
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blog to the Lovin.

It's almost July 1st. Saying that almost makes me want to fall right out of my chair. Almost. Where did the time go? How has summer gone by this fast already? Next thing you know it will be fall... then winter... then my baby turns 1.

Okay, before I become a waterworks of emotions, lets get on with what this post is truely all about.
As you all know, google reader is heading out the door, which means that if you read blogs using this site, you will no longer have them in your feed. So, there is an even better website out there to help you organize all those favorite blogs that you love. I, personally, think it is so much easier to use than google reader.

So, here are the easy steps to switching over your feed from reader to bloglovin.
Just click on this link below, and follow the steps to import from your google reader. It's just that easy!

I need to update my blogs, so link up your bloglovin account below so we can all find new blogs to follow! In the "name" area, put something that describes you: "Newlywed." "Mom of 2." "Runner..." whatever your heart desires.


  1. Oops, I accidentally liked up my website but my bloglovin link is there! Sorry haha!

  2. I'm a dummy and did the same thing :'( whoops!! My link is on the side.
