
Monday, April 29, 2013

One A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

As a nurse, I am constantly around different illnesses, diseases, and conditions, and their effects on the patients and their lives. Diabetes, being one of the fastest growing diseases out there, is among those illnesses that I unfortunately see way too often. On any given night shift, I can almost guarantee you that at least one of my two patients has diabetes. Most often than not, both do. Not only are we seeing a rise of this disease in the elderly population, but also in our young children, which raises a huge concern in our country.

I think that the thing that people struggle most with is the need to change their lifestyle. Seeing as how, food, is a major part of our every day lives, eliminating some of the things that we love most has proven to be a struggle in many people's lives. Not just those with diabetes.

For me, personally, I am always looking for healthier alternatives for my family. This includes candy with less sugar. Preferably, sugar free. For diabetic patients, this is even more important for their population as this has an effect on their health on a larger, more acute way.

The key though, is to find sugar free candy that is not just sugar free, but also tastes good.

And that sugar free candy that I speak of? That also happens to be so delicious and addicting? Werther's Original Sugar Free Candy. It's one of those favorites of mine that once I start, I just can't stop. That's why I have to send them away with my husband to work so that I won't be as tempted to eat the whole bag. In one sitting. Although, I do have a secret stash hidden. You know, because he would take them all if I let them.

I also had the opportunity to test out various flavors, and I have to admit that out of the different options available, the caramel apple was by far my favorite. Then again it was so hard to choose! And of course the best part is the only 8 calories and 3 grams of carbs per piece.

I told Andrew that next time we go to the store, we will just have to stock up on each flavor.

So for all my diabetic patients out there, for all the families out there seeking sugar free alternatives in their diet, this candy is made just for you. And you, and you, and me.

And be sure to try to test out all four flavors. You know how that saying goes... an apple a day keeps the doctor away, well a Werther's Original Sugar Free Candy a day keeps nurse Becky away. 

 I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. I do love Werther' diabetic grandma always keeps them in her house! I'm wondering what kind of artificial sweetener is in them though? I know it can be a struggle to figure out if the calories from real sugar or the carcinogens from sweeteners are better!

  2. My twin daughters who are almost 16 months are both diabetic. So we can't use these yet as they will choke but in the future maybe we will! Thanks!

  3. Personally I think artificial sweeteners are more dangerous than regular sugar. Maybe not in a diabetic's case but they are scary.

  4. I do have to say that I never thought about "reversing" diabetes until my husband went through a very scary sitation.
    On Jan 3rd he received a phone call from his dr that his 3 month check-up wasn't very good at all.
    He literally called me at work crying saying that his dr said if he doesn't change his eating habits & start working out that he would see age 30 (he'll be 29 this Sept.)
    So on Jan 5th we changed our diets & started working out. On his last 3 month check up his results came back from his A1C being 9.9 to a 6.6 & he was taken off his Metformin (still on Januvia) & his sugar has been in normal ranges. his liver enzymes are back to normal, I'm guessing because we increased veggies & fruits & no longer eat red meats.
    He weighed 360lbs when we got married (2010) & right now he weighs 285lbs!

    Sorry this was so long, but I wanted to share :)
