
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Take time for YOU

Here is a short list of what has helped us get through our days. Get our routines organized. Make sure everyone is happy, fed, and clean. A glimpse of the "little things" that help me feel happy about what we accomplished in the day, be okay with what we didn't get done, and be excited for what's ahead. But most importantly, what makes me feel like me.

Happy mama=happy baby.

1. Shower before noon. For me? It was before 9am. It's a must. Lock the master door. Open up the bathroom door. Plop baby girl on the bed next to her brother {or use a portable baby chair or swing and place them in the bathroom when they get older... you know, so they don't fall off the bed}. Give her something to do, and turn on a little soothing music for the little one. Leave the door open, and peek out to them every 2 seconds. Sing songs. Praise the Lord. And feel CLEAN! A shower makes me feel human.

2. Download the "find my iphone app."  I can't tell you how many times I have lost my phone. Now, granted, prior to having kids I lost my  phone a lot as well...but now? So much more. One day I spent 8+ hours throughout the day searching. Couch cushions tossed around {for the fifth time}, toys opened and closed, every trash can checked, and toddler questioned over and over. I just knew she had something to do with it. But alas, the i-phone app {that I forgot I had} pulled through and I found that the phone was in my robe pocket from the morning. Right where I left it.

Don't have an i-phone? Get one :)

3. Put makeup on and get dressed. I promise more dishes will get cleaned and more laundry will get washed. Promise.

4. Make the beds. It's sickening how happy this little task makes me. It's a must in our  morning routine. It's something that I have found to work best for me. After my shower I get the kiddos dressed, diapers changed, and teeth brushed. They get their little activities and we go room to room making beds, picking up clothes, and taking laundry downstairs. Open up the blinds and let the sun shine through. You will love seeing those made beds every time you go upstairs. Which, to be frankly honest, is very rare for us. The going upstairs part.

5. Leave the house. When it's appropriate. Weather permitting. And when you feel ready. But do. Truly. Just go. Even if it's just to the grocery store, to toddler time at the library {or just the library to pick up books}, or even better... a walk outside. Get out of the house. Try to at least 30 minutes a day. It will make you feel slightly more normal.

6. Have a friend over. Stuck in the house? Snowed in? Just need company? Call a friend and have her over. Talk gossip. Talk celebrity news. Just talk. Because girl talk seems to somehow diminish all the other crazy going on.

7. Have dance parties in your living room to pandora. I recommend the Bieber station {you may have to skip a few songs, ahem}. A great pair of boots for the toddler to feel sassy in. And your hair down. Hair must be down for the ridiculous head bopping. It makes me feel young.

8, Lastly, tomorrow is a new day. Remember, all days come to an end. Good and bad. And tomorrow? Tomorrow is a new day.

Make it a great one.


  1. I love this and have no idea how you do it! My little boy just turned two weeks old, and I get NOTHING done around the house. I sit on the couch and hold him, feed him, change him, and nap. I'm too scared to put him down I guess!

  2. I remember when I was still nursing my daughter I would have to walk around with her latched on so I could get snacks or toys or whatever else I needed for my son. And my showers at that stage were very similar to yours only sometimes I would plop baby girl in her (floor) swing in my room and bring my toddler in the shower with me just so he could play in the water and keep occupied. Oh the little tricks you learn as you go they make things interesting!

  3. This is great! :) Similar to some of my "musts" even with just one little one. I often wonder how different it is going from one to two. Sometimes the thought scares me out of the idea of expanding our family!

  4. I use the find your iphone app far too many times a week, ha! Love these tips!

  5. Our Ergo was the lifeline of having my 15mo. old and newborn, and living up four flights of stairs in the city! Little babe snuggly sleepy, while my hands were free for the big sister!

  6. Love your list! I shower, get dressed, put makeup on, and make the bed everyday by 10. I told myself before she was born that I would shower everyday. Now I shower when she naps but we used to go for walks first thing in the morning then she would sleep in her stroller which I would push into the bathroom while I got ready. I need to work on leaving the house. This cold windy weather gets in the way.

  7. Your list is great, to be the most important was showering, getting dressed and getting out of the house. It took me months to feel like a human again! But the showering definitely helps!

  8. This is a great list! I only have one, but a lot of this applies to having any number of kids. I've been able to shower every single day since she was born. Nowadays if I don't get it in when the husband is home or before she wakes up, I bring her in and she has a great time.

  9. Great list! I must shower everyday as well to feel good about myself, even if I don't shower until 8pm it's a must. I also like it when our bed is made though many days it's not.

  10. haha this is great!!! & i agree with #9.. learn to like beer esp bud light limes!!! :)
    Happy Tuesday

  11. Wearing our babies saved me! We didn't have a wrap, but we had two Bjorns. There were days when B would have one boy and the other would be fussing and I NEEDED to do dishes (we don't have a dishwasher) so putting him in the carrier and letting him be jostled around as I moved put him right to sleep. I love hearing how other people do it, I think having two of different ages is harder than twins any day.

  12. This is a great post. I snorted when I giggled. I love the hair flipp'n part. And, you're right about a shower and opening the blinds. That saves my life daily. I need to check out this Bieber station!

  13. This is an awesome post and (in my head) have been working on one just like it. Our newest is 3 weeks old today. Except I haven't got it down quite yet but do manage to get a shower. Thanks for sharing your tips. Hopefully I'll be where you are soon and not be a complete mess by the end of the day.

  14. We're thinking of adding second to our bunch, which would leave us with a toddler and newborn, so these are much needed bits of wisdom!! I still have yet to normalize my routine and the little guy is 9 months old..

  15. What is the difference between teh movy and the boba wrap? I had a moby with my first and didn't use as often as I wanted because it felt like such a commitment. (When he got older, I did love my boba soft structured carrier.) This go round, I've been using, and LOVING, a baby k'tan. It has the feel of a wrap, wihtout all of the wrapping :) I've seen a few people mentioning the boba wrap recently and I was curious how it's better.

  16. Love these tips! I must say I need to take advantage of planning in the evenings more. After m son goes to bed I always crap out when I could be planning. I know this will help the next day go much better.

    And no matter how many times I try to drink beer I.just.can't. For real- it tastes like sour soda.
