
Friday, February 8, 2013

It's a FAB kind of Friday.

I am linking up today with the fabulous Laura behind the Fab Friday link-up. It's been a while since I actually was able to do a link-up and just randomly write. So here we go.

What's been fabulous in our lives as of late.

1. Elliana. She has been so funny lately and saying the cutest things. This toddler stage just keeps getting better and better. The other morning she came into our room, climbed onto the bed, and said to Graham, "Oh hey little man, you so cute wittle guy." I am convinced my son is going to grow up not knowing what his real name is.

2. MDO. Mothers day out program! We found one! Here is the deal. We were supposed to sign E up to the church that I have {and need to again} attended since I was in HS. Unfortunately, I called a day too late {a couple weeks ago, just the day after open registration} and she is now number 4 on the waiting list. Which means? I needed to go out and search for other programs. We went to visit two, and one was like... eh, not for my precious princess kind of feeling and the other was awesome. So? We went with the awesome. She's signed up and starting in September she will officially be leaving her mama 4 hours two days a week. Annnnd I may have cried already at the thought of buying her first monogrammed lunch box and back pack. Speaking off.... any favorite websites that you mamas have used?

3. Bumbleride. That would be the name of our fabulous double stroller that came in yesterday and I am already in love with. Rest assured, I will be writing a review {and I never write reviews unless I am sent free products... and unfortunately, this baby was not free... ahem}, but I feel like this one is needed. So once I have really put some mud on the tires, I'll tell you what I like about it. I kind of want to sleep in tonight though. No. Really.

4. Banana Split. Um, that's right. I just made you want to have one, didn't I? I honestly hadn't had one in probably a couple years... maybe 5? Then the husband made one over the weekend? And I devoured it in seconds. So? He made it again a couple nights later. And that, my friends, confirmed why I still have ten pounds to lose.

5. Jillian Michaels. Which brings me lastly to this lady who arrived in the mailbox on Monday and who is going to kick my butt for the next 30 days. Starting next Monday. I'm going to eat like a hog this weekend though. In preparation.

Happy Friday friends. Be glad today you didn't read the post that I initially had scheduled... potty training. No worries. You get to read about it on Monday now. Great way to start your Monday right?

Think how I feel.



  1. I've only ever known about BOB strollers, so Bumbleride should have totally sent you one. I haven't the review yet and I'm already looking at their website!

  2. Jillian muchaels is AWESOME! I was sore every day!!!!! The 30 day shred is no joke my friend!! Haha enjoy your "last meal!" :)

  3. I love this stage of toddlerhood, too. The things Ethan says lately CRACK me up. They are such the little sponges.

    Jillian Michael is serious business. Good luck! Thanks again for linking up. :)

  4. I LOVEloveLOVE reading your blog! Your babies are the most gorgeous adorable tots ever!!! I am 14 weeks and 5 days and have just started my pregnancy blog :D lots of love charlie xoxo

  5. I love LOVE your blog, your kids are so cute & your little one is hilarious. I am about to re-start Jillian Michaels myself, to mix up my workout. Should be interesting. Have a wonderful weekend!


  6. Yes, your banana split did make me want one! After seeing your photo on IG I had to make my own!

  7. Good luck with the Jillian Michael's workouts! :) You'll drop that 10 pounds in no time girl! And I can totally relate to the thought of leaving my baby at preschool...that will be us not too much longer after you and it's so unreal they're already old enough for this (almost)!
    Oh! And I monogram if you're interested in getting her any cute "first day of school" shirts made! I have lots of really cute designs! I have a facebook page called "My Little Mockingbird" and would be more than happy to email you design examples if you'd like!

  8. the 30 day shred is brutal! good luck!

  9. I love banana splits!!! So hard to resist!
    Elliana is at such a great age right now...enjoy before the threes set in!
