
Thursday, February 21, 2013

How Andrew and I are different.

Very important topic here ladies. And gentlemen. If in fact there are men out there that read, and if they do, please don't take this personally...see this as a learning opportunity.

1. Andrew would send Elliana to grandma's house as quick as I could say go. Me? I have only spent one weekend away from her {for out of town wedding}, and just can't fathom sending her to grandma's just because. Often times I will ask him, okay what do you want to do? And he'll say, "I don't know, just hang out." My response? Why can't we hang with the kids? Although, I know it's completely the normal thing to do, but it's just so funny to me how men and women are wired so differently.

2. Andrew could walk by the screaming baby and have to pick up every toy or pillow on the ground, put it back in place, and make sure things are tidy before turning to me who happens to have the stare glare on, completely oblivious and say
in which I reply.. "Andrew. Crying baby. Takes precedence over non-moving, non-crying, completely un-important objects on the ground."
He stares at me blankly. His response... "Oh." Oh. Do men have hearing problems?

3. Andrew requires, I kid you not, 5-10 wipes to do a diaper change. Every diaper change. It's like he uses one for every crevice. Hello crevices. I mean, it's great. I appreciate a fresh clean baby and all. But really... ten? Let's be a little bit more conservative here honey.

4. Andrew doesn't grasp the concept of now. Like making sure he is following Elliana up the stairs because who knows what kind of trouble she could be getting into. But he has to finish washing the dishes from dinner {which I do appreciate by the way}. He doesn't understand that we are doing bath time and I don't have 4 hands to handle all the kids. But he is almost done listening to the sports channel. I think I operate on the lets go, hurry up, now time schedule. Whereas Andrew operates on the in-a-minute-honey schedule.

I like my schedule more :)

5. Andrew complains of being "tired" and requires naps on the weekends. This humors me. Then again, my husband has always been a big napper. Prior to having kids, he probably didn't roll out of bed before noon. I wish I was kidding. But the tired part? To me? I mean... if anyone, I should be the one that is tired. Sadly though, I just knock him across the head with a pillow and tell him he's lucky I'm not tired or else he would be in the doghouse. And off to sleep he goes.

I must say, I re-read these and giggled out loud. This may be a man thing, but most likely this is an "Andrew" thing. This short list describes my husband and the way he is regardless if kids were factored in. He's a big clean freak, and he tunes out quickly and easily. He gets distracted easily and forgets often. He loves his sleep and really doesn't function well without it. He's a slow moving but very picky and particular individual.

But boy does that man love hard. And those kids he loves so much. He pleads and begs for pictures throughout the day. He talks about his baby girl like she discovered the cure for cancer. He looks at his son with so much love in his eyes. He loves. And he loves hard.

So I guess I'll keep him. I guess he's not too bad after all ;)


  1. Oh my gosh, I seriously feel as though I could have written this post. ESPECIALLY the wipes and naps bit...THEY need a nap?! You have to be kidding me. Haha.

    Love the honesty ;)

  2. My husband loves his naps, too. I can't take naps and stil sleep at night, but he does allow me to sleep in late when he is home so I can extend my night sleeping as long as possible. Sleeping in late now is 9 a.m.

  3. This is my husband exactly! Im a nurse and the weekends I work he always gets my mom or dad to watch Collins so he can get stuff done. Like its impossible to get it done with her (like I do every day of the week!!) ha! love this!

  4. This is hilarious. My husband completely. Except number 5- we are both big nappers. I love my naps. On weekends we take a family nap usually after a Disneyland morning. I love our big family naps together.

  5. This is an amazing post. This is for sure like mine right down to the naps! I sometimes wonder what goes through there heads on those "tuning" out times!

  6. Granted we don't have kids yet, but my fiance is a napper too! He loves to nap after work, typically when dinner needs to be cooked there are dishes and laundry to do. He too, is lucky I'm not tired.

  7. This post made me smile. My hubby is not a clean freak, but he definitely loves his sleep and has this uncanny ability to tune things out. I operate on a similar "now" mentality as you do, and my hubby is very much like Andrew is. I'm sure ill be able to write a similar post once our little guy is here in June!!

  8. Ugh. The wipes. My husband was the same way with the wipes. It must be a man thing.

  9. My fiancé is the exact same way about living on a "task" schedule. I live in the "do what needs to be done ASAP" schedule. The man can't rush, but I don't think it's their fault haha. Great post.

  10. We are the same way with our schedules. I'm a get it done now kinda person and he is a procrastinator

  11. This post could have been written for my husband too. I don't think it is just an Andrew thing...its an Andre thing too! Maybe its just because their names are so similar :)

    The naps are thing that kills :)

  12. Haha! The napping bit - DEFINATELY my husband. However the crying baby bit - He is CRAZY if he hears her whimper, she is scooped up and bounced rocked or most of the time handed to mommy! :) Baby CANNOT be upset for one milisecond in our house! :) All the rest - dead on. Though I will say this - you are one lucky girl to have a husband do dishes and clean - mine - not so much! But he also LOVES his daughter hard and for that matter me too -

  13. Haha! The napping bit - DEFINATELY my husband. However the crying baby bit - He is CRAZY if he hears her whimper, she is scooped up and bounced rocked or most of the time handed to mommy! :) Baby CANNOT be upset for one milisecond in our house! :) All the rest - dead on. Though I will say this - you are one lucky girl to have a husband do dishes and clean - mine - not so much! But he also LOVES his daughter hard and for that matter me too -

  14. I've been reading for a while but not sure I've ever commented! :) My husband definitely does not understand the concept of now... I think that's just men. We are about to have our first baby so we will see if that changes!

  15. This made me literally laugh out loud. Insert "Joe" wherever you have "Andrew" and I could steal this post lol I definitely think it's a man thing. Well, minus the cleaning up. I wish my hubby would help clean up the misc stuff that makes it way everywhere. Everything else though was spot on. Great post!

  16. I'm beginning to think it's a man thing (;

  17. OH this is definitely a man thing! The passing by a crying baby...the cleaning need...just a lot of what you said reminds me of my husband! glad I'm not alone! :)

  18. Totally a man thing. 100% without a doubt. My husband is the same way, but as number two has gotten bigger, it's gotten so much easier, now the two kids AND him can interact together!

  19. Oh my gosh I could substitute my husbands name into every single one of these! I swear sometimes when he yawns repeatedly I want to go crazy!

  20. Oh. My. Gosh. THE NAPS!!! Those men kill me.

  21. Amazing how much so many husbands sound the same. ;) Many of these things sound like Jarrod - ESPECIALLY the napping. He naps ALL. THE. TIME.

  22. honestly, i feel like i just wrote this post. it must be a man thing. I dont understand the whole a bajillion wipes thing either. i mean seriously? lol. glad to know were all going through the same stuff
    the sweet life of a southern wife

  23. Yep sounds just like my husband. Also, what kills me is how if my husband has a little cold he's in bed acting like he's dying but I could have a stomach bug and be vomiting and will still manage to take care of the baby. Definitely a man thing.

  24. bahahaha... It's like a window into my house. Clearly from the other comments it must be a man thing. I remember when we first brought Declan home Peyton would go change the diaper and it would take about 20 minutes. No joke. I still have no idea what was happening, but that became their bonding time and no diaper was to be changed too hastily!

  25. It's hilarious to read all of these comments. I think I'm a rare breed because I'm the napper in our family and as long as it doesn't come to our baby boy I'm totally a procrastinator. My Hubs is a get it done now type of guy.

    Interesting that we're so backward, but it's working for us!

    Too funny.

  26. This is my husband and I also! We are also different when it comes to car stuff. I love it that we are opposites on so many things, it's what makes us work so well together! :)

  27. I can SO relate to numbers 1-4! John and I would always try to take turns changing the poopy diapers, but he would use like 10 wipes when it could have been easily done with two. Ugh, drove me nuts haha.

  28. Oh my God! The tired and nap thing is SO my husband! I give him the hardest time when he tells me he's tired. I'm just like "Seriously? You're tired? I haven't gotten more than 5 hours of consecutive sleep in 6 months!" Sometimes I wish he could breast feed for just one day so he could see how my day is.

  29. OMG hon, you just described our household EXACTLY!!!! It makes me feel so much better knowing that other hubby's are like mine, especially when it comes to sending Ellie to grandma's house, or walking by her when she needs something because he just HAS to finish what he was doing first!
    ♥ Kyna

  30. lol oh love this! Our first is coming in June, and this just made me realize that my husband (who btw is already telling me he will not be changing diapers- he gags picked up dog poop) will be the same way with the wipes.. Oh I better consider more of a budget for wipes ;)

  31. This sounds EXACTLY like our household! I always tease my husband that he may be a little too laid back and he teases me right back by saying I'm just bossy and neurotic. (Which I'm sure is very true) all in all the saying is true that opposites do attract.

  32. hahha I am cracking up. We don't have kids (obviously) but this sounds very similar to my husbands personality. I really do think it is a man thing. It is funny how completely different the two species are. And I can tell that husband of yours loves you all with his whole heart. The pictures, looks, etc speak for themselves. Loved this.

  33. Your schedule and mine are exactly alike as is your husband's and my husband's! It's too funny how different men and women are in so many areas!

  34. Sounds exactly like my husband. Must be a man thing!

  35. You literally described my guy except minus the neat freak part. Whenever I think I'm going to lose it on him I have to remind myself about critical gender differences...and remember that he has the best heart of anyone I know.

  36. We have the opposite argument in my house. B will use one wipe and I use 2-3 on a poopy diaper. I don't want to feel like I'm just smearing poop all over their butts and boy parts. Of course this all depends on the type of poopy diaper but still...

  37. This post made me laugh. 2 and 5? Yep, I can relate!!!!
