
Saturday, June 1, 2013

2 Stories, 2 Giveaways, Happy June!

I have two lovely ladies to introduce today and also a lovely {easy} giveaway for you to enter below {$50 in gift cards!}

Debbie is so adventurous, and I absolutely love her passion for travel. She is also currently struggling with trying to get pregnant, and I know that there are women out there who could reach out to her! Please read.

1) One of my favorite memories is the time that my husband and I biked a trail called the Virginia Creeper. It was so much fun and there is a lot of cool things to see a long the way.
2) My second favorite memory is the time that I hiked a trail where there were wild ponies that lived there. It was the neatest thing to see the ponies.
3) Another one of my favorite memories is the day I got married. It has been one of the best days in my life.
4) One of my most favorite memories is the time that I got to fly in a hot air balloon. That was one of the coolest things I have ever done. I will never forget it.
5) One of my favorite memories is the vacation that my husband and I took to North Carolina. It was so much fun and we got to see a lot of really cool waterfalls. It probably be one of my favorite vacations.

Wildali is a working mama to a sweet little girl. She blogs about her journey through motherhood and her love for basketball. 


1.       Meeting Isabel.
2.       Isabel’s anatomy ultrasound and gender reveal.
3.       Our wedding day.
4.       Game 5 of the 2009 NBA Finals.
5.       Our trip to Europe. 

And as a bonus, these lovely ladies are giving away gift cards! One $25 to Starbucks, the other, $25 to Zulilly! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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