
Friday, April 12, 2013

This & That

Did This:

We are starting an organic vegetable and herb garden in the back of our house! So, on Sunday we went and got the supplies for our raised garden and Andrew got one set up. I have my seeds and they are sowed in and ready for germination. And I have been doing a whole lot of reading reading and more reading. Gosh, there sure is a whole ton of information out there to learn.

Read that:

 How to make my own compost bin.--> and  How to start an organic garden--->

Wrote this:

A lot of topics were bounced off my brain this week. I felt like I needed to do a "catch up" with my scheduled posts because I had used so many and had not truly "written" anything in over a week. So, I knocked out about 6 posts in one night. And by "about." I actually mean I did. It felt good. I get a little panicky when my "schedule posts" run under 25. Silly, I know.

So what did I write about?

Graham's 4 months. Nursing related questions answered. Day in the Life. Remembering Childhood. And a few other little things.

Instagrammed that:

Loving this:

My Keen shoes. Seriously, I know this may be silly but I SMILE when I look down at my feet at work. Have you heard of Keen? I had never. Then they were on sale at Zulily one day and I immediately purchased them {because they looked cute}. And they were even cuter in person. Not to mention how comfortable they are. So yeah, I'm loving them.

My sweet little man has been just an absolute angel. He makes me smile real big.

And my daughter... I look at her and I can almost cry every time. She completes my world....

The center of that world being my husband.

Okay, enough mush for a Friday!

Happy Friday!

Snapped That:


Don't forget about "What my loved one says about me" link up on Tuesday! Get your posts ready!


  1. I love your this & that posts! I wish I could get 25 posts scheduled. I feel like I just don't have the time plus I do a pretty good amount of "research" for them which eats up time and editing photos- forget it! I also need more sleep than the average mama and I usually go to bed once my son goes down.

  2. These are some of my favorite posts your write! I don't think I've ever had more than 4, maybe five scheduled posts. I'd love to be more disciplined like you! I do have over 25 drafts though, some almost complete, so in a pinch, I can find one of those, fix it up real quick and press "publish"!

    I adore that picture of Elliana!

  3. Yay for the garden! I hope you post pictures because it's on my to-do list in the next few weeks as well. Love Elliana in her ballerina outfit. We are starting Avery soon and I can't wait! Girls are so fun.

  4. That last picture of your daughter is beyond adorable! There is nothing cuter than a girl in a ballerina leotard! OMG so precious!

  5. That is the sweetest little picture ever! What a beautiful ballerina!

  6. Love Keens! We love that the kids' sandals can go in the washing machine!

  7. Love the last picture of E! Simply Adorable! I can't believe you have minimum of 25 scheduled posts. I get happy when I have 4!
    Happy weekend!

  8. What an amazing photo of E :)

  9. got my post ready for tuesday! hubby was so supportive :)
    love your IG pics! now im off to check out the shoes!

  10. Love the picture of Elliana in her leotard and ballet shoes! I started dance when I was 5 and can't wait for my little girl to be old enough.

  11. These are my favorite posts, too!! :) Absolutely LOVE when you post them!!
