
Sunday, August 4, 2013

A mama with an eye for fashion and design + $50 Target GC Giveaway

One of my favorite things to do on this blog of mine is ask some of my favorite mama's some questions. I have been following this mama since her pregnancy with her little girl who has grown into such a beautiful and smart {so smart} toddler. Not only is Kelly a great mother, but she has an eye for design {seriously, check out the most beautiful playroom I have ever seen} and fashion. Love following along her journey, and I'm sure you would too.

I did another fun Q&A and check out her answers below!

Tell us a little about you:
I live outside DC in Northern Virginia with my husband Tyler and our 2 year old daughter, Guinevere. I'm a former sorority girl, extremely social, and love love love fashion and clothes - my favorite part of the day is getting dressed up. Tyler and I have been together 14 years (high school sweethearts!) and we are complete opposites (from being covered in tattoos to obsessions with comic books and video games!) but we both put 200% into our marriage and are extremely lucky to have found each other. My free time is spent with family and friends - or at Target ;)

1. What is your favorite thing about being a mom

Everything! I love getting to watch her grow and develop her own personality. I love having a ready-to-go playmate, that suggests that we go to Target or the pool (two ideas I can always go for!) We have a lot of fun together from dance parties to spending all day in pirate bandanas. And I especially love seeing how my husband has changed with the addition of our daughter to the family :)

2. How do you find the balance between school, blogging, and family. Any tips or tricks?

No, and if someone has any I'd love to hear them! Ha. Last year I was working full-time, taking 18 credits at GMU, and time with Tyler and Guinevere was precious. Time for myself, including blogging, visiting friends or sleeping was rare. But as of August 2nd I am DONE with school and looking forward to finding a better balance in life!

3. I LOVE all your design ideas, especially with your recent playroom reveal. What is your inspiration? And do you have any upcoming projects?

Thank you! I am a Pinterest addict, so that helps. I often create "mood boards" of my plans for a room, but stray - with the exception of colors and a statement piece. For my playroom, I knew I wanted the birch wall and lots of colors, and then kept adding things one at a time that I thought would fit. Probably why it takes me 9 months to finish a room! We are starting soon on her big-girl room, and my new office (I work from home) will be in the current white and gold nursery, so I'm VERY excited to have that room become mine!

4. I can't help but notice all the gorgeous outfits you put together.Any tips for other busy moms like yourself?

Biggest tip is to go through your closet and get rid of (or hide) anything that doesn't fit or make you feel fabulous and confident - especially in a post-baby body. Its easy to get overwhelmed when getting dressed and try several things on and not like how they look and hate your wardrobe, so I try to regularly clean out everything that never seems to "work". I also have a bar in my closet where I can hang outfits together so there are ready to go, tried and true combinations available for me to grab in a hurry, complete with shoes and accessories.

5. Tell us 3 random things many people may not know about you.

I own my own company in the government consulting industry designing and developing web-based training for various federal agencies. I've kept it small, but now that I'm done with school and have more time I'm hoping to grow in the next year. 

I dislike cooking and so Tyler does most of it in our house. I also dislike chocolate and coffee, so I think I just lost my woman card.

Guinevere will be an only child - something so normal to me, but always gets questions and opinions from everyone else!

6. Lastly, the question everyone gets asked the most, why do you blog?

Blogging for me is a combination of personal record (I plan to print out each year to keep for Guinevere to read back on) and networking. I have met some of the best friends through blogging - many of whom I've met and are now real-life friends, but others who I hope to meet soon. Its an incredible community of women with similar experiences and hopes, who are so supportive and welcoming. Blogging is definitely my "me" time, and I'm so grateful for all of the relationships I've built through it! 

Visit Kelly Here:

And, great news... she wants to give away a lucky winner $50 to target! Enter below, super easy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway