
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bye Bye Reader

As you may have heard, google announced that the reader is going away. If you frequently read my blog {or any other blog out there} through your reader, be sure to transfer all your feeds over to bloglovin. It is a great website that keeps file of all the blogs that you follow and their daily posts. Here is the direct link to my blog!

For those that have been asking, to export your reader blogs to bloglovin you simply use the "takeout export" on google reader. Save this as an "xml" file. Login to bloglovin, click the "Account" button on top right hand corner. Choose "help." Then choose "A general question." Then click on "How do I import blogs" then click the link in the box where it says "import to bloglovin here."

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like {for those that are like me and has to see pictures}

And that's it! That easy, and so much nicer than google reader with many different options in organizing the blogs you follow to make it a much easier scroll through. I could write a whole post on it, but I won't waste any more of your time.

I love bloglovin. And trust me, You will too! Don't forget to add me!


  1. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

  2. Ughhhh. What about all my starred posts that I have?!?

  3. Just moved to bloglovin' as well. For those that haven't yet it takes like two minutes to export from reader and import into bloglovin'.

  4. I just signed up. How exactly do you transfer?

    Thanks for the heads up!

  5. I had no idea! Thank you! When is this supposed to happen and how the heck do you transfer to Blog Lovin?

  6. Really? It's leaving too? Did you have redo your design! This idea overwhelms me! Lol

  7. thanks for the way to upload, I couldn't figure that out!

  8. actually, it's still not working for me. is xml the same as opml?

  9. BUMMER! I didn't know, thanks for posting!

  10. um, please waste my time and tell me why I should love this! ahhhh! Is there a "next" button like google reader? I really like to view blogs on their actual pages

  11. Really?! I had no idea why are they doing that?? Thanks for the heads up!

  12. Thank you for this. I came out from under my rock and joined bloglovin'!

    Don't think I am stupid... but can you get followers through feedburner only if you have your blog through wordpress??

    I am still old school with my little blogspot... :)

  13. I know; shock horror! I wasn't greatly impressed, but in the end, there are SO MANY great RSS Readers out there, all ready to replace GReader. (In fact, I've just finished a post about the ones I'm "testing".)

    I've moved to RSSOwl for now, and it couldn't be easier - it's a desktop client, but you can just link it up with gReader - all you've got to do is select that option when updating, put in your deets and bish-bash-bosh, all your feeds are there (including labels and anything starred!).

    Just as an FYI for those like me who don't quite click with bloglovin'...

  14. Actually, bloglovin' has a note at the top when you log in about Google Reader closing and there's a link where you can import your subscriptions from there. You can either do it from an xml file like you mentioned or just grant bloglovin' permission to access your Google Reader and it does all the work! Super simple. I just did it with no problems! :)

  15. Are they getting rid of Google Reader or GFC too? I read my blogs from my Blogger main page (not reader) so i'm not sure if I need to transfer...?

  16. I just got BlogLovin this morning and already I am so happy with it!
    The iPhone app is also worth downloading too :)

    Liane x

  17. Thanks for the info! I was just trying to figure out this morning what to do now that Reader is going away. I don't know why Google would want to get rid or it but I guess we'll all learn to adapt.

  18. I have my blog as a private blog via blogger- will that go away too? How do I move it to bloglovin? Thanks!
