
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Boba Wrap and Baby Wearing

Although Elliana was a great baby, slept well, ate great, and never was sick, she was, however, very needy. In the sense that she needed to be held at all times. Once held, rocked, and swayed around? She was as happy as can be. It wasn't until about a month in, and my biceps doubled in size, that we finally wised up and realized that the world made products for such babies. And parents. Parents who couldn't stand the thought of putting their little one down. Yes, that's us. And we say that proudly.

They are called baby carriers. Baby wraps. Baby wearing.

So when Graham entered this world, I knew immediately that we would be practicing many of the same parenting techniques that we had implemented with Elliana. We would breastfeed. We would implement attachment and bonding every opportunity possible. And we would, most certainly, baby wear.

That's where the Boba Family comes in. The number #1 rated carrier in 2012.

The wrap comes in one size. Designed to fit women and men between 5 feet and 6 feet 3 inches tall.

Why do I enjoy the wrap? Because there are no buckles or straps or hooks for me to worry about buckling and unbuckling. It's me, my baby, and a large piece of fabric. It's a way for us to bond. A way for me to communicate to my babies that they are needed, wanted, and loved.

There are two different holds as the baby grows. Both holds empower me to have that closeness and bonding with my baby, as well as be able to be hands free and accomplish things around the house, as well as with Elliana.

Little man, Graham, falls into a deep sleep each and every time.

Another thing I love about the Boba Family is that they have an organic option for the wrap. They have our environment in mind and that makes them stand out from other carrier companies.

Lastly, one of the things that drew me in the most about this wrap is their research on baby wearing and how it benefits both parents and baby. All of which I kept nodding my head, yes yes and yes to. It is so great to see baby wearing have such positive impact on our babies.The list can be found here.

Overall, I am so pleased and have literally not gone a day without using our wrap. And now that the weather is getting nicer out and baby boy has grown quite a bit {where does the time go}, we will be getting our Boba Carrier out and putting it to good use. What is that you say? I'll talk about this specific carrier more next month.

Until then, I'm off to go love on my babies, and most likely wear one of them.

**I was not compensated for this post. I was simply given a product to review. All thoughts and opinions are that of my own.


  1. I LOVE baby wearing. My baby hated it! We had a Moby wrap and I tried and tried, but unless she was deep asleep, she would scream in there. BUT she still wanted to be held all the time and sleep on my chest, unrestricted. Now that she's older, we use an Ergo carrier on occasion, and she likes it alright. I'm hoping our next one loves the wrap so it's a tad easier with a toddler and baby.

  2. I love baby wearing using a wrap for the same reasons. We use a Moby :)

  3. Is it breathable? I remember the carrier I used with Liv I would get SO warm carrying her in our wraps/carriers!!

  4. I am glad baby boy is loving the boba :) Makes for an easier time on you!

  5. We have a Solly wrap (very similar) and I love it! :)

  6. Have ou ever considered using a woven wrap?
    Boba Wraps are stretchy, have a weight limit, and cannot do back carries; unlike woven wraps! There are TONS of different brands to choose from!

    Would also love to see Elli with a Boba Mini so she can wear her babies too! (:

  7. Almost 10 months in a we use our Moby everyday:) to say we love it would be an understatement!! No need for a stroller here, yet!!

  8. I just ordered mine last week and it arrvied on Saturday. It's kind of hard for me to wear right now since the baby bump kind of pushes it up to high, but the hubby wore it this weekend and practiced wrapping it several times. We can't wait to become a baby wearing family! :)
