
Thursday, May 23, 2013

This & That

Shopping for this:

I'm on a Maxi dress kick! I love them for their ability to let me feel free and breathe, especially since I tend to run around all day with the babies. So I have been doing some shopping and browsing around. Since my birthday is also coming up soon, I've been in search of a nicer maxi. I've been checking out the Designer Dresses online and I found this beauty. The details! The details!
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Bought That:

Bought some great tops for only $10! I am so excited for this and love me some Hautelook deals!

And then there was the Happy Family Organic Baby food that was up to 50% off! I stocked up!

Did This:

Went to Michigan this past weekend! It was Graham's first tript out of the state. First trip in the car for 4+ hours, also. It was definitely not Elliana's first trip, as we traveled last summer twice. One time for 12+ hours, the other 5+. Both times {last year} she did wonderful. Not a peep. This year, however? Not so much. There was a {a whole} lot of drama tears. The little guy did the standard cry when hungry and wet, and then slept the rest of the trip. Overall though? The big picture? It was a pretty successful drive there and back. And the trip itself? Was great.

Baby wearing. Lots of it. I am 99% sure the little man is teething. Both hands go into the mouth in fistfuls and a lot of cranky whimpering cries. That being said, we have been doing a lot of baby wearing and a lot less of keeping up with the house, which has been stressing me out {the mess}.

Made That:

I have been really slacking on sharing new recipes around these parts. In fact, I have been slacking period when it comes to this blog {read below}. But I made these turkey taco salad wraps that I wanted to share. They are from skinnytaste, surprise surprise, and I thought they were very good. Now, Andrew on the other hand thought otherwise. He likes his traditional taco shell. I think next time there are a few changes I may make, but I will definitely be giving these a go again.
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Apologized for this:

I have been really really slacking in this blogger department and I have a feeling that won't be changing anytime soon. You see, responding to emails has never been my forte. I like to ignore them when they become overwhelming. Unfortunately, the more I ignore, the more they pile on, and the more likely that I won't be responding at all. Also, the lack of posts around here. Even though that's ironic for me to say, since there has been a post up every day. Those are all old. Months old. New material just has not made it's way on the blog. Not that it isn't there. That's for sure. It just sits in my head and bothers the daylights out of me. Nagging me... write write write. But time, my friends, time. There is none of that around here. Why? Because we are gone on the weekends, the weather has been amazing, and we have tons of projects around here.

So enjoying my family, will and has always come first.

And for that, I'm not sorry. But I am sorry that I have let blogging sort of slip away. Dishes and laundry have even trumped that.

I'll find my groove one of these days. In the meantime, just know I am alive and enjoying life! I hope you all are doing the same. And if you have sent me an email and I have not respond? Feel free to send me an additional hate email. Kick my rear, I'm begging you.

Watched That:

Read this:

Another food article for thought for you. I couldn't help it. In fact, the one I was going to originally post on here I can no longer find. You may thank me for that, as it was 27 pages. However, it was so good. I mean, so so good. It talked about the history of food and our fluctuating dieting and trends. I will keep searching for it. I think everyone should read it.

In the meantime, this one is about the gluten free diet. Brushes up on it and celiac disease.

Lastly, Donate to That:

Please, if you can, donate here for the OK relief victims. More info here. 
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My heart and thoughts go out to all those that were affected, and continue to be affected, by this tragedy.