
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The REAL 27 on 27 Post

I had a wonderful birthday. Nothing over the top, nothing extravagant, but full of happiness and love. Exactly how I envisioned a birthday should be.

Initially, I had not even planned to write about my birthday because I thought that nothing would happen that day that would be write down worthy. I thought about who would actually want to read about this kind of day. It's not like I took a private jet and flew to Italy for the weekend in celebration. But then I remembered that the one person who would want to read this would be me. Ten years from now. Twenty. And so, of course it was important.

Instead of just recapping the day, I thought I would just list 27 things that happened, that I want to remember, and so forth.

1. Starbucks run. I went to starbucks first thing in the morning to get my free drink. When my app wasn't uploading, I asked if the guy would like to see my ID. They were all so sweet and wished me a happy birthday and then proceeded to ask if I was 21. I blushed and said, "No, 25!" And he said, "No way!" At which I responded that I have 2 babies in the back. As I was pulling away laughing... it quickly dawned on me that I clearly lied about my age. Without even knowing me! And so it begins...

2. Four hours spent at the zoo. Usually when we go to the zoo {we go a lot because we have a membership}, I take the stroller so both babies can be pushed around. This time though, I decided to just wear Graham and have E hold my hand. I took her little backpack and stuffed all the essentials in there, and off we went. She did great with having to walk around everywhere, and of course G never complained. I wouldn't either if someone just carried me around everywhere.

3. We went on a train ride for the first time. Every time we go to the zoo, I mean to take E on the train ride, but for whatever reason, we always get caught up in doing something else. This time we did it, and she loved every bit of it. She waved like she wad the queen of England..."Hi Giraffe! Hi Elephant!"

4. Ate mango vanilla gelato yogurt deal. Not exactly sure what it was. But it was tasty. So tasty that we only ate half of it.

5. We also ate pizza for lunch. Juicy greasy cheese pizza. The rebels that we are. Oh, and breadsticks. That was the first time E dipped breadsticks in cheese sauce. Fake cheese sauce. Needless to say, she loved it.

6. Both kids were out at the speed of light as soon as we got into the car.

7. I listened to a lot of country music. Versus the nursery tunes that we listen to 90% of the time. "Hickory...dickory...dock...."

8. Which resulted in me missing an exit going home. Because I've only lived here 20+ years and still rely on google maps to tell me where to go. And then I still somehow completely miss an exit even though I "knew" I should go there, but google maps was not specific enough for me. I blame google maps.

9. We then went to my parent's house where my mom had the day off and was waiting for us.

10. Elliana's suit was in the car,so instead she dressed up in my nephew's cars outfit. It was pretty cute.

11. Then she proceeded to just "JUMP" in the water as soon as my sister told her to do so. Just like that. The freezing water.

12. Little man sat on my lap and ate raspberries like a big boy. Basically chewing off my finger at the same time.

13. E ran around like a crazy woman with my sister.

14. My brother, his wife, and nephews came over. Elliana's face was that of someone who just saw santa clause in real life. She loves her nephews. She kept hugging them all night.

15. Enjoyed a family dinner and toasts all around.

16. Andrew then drove me over to a dinner at a restaurant on the water with a bunch of girls that I work with. Put a bunch of ICU nurses together and that never ends well.

17. I took my first shot in I don't know how long... 2 years?

18. Then Andrew came and picked me up but the girls wanted me to stay so I worked my magic on him!

19. That didn't last long because within 20 minutes he was calling me telling me that the babies were still awake and couldn't go to sleep without me. In fact, Elliana was crying for me.

20. When I heard that? I was instantly out of there.

21. It was 10pm and my babies were never up this late. But as soon as I got home? They were both out within a few minutes. I rocked Graham and sang a little song while E layed there next to me.

22. Gotta admit, there is nothing better than being home with my family.

23. 27 reminded me of all the important things in life and what is most meaningful to me.

24. 27 showed me how much older and wiser I am than my previous years. Yet, how much more I have to learn. How much more growing I have to do.

25. When I turned 27, my babies were 6 months and 2.5 years old. They'll never be that age again. 

26. When I turned 27, my husband and I had been married 3 years {almost 4 in less than a month}. We had been dating since we were 19. Almost 10 years together.

27. Twenty-Seven never felt so good.


  1. I am so glad you had such a wonderful birthday Becky - your 27 birthday list is so humbling... You are one amazing wife and mama, and your sweet family are so blessed to have you in their lives.

  2. Sounds like an amazing birthday! There is nothing better than celebrating a special day with family, food (and drinks) and fun!

  3. sounds like a PERFECT birthday!!!

  4. I love it!! My future hubby and I have also been dating since we were 19. I just turned 25 and we'll be married next June. So nice to see other couples so happy and in love and to know that true love does exist, even if you're only 19. :) Happy Birthday Becky!!

  5. What a fun day! Happy Birthday!

  6. I had to laugh at your "I'm 25!" comment. It's funny how up until we turn 25, we know exactly how old we are, down to the day. Every year past 25, though, it's hard to remember how old you are. I seriously have to think about it every time someone asks me.

  7. Awww!! :) Looks like a great, sweet birthday!! Your family is so cute! :)

    Kalee @

  8. when I opened this post with bloglovin', it said that this was number 27 of my unread posts...freaky!

  9. Happy Birthday! I've been reading your blog for almost a year now as I'm trying to go back to school to become a nurse. You've been an inspiration and I really enjoy your blog and writing! If you get a chance, check out my new blog here:

    Glad that you had a fantastic birthday!

  10. This sounds like such a casual, fun birthday!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  11. Happy birthday, Becky! It sounds like you had a fabulous birthday.

  12. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a fantastic day!

  13. A little late, but sounds like it was an amazing birthday! xo
