
Monday, January 7, 2013

The Birth Story. Part One.

December 27th, 2012 7:27 AM

As I sit here in the hospital room on the couch in the corner, listening to all the commotion of the hospital unit while watching this amazing man that I married lay on the bed with our little blessing, I begin to think about what the last 24 hours {less than} has been like. It's all still so fresh in my mind. I can close my eyes and relive every second of the birth, every contraction, every push, and the beating of the little tiny heart inside of me on the monitor. I close my eyes and I can feel myself there again.

There's something to be said about birth stories. The experience. The beauty of it. Something so special, unique, and absolutely life changing. I don't think you ever forget the birth of your child and the details that you hold on to. Details that put all the little pieces of the story together.

So here I sit, I close my eyes and begin to tell you about the second most important day of our lives.

It all begins December 25th, 2012. Christmas night.

I had to work that night. There was a predicted "snow storm of 2012" coming our way. Predicted that the roads would be rough. Announcement made overhead that we would be on mandatory lock down and staff were not to leave until they were dismissed in the morning. Talks of 6-15 inches of snow. City warned to stay home unless you were an "essential employee." Which for us, the nursing was pretty essential. It's all anyone could talk about. What was to come.

The second topic of the night? The fact that I, miss pregnant mama over here, had not had this baby yet. Those that were very much so shocked that I was even there that night. Yet, here I was, working another night shift side by side with these gals. One even giggled at me during shift report and said "tomorrow would be the day."  I didn't believe it for a second. Not anymore. Not after being told "any day" and "any time" and "this is it."And to think? My due date hadn't even reached us yet.

The night started out smooth sailing. Wasn't busy, but definitely flying by. There was a pitch in from all the nurses there that night, so of course we made sure to stuff our faces with ham, pies, and all sorts of goodies. For some reason, I didn't have much of an appetite, so I stuck to just a few things. Sweets being my main choice for an entree.

As the night progressed and turned into early morning {December 26th}, I continued to have the usual braxton hicks contractions that were just coming along more often. At about 4am, probably the slowest time of the night, I had decided to go ahead and start walking around the nurses station. The nurses laughed at me. The doctors shook their heads when they walked by me doing my "laps". And everyone thought I had lost my mind. I had to work these contractions guys, I would say. "This baby is going to come before noon," I would joke.

At about 5am, we had a rapid response that flipped this night from slow and steady to fast and hectic. Because I looked like I could pop at any minute, as my dear friends would say, no one let me do much but be the "supply girl." Get this. Get that. Okay guys, I got this. Walking. My specialty of the evening.

Then I would feel a pain. Ouch. 5 minutes later, another pain. Well well, felt that one. Pain that now radiated to my bottom and caused me to stop in my tracks. Pressure. Lots of it. So much so, that I recall saying to myself and those around me... "Hmm... this is different." ... "It's like in my butt. Like someone stabbing my butt. Hole." I clearly had no shame.

Those men that work with us women? I feel for them. The things that come out of our mouths....No filter what so ever. Especially the pregnant woman's mouth.

So any who, by about 5:30 those pains were increasingly stronger and more frequent. Tolerable though. Definitely could still walk and talk through them. And if I'm going to be completely honest here...I didn't think much of them.

The attending doctor thought otherwise. I will never forget his words, "I've only birthed one baby in my entire career, and that was my daughter 26 years ago. I am definitely not changing that streak tonight." And so they sent me off on my way. Honestly, I don't think I had a choice. I tried to open up my mouth and mutter a few "but seriously guys I'm okay" words... but all they had to do was give me the look. Next thing I know one nurse is on the phone with the triage nurse across the street for labor and delivery. Another doctor is on the phone with security to have a car ready to take me across the street {although I insisted I still knew how to drive}. And another nurse is grabbing my arm to take me downstairs. All decisions were made within 2 minutes.

I tell you what. I work with some mighty strong-willed individuals.

Next thing I know, I'm sitting in the hospital's security vehicle, in the beginning of the snow storm... wondering... is this what I think this is.....


  1. What an amazing start to a birth story! Not like you would ever be able to forget it, but the circumstances make it so much more unforgettable!

  2. I'm hooked! Can't wait to read the rest of your beautiful son's arrival. Love and congrats, Mama!

  3. You are such a great writer! I love how you can really explain things. I didn't know you were a nurse either! How awesome!! Can't wait to read the second portion.. Congrats!!! <3, Amy

  4. Love this! Can't wait to hear the next part(s) :)

  5. What a great beginning! I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for part 2 :)

  6. Omg this has me on the edge of my seat part two part two lol love you Becky!!!!

  7. AHH! I'm getting emotional reading it! Can't wait to read part 2!!

  8. OMG! You crack me up! I love how you were due like any second and still bombing around the hospital working! You are a force girl! Can't wait to hear more!

  9. Ahhh, the suspense! It is already shaping up to be a great story :) :)

  10. You really do write stories very well! you should have a column somewhere. :)
    Great story and unforgettable! He is precious!

  11. I'm a L&D nurse so I absolutely LOVE reading birth stories!!! It never happens exactly how we plan haha :)

  12. I am loving part one of your birth sotry!!! I can't wait to read more!! Thank goodness for your co workers are are so strong willed :)

  13. Loving this!! Can't wait to read more! Way to go co-workers!

  14. Love this it reminds me of when my sister in law had my nephew.

    She is a nurse in L&D and her mom is the head nurse on that floor too. She was a scheduled induction but it was one of the worst snow storms ever! The hospitals staff was also on lockdown and all her coworkers had to spend the night at the hospital to ensure they would be there for there next shift. I remember all the nurses acting like they were having a big slumber party hahaha. they kept coming in and out of her room while she labored lol

  15. Your such a good writer I can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

  16. You left us hanging! Congrats on your little one and I look forward to reading the rest of your story!

  17. Absolutely beautiful post mama and somehow I knew you would be working the night you went into labor!! Congrats times a million! Graham is absolutely precious!!

  18. I loved part one.. I cannot wait until part two!

  19. I had the same labor pains with our first son. I even told my husband that I felt like he was coming the wrong way! Yikes! Just read part two as well... Graham is adorable!! :)

  20. I love that you were still working up until you went into labor. You're super mama :) Off to read part 2!!!
