
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'm saying.. SO WHAT

Today, I am saying SO-WHAT to Wednesday and throwing in some of my randoms of the week. I love this link up by Shannon and it's a great way to share your thoughts in a creative way. Go here to link up your "So-Whats" of the week.

1. So what, if Jillian Michaels kicked my butt and I stopped before it was over. On the first day. In my defense... the baby started crying. That and the girl scout cookie were calling my name. So I delayed the beginning of my "shred" an additional day.

2. So what, if Potty training didn't work out the first time. We have a plan for the next time around. And I believe that when miss E is ready, we will conquer this thing.

3. So what, if We made this recipe and didn't follow the rules and therefor our "mozzarella sticks" were more like mush of cheese. It was still oh so tasty and I cannot wait to make it again. The right way.

4. So what, if The weather has been in the 30's-40's, but we are so over it, and go on walks anyway. This requires lots and lots and lots of layers. Also? I wish someone would push me around in a stroller while I'm covered up in blankets.

5. So what, if The baby girl has misplaced her leotard {look at me blaming the toddler}. She still looked super cute walking on the big girl balance beam at gymnastics on Saturday. And after this picture was taken? She walked across one on the floor ALL-BY-HERSELF! Yes. I am that screaming proud mama.

6.  So what, if Our first day "out" with the hubby was us dropping off E at grandma's house while us and the baby boy went to the new mall, walked around, grabbed snacks along the way, and held hands. Oh and baby wore.

7. So what, if getting ready and tacking two kiddos out in the world can be challenging... it's something we have to do to keep sane. That includes toddler time at the library. A must.

8. So what, if I couldn't find a shallot at the grocery the other day for a recipe I was going to try. I found this fabulous site that gives me substitutes for all sorts of ingredients! And onion was my sub... that I always have.

9. So what, if I didn't exactly make it to my 6 week post-partum appointment. Or even schedule one for that matter. I'm not exactly a rule follower anyway. And I like to self-diagnose/self-release.

That's all I have! Thanks Shannon for such a fun link-up :)