
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Baby wearing... The EASY Way.

I have blogged a lot about babywearing and my love for carriers. Just like I did with Elliana, I have always been very adament about "carrying" Graham, and since he has proven to be very similar to his sister, in the sense that he always wants to be held, the carriers have always been a life saver for me.

One of my favorite ways to baby wear is through the wrap. I own both the Moby and the Boba wrap, and love both as they have allowed me to feel this sense of closeness with my babies.

But the biggest complaint I have ever had with each one, and one that I have heard from many other mothers out there that baby wear, is that there is so much material. So my first thought was, why not eliminate some of the steps?

Well, I wasn't exactly the one that thought of that idea, but this great company, K'tan did, and they put this thought into action. They created a product for mothers to be able to baby wear using fabric only, no clips or buckles, and at the same time, avoid all the unnecessary fabric.

"The Baby K’tan Baby Carrier is an innovative soft cotton baby carrier that is an ideal blend of a sling, wrap and carrier, providing the positions and benefits of all three. There is no other carrier available like it. It is a ready-to-wear wrap that enables parents & caregivers to comfortably carry infants and toddlers (from birth to 3 years) in multiple positions."

I was excited to be able to test out this product, and put Graham right in it. I have to be honest, when it first arrived, I was a bit confused. I'm not one to read instructions right away, so at first, I tried to just figure out on my own. Let me tell you, that didn't work out quite right.

So, I turned to the instructions. Thankfully the company had great step by step instructions, and I was quickly able to maneuver it so that Graham was in proper place, and felt snug, safe, and secure in my arms.

Just the way I like it.

We have been able to use the K'tan around the house, when we are out and about, and any other opportunity that we can get. It's so easy to throw on, takes up little room in my bag, and has very little fabric so I don't feel like I'm 20 pounds heavier than I need to be. They come in various colors, and I am absolutely loving the sage.

Another great resource that I would like to share with you is the safety tips provided by Baby K'Tan.

I love smart products. And this product? Is just that. Smart. It provides you with countless hours of bonding, ability to breastfeed while in the carrier, and at the same time give you the opportunity to have your hands open to attend to that busy toddler, those piles of dishes, and the laundry basket of clothes that has probably sat there a couple days too long.

I'm constantly reminded how our babies grow up way too fast, and I will be sad the day that I have to box up my K'tan for the next baby.

***I was not paid for this post, all opinions stated are that of my own. I was simply given a product to review with my honest opinions.


  1. I think I posted this when you reviewed your boba wrap, but I absolutely love my k'tan. I had a moby for Monroe and rarely used it because it felt like a hassle. I live how easy the k'tan is to on and off. I haven't tried any of the older carries because I usually use my boba soft structured carrier, but I need to. You will absolutely love the k'tan for the newborn stage with your next baby.

  2. I was just telling my hubby that our moby is a pain bc there is 8 miles of extra fabric!! I'm going to have to look into this!

  3. The baby k'tan is the only carrier I had for my daughter (now 23 mo). It was nice from NB to about5mo or 18pounds. Then she was just way too heavy and my shoulders ached. I'm excepting our second next month and bought a Beco soft structured carrier for longer outings and when the baby is bigger. :) I usually watched aYouTube video to get the k'tan just right, and did it front of a mirror. Never looked as good as the pictures, but good enough. Was super easy to take off and carry in a diaper bag though!

  4. The baby k'tan is the only carrier I had for my daughter (now 23 mo). It was nice from NB to about5mo or 18pounds. Then she was just way too heavy and my shoulders ached. I'm excepting our second next month and bought a Beco soft structured carrier for longer outings and when the baby is bigger. :) I usually watched aYouTube video to get the k'tan just right, and did it front of a mirror. Never looked as good as the pictures, but good enough. Was super easy to take off and carry in a diaper bag though!

  5. When Graham gets too big for the stretchy wraps, I recommend getting a woven wrap. I debated between a woven and an Ergo, and I'm very happy with my woven (Vatanai). I've got a big guy (22 lbs @ 8 months) and he still loves snuggling on my chest for naps, and it also works on my back for walks.

    There's a lot of fabric on those, too, but it doesn't bug me.

  6. i tried the k'tan this weekend after thinking id go with the boba.. and then i tried the baby nest carrier wrap as well. its VERY similar to the k'tan - but i liked the stretchiness of the fabric more. i felt like i got a closer feel and it would be a little less "hot" in the warmer weather so i think we'll be going back to buy the baby nest. im super happy to see you post this!
