
Sunday, February 17, 2013

A little Announcement

You know, I have had a few link ups on this blog of mine. I'm always trying to use this space as a creative outlet and trying to come up with fresh, fun, new ideas as a way to engage others and make this space an opportunity for other bloggers and women in general to connect.

I think about crafts. Hey lets all put together projects and recipes and share. And then I realize that that actually requires me to take pretty pictures and be creative. I think about show and tell. Show me your house, your babies, anything your pretty little hearts desire. And then I realized that this required me to be again... creative... and think of questions to ask. And then I think about why I do this...

And I realize, that at the end of the day? I come to this place to write.

And what do I love to read most? Just people writing. Perhaps about what they did. A moment they shared with their loved ones. Something that made them happy. Something that made them sad. That time they failed potty training. Or maybe how their husband gave them the Saturday afternoon off and they ran off to have a spa day. These moments. That need to be written down. Something that is on our heart, on our mind, and something we have the urge to share.

I had a link-up where women connected at the end of last year. A one time deal. Asking people to just write. We had over 200 link up. And we had some amazing stories. Women talk about abuse. Loss. Divorce. Miscarriages. A hard day. A bump on the road.

We also read stories on happiness. A great day. A memory to remember. Children that hit their milestone of walking. Marriages that were saved. 

And so much more.

This has now inspired me to do this more often. Write more often. Connect more often. And allow other people to share their stories.

Again, it doesn't have to be deep. Each and every time. It can be just one moment. Something on your mind, or on your heart, or just plain something you want to put in writing so you can have it forever to look back on.

So what do you say? Join me? Just be you and write. Come join me Tomorrow! Let this be your weekly let it out and write. Feel free to share the button using the code below, or link back so that more people can come and just write.


  1. Yay! I love your link ups! & the women connect last year was such a great one!

  2. I participated last time and had so many amazing conversations with women afterwards following that. So, thank you! :)

  3. Love this idea, look forward to linking up :)

  4. yay! I can now finally post this one Ive had in my drafts!!! :)

  5. oh girl this is awesome! I just wrote from my heart deep girl the other night and posted I might link that or I may write new tonight when the hubs and K are sound a sleep I love to just sit and write! I love reading your beautiful writing and I love you so consider me in girlfrannnn!

  6. will definitely be linking up to this. beautiful idea for a link up!

  7. This is a great idea. Sad I missed it!! Please say you'll have another one!! :)
