
Sunday, June 16, 2013

To The Man

To the man that swept me off my feet from our very first kiss.
To the man that spent every day of college with me. Every day.
To the man that always surprised me with "the little things."
To the man that asked me to be his wife, became my husband, and then gave me the greatest gift out there. The gift of motherhood
To the man that our children's eyes light up to at the sight of his car pulling into the driveaway.
To the man that I look forward to spending the rest of my life with, growing old with, and watching our own children become parents one day.

To the man, the best father to the children, husband to his wife. Happy Father's Day, and thank you for being YOU.

And just because, here is a giveaway you can win for your special someone... or for yourself!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Very sweet post. My husband is at sea right now, but we're thinking of him!

  2. My Dad always said you don't know what love is until you have a kid of your own- he was right! Happy Fathers Day!

  3. My dad is an interesting guy. One of those "no emotion" types...but I know he loves me and he's taught me so much. Just hope he knows how thankful I am!

  4. My dad's not an emotional guy, not a hugger or anything like that. But we know he loves us and he's a good "poppy" to our children. That's about all I've got on him. ;)

  5. My dad is amazing and always puts his family first!

  6. My dad is absolutely the wisest man I know!

  7. My dad is quiet and gentle...comfort during storms.

  8. My dad is the man I want my son to become one day. He does not have a father present in his life right now, so my dad has taken it upon himself to be the best role-model for him... he is simply amazing!

  9. What a sweet and thoughtful post for your husband, your family seems so loving and sweet. It is very apparent family is important and first to you all.
