. Hi, I'm Debbie. I have 2 grown daughters and am expecting a first grandchild in June. I started reading your blog over 2 years ago...can't remember exactly how I found it. I read your blog to get decorating ideas, keep up on the latest adventures and to learn about products my daughter would be interested in...especially for the new baby! Can't wait to see a post about Graham's nursery! I was blogging but haven't done so since August.

  164. Hi! I'm Aislinn and I blog about my everyday life over at Movin' On ( I'm originally from Missouri but moved to Mississippi about two years ago for my husband's job. I'm a newlywed and we're currently trying to grow our family but have run into some issues which you can read about at my blog, Baby Makin' (

    Congratulations on the new addition to your family! He's absolutely beautiful. Elliana is going to be such a great big sister.

  165. Hi, I'm Stephanie from Florida. I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to my 21 month old daughter. I found your blog awhile back when my daughter was a newborn and have always enjoyed your mommy stories, photos, etc. I just find your blog very relatable! I started a blog but I am slow to post & can't seem to stick to it just yet. I am a better blog reader than writer at this point! :)

  166. hi! i'm krysta. 25 years old - married for almost a year & a half. i came across your blog while on the hunt for entertaining & informative baby/mommy blogs. hubby and i want to start our family this summer so i'm trying to inform myself :) love your blog! so entertaining and i love how much effort you obviously put into it! i don't blog, but love reading :) nice to "meet" you!!

  167. Hi!! I'm Dottie! I'm a single, 25 year old kindergarten teacher in Texas. I couldn't even begin to remember how I found your blog (I blog surf until I find ones I like). I read because you're just so cute with such a cute little family, your writing is fabulous and you write regularly, so you hooked me in! I love reading!

  168. hi becky,
    just wanted to introduce myself. i live in nw indiana about 30 minutes from downtown chicago(our big playground on the weekends).I graduated from purdue in '97. i teach 4th grade, have been married 5 years and have a beautiful 3 year old daughter. the big 4-0 is quickly approaching so we hope to add to our family this year! i love reading your blog 1)you live in indiana 2) your a boilermaker 3)i sense that you have a good midwestern heart. congrats on your new bundle of joy! and thank you for sharing with all of us readers.

  169. Becky! As a fellow ICU nurse & mama, I love following your blog and instagram. Your pics and stories of Elliana give me a glimpse into my future, having a 13 month old little girl myself. And your newest addition? Is adding to my baby fever! Your little family is just precious, thanks for sharing it with us :)

  170. Hi Becky! I'm Leah, and I've been following your blog for about a year. I'm a sorority girl and nursing major in my first year of college, and reading your posts brighten my day! College is great, and it's nice to know that it only gets better!

  171. Hi Becky! I'm Ancy. I've been following for over a year now. I love reading your blog and I appreciate the times you've taken time out of your day to respond to my questions. You've given some great advice/tips. YI have said this before, but you are totally a super mama!! A little about me, I am a 29 year old mama of almost 13-month old Noah and a wife of 5 years. I was born in India but have been living in Philly since I was 6 so I too came here from a land far away :) Congrats again on your little man and God bless your family!

  172. Hi, My name is Sara I started reading your blog because of your Show and Tell Link up. I keep reading because I like your writing and topics.
    I blog over at A McFall Minute ( I have a 19 month old daughter and am pregnant with our second child now. I'm from IN, lived in OH for a few years for my husbands job, and am happy to be back in IN now and by family. I stay at home currently but before my daughter was born I worked for a bank.
    Your family is adorable and congrats on the newest addition.

  173. Hi Becky! My name is Megan!!

    I blog over at

    I have been reading for a while now, I can't remember where or when I first started reading!! But I do love to read about your family!

    I am married going on three years, we don't have any kids yet and I live just outside of Tallahassee, Florida.

  174. Hi! My name is Susan I am in my mid 20s and live near the big city - NYC. (Really glad I live in the surrounding burbs though - I am not built for the big city life.) I love reading your blog, I have no kiddos to talk about as of yet, but I have a puppy - that has been with our family for a few months and is like our own child. I am still trying to figure out how to make time in my day to blog and do it well, my day is full with work and grad school to switch careers (I am working to become a teacher.) Thanks for all the inspiration and congratulations on your growing family!

  175. Hey There!

    I'm Kelly. I'm a fellow "mommy blogger", TheNODramaMama, from the great state of Georgia. I'm a mommy to my sweet 12 month old boy, Gavin, and LOVE DIY with a passion! What a fun post, I think I may have to try this in the future as well! Congratulations on your newest bundle of joy!


  176. Hi! It's so nice reading about your little family. I am mama to soon to be 3 kiddos, and it's just nice to hear that I am not the only one with some similar problems/joys/etc that you share. I look to your blog for inspiration for my own blog, although I mainly use mine to keep connected with out of town family.

    I would LOVE to know when you got your boppy cover and/or the fabric to make it! So cute and simple. I also love looking at photos of your home and decor. Very beautiful.

  177. Hey Becky! I'm Ashley. I'm the mama to three beautiful kiddos. A boy, who is now my guardian angel and twin daughters. Erik, my son, passed away 3 years ago. He was 5. His baby sisters will be 5 in May and they are the light of my life. You can read more about me and my babies over at my blog!

  178. Hey Becky! I started reading your blog when you were just a Mrs. and I was just a Mrs. too! Now I am a SAHM to my little man Ascher.

  179. Hey Becky! I'm Caitlin. I am and Army wife with a currently deployed husband. We are both native Northern Californians but for the last few years have traveled with the Army from state to state & even out of the country. We he returns at the end of the year we have plans for some fun and relaxing vacations & to run 2 marathons before we start trying for our first baby! I am currently browsing masters programs & am thinking about making a switch into nursing with the hope that I can be a stay at home & working mom (we'll see). I enjoy reading your words about your beautiful family! best wishes!

  180. HI Becky! I am Elaine and blog over at! I work part time as a high school social studies teacher and just had our second son Charlie about 7 weeks ago. Big brother Paul is very proud! Love your blog and your sweet babes!

  181. Can't remember how I first "found" your blog, but I enjoy reading about your everyday life. I have two boys (just turned 1 and almost 3) and keep a blog/scrapbook to document my life as a SAHM.

  182. A little late on this. But, hi! I'm Stefanie, a Pittsburgh SAHM to Dylan (8), Alexandria (almost 6), and Liliana (almost 18 months). Number 4 will join us soon, I'm sure. I've been blogging about our daily life with kids for 4 years. I started reading your blog a little over a year ago!

  183. Becky! I know we've "met" in the blogging world before- I'd had a blast both times I sponsored your blog, and will for sure be back again sometime :)

    I'm in Ohio, work in the football world, and getting close to the 2-years of marriage mark. I've been reading your blog for probably about a year and a half now. I have loved every post of yours, and seeing your sweet family grow and grow. You truly inspire me.... I love your style of parenting and your style of writing ;)

  184. Hi Becky and family! My name is Elizabeth. I have been reading your blog since shortly after Elliana was born and have since gone back and read all the prior posts so I would be caught up. I love reading pregnancy and baby blogs because I like to dream about how my life will be someday soon I hope! I live in Northern California, am getting married in September, my fiance and I just bought our first home together and are so excited to see where these next few years take us. I blog about wedding planning, home improvements and other random life happenings at It's a Blog Eat Blog World ( Your family is beautiful and you are such an inspiring mom, wife and working woman!

  185. Hey Becky!! My name is Tara and I am also from IN. I am a new mom to a 3 month old little boy and I am now a stay-at-home mama. I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Elliana and I absolutely love it! You have a beautiful family!

  186. Hi Becky! My name is Danielle! I'm a full-time working mom & step-mom of 5. I have a 7 yo son, 3 step-sons ages 7, 9 & 13, and my husband and I have a 15 mo baby girl together.

    I have a degree in psychology, but I never put it to use... I got sucked up by the retail world while in college, and after doing that for 13 years, I had to pack it in. Retail is not the life for a single mommy :/
    Anywho, I changed careers right after I met my husband, and became a secretary at my local high school. I have been doing this for 6 years.

    I just started blogging about my hectic life as a working mom & step-mom at, so I'm pretty new to the bloggy world.

    I found your blog through my friend Cari, over at Adventures of the Roberts. I enjoy your positivity. Sometimes I need a reminder with all the drama and stress in my life :) Plus you're beautiful and so are your babies, and less face it - everyone loves beautiful babies!!!

  187. Hi! I'm actually on my computer and not just reading on a phone so I want to come "meet you!"

    I'm a SAHM mom that goes back and forth between Atlanta and Savannah, GA. My boys are Logan born in August of 2010 and Hunter born in June of 2012. You're very relatable and "real." You're one of the few blogs that I follow that doesn't have a ton of unread posts. I blog but only privately and in an unorganized, messy fashion. Really just for me to keep track of my boys' milestones. Nice to meet you!! :)

  188. Hi Pretty Lady,

    My name is Yesi. I am 21 years old, and I am sponsoring you in the month of March. I began blogging about 7 months ago. I am so in love with it. I am obsessed with your blog. You're the perfect example of what I want my blog to be like one day. I am not a mom. Yet. I'm not even engaged yet. Still waiting. I wanted to know how long you and your hubs waited before you got engaged and married and the kids. The whole shebang! Hope you have an amazing rest of the week. Love this idea btw <3

    xoxo Yesi

  189. I already commented, but I thought of a few questions! One, where did you and your husband meet? What's your guys story? What country are you from? How did you come up with E's name? Where do you guys live?

  190. Hi, my name is Val and I ran across your blog about a month ago. I am a Mom of an almost 2 year old boy and have another baby due this spring. I blog at Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids -

  191. Hi! My name's Brandi. I'm from Iowa. I've been with my boyfriend for about three years, hopefully engaged soon ;). I'm a RN and work in long-term care. It's not really where I thought I'd be, but it's not as bad as I thought - I enjoy it. I do have a blog it's about my life in smalltown Iowa. It's pretty random & just my thoughts. I just started this blog a couple of months ago so all this is still pretty new to me. My blog is called In John Deere Green and can be found at I have really enjoyed reading you blog so far and can't wait to read more! I love finding blogs of other nurses. :)
