
Monday, February 4, 2013

$400 Mia Bossi Designer Bag Giveaway

It is no secret that I am a mom of two now. It is also no secret that a mom of two requires a whole lot of baggage when trying to leave the house, especially a mom with two under two. It is therefore no secret that a diaper bag is essential in a mom's survival once she leaves the home.

From diapers and wipes. To receiving blankets, snacks, change of outfits {in case an accident occurs, which we all know can and do occur}, toys, stay "busy" activities, hand sanitizer, changing pad, and more. Not to mention the fact that I need a little boost-me-up from time to time. That being makeup, lip gloss, and a hairbrush. We cannot forget about the mom's needs.

So when Graham came into this world, I quickly realized {when everything was flooding out of my bag}, that it was time for some change. I needed something bigger and better and smarter.

"A bag, smarter?" Am I making sense here?

Yes. Smarter. The thing about us moms and products... is that we learn through experience. Actually, that is motherhood right there described into one sentence. Experience. It's not until you try something out, deal with certain situations, and have an "oops" and "ah-ha" moment, that you soon realize what works and unfortunately what doesn't.

For me? My old bag no longer worked. It couldn't keep up with our busy lives and needs. I needed more space. I needed more compartments. I needed to be organized. I needed it to be smarter. To make sense for the things that needed to be placed in the bag. To make my life easier not more complicated when searching for the "lifesaver toy" as my child is screaming his head off in the restaurant. And on top of it all? I still needed it to look good. Wait, not just good, but fabulous.

That's where Mia Bossi comes into the picture. The bag in these photos? Mia Bossi

I have only had this bag since this past weekend, and it has already saved my life. The amount of space in this bag is enough for 2 more kids in our lives. It's well thought out {remember: smart}. You can tell a mom designed this as she thought of every possible need that we may have. Two large side pockets to store your drinks, bottles, hairbrush, and whatever else you can come up with. Multiple inside pockets to organize your larger items. A zipper that goes all around the bag and can actually be taken out to make a large tote without any compartments if that is what one would desire. That same zipper is also split into different compartments to help you again stay organized. I found a spot for every one of our needs and still had space inside the bag to throw a few extra items in.

And somehow, not sure how, I didn't feel like I was carrying an extra 50 pounds around. The straps are longer than my old bag and were not heavy on my shoulders, didn't slip off, and I wasn't constantly having to switch sides.

The thing that I loved most about this bag is that it doesn't look like a diaper bag. It doesn't feel like a diaper bag. And although clearly I am a mom, very proud, and would scream it at the top of my lungs, I'm still happy when I can find a product that helps me feel good about what I wear and how I wear it.

This diaper bag is the perfect accessory to any outfit. I have worn it out so many times already and have gotten so many compliments! My only wish is that I could have one in every color and design. Truly.

Organized. Well thought out. Large. High quality. Will last through many more kids down the road. 

Mia Bossi says it best:

This sophisticated new line is taking diaper bags where "function meets fabulous" and allowing urban mommies to keep their savvy style without losing any practicality. Debuting in August 2005, Mia Bossi specializes in combining fashion with motherhood, creating the ultimate "Hot Mama." Mia Bossi couture diaper bags lend the perfect amount of sophistication and style to complement the ultimate adorable accessory...your baby.

And today, I present to you the best gift that one could win or gift. Whether you yourself are a mom, or know of a mom, it is definitely the bag that would put the biggest smile on her face. I know it did mine.

You will get a chance to win the same bag that I have in the pictures above, The Maria Black Bean. That or you have the option of choosing the Maria Black Cherry, which is the exact same bag as the one I have except with a pop of red for all you color lovers out there.

$400.00 Value. And with that sort of value come some rules. Please read carefully.

Giveaway Rules:
This is a super easy giveaway to enter, with only 3 requirements:

1. Follow Janet's Blog {click the blue "follow" button}. You will be sucked in regardless with her taste in fashion. A mom of two and still looking fabulous. 

2. Follow Janet on Instagram

3. Must be a follower of my blog via Google Friend Connect or RSS feed. {right sidebar}

All entries will be through Rafflecotper {below}. Once winner is chosen, the winner will be emailed {and must respond within 48 hours} with screenshots of the mandatory rules followed above. If they are unable to do this, a new winner will be chosen. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This bag is beyond cute - I never win anything- maybe this will be my lucky prize!!

  2. I don't have Instagram, but I followed the remaining "rules." Any FB following I did is using my blog page, not personal.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I follow you through blogger and my google account is that ok? I also follow your RSS feed....I followed Janet's Instagram and Blog.

  6. OMG!!!! I hope I win! Expecting my first baby in May and I have loved these bags ever since last year when my sister in law got hers!

  7. Ok I'm following you with Google Friend Connect now!

  8. did all the things your raffle asked for but i mis-typed my twitter name! it's @krysta_inthesky not @krysta_inthesku :)

  9. Thanks so much for hosting an amazing giveaway!I even pinned it!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. This bag makes me wish I had children already ;) SO cute.

    link to pin

  12. Darn no instagram to unlock the last 21 :(

  13. pinned.

  14. Pin:

  15. every time i come to enter it doesnt let me!!! :(( it always says "loading" - bummer! this bag is a perfect mama need, thats for sure!

  16. How cute is she? Love the purse, too!

    I follow you with RSS on my Google Reader. I also follow on Instagram as @katygmorris. I follow her on Bloglovin.


    katygmorris at gmail dot com

  17. I am not even a mom and i want this bag! so cute!!

  18. Thanks for hosting this giveaway LOVE THE BAG!

    By the way I am a new GFC follower would love it if you could stop by my blog & follow me thanks :)

  19. Did the 2 but not instagram... even having trouble signing up.
    Hope the two is okay.

    dorcontest at gmail dot com
    doreen lamoureux

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I am so excited about this giveaway! I am due with my third baby in 2 weeks, and have been scouring the earth for the perfect diaper bag. Mia Bossi has been my ultimate favorite, but out of reach because it wasn't in my budget. I absollutely love this bag, and prefer the Maria blackbean color.
    I did all three entries, and took screenshots. I would be in heaven if I won! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
    Kelsey Kim

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sorry, having issues here, My email is micahandkelsey1(at)cox(dot)net

    And I decided I like the black cherry better! :)
