
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Because pictures always make me smile

I know that I haven't been taking pictures a lot. Lately. I'm lucky if I pick up the big girl camera once a week. Lucky. I certainly don't get in the pictures as often as I would like. And that tripod? Might as well have dust on it. So when I do get those 10 minutes of laying on the floor and capturing the now. When I do get a chance to actually level the tripod, tell E it's ready, and run to jump in? Then I do. And when I finally get a chance to sit down and sift through them on the computer {one month later}? Then I smile.

Makes you wonder what kind of an affect pictures will have 20 years from now.

I'm going to put my money on... tears.


  1. Such adorable pictures. Your family is so beautiful!

  2. They are so freaking adorable! You did a god job mama!

  3. I have been terrible at just capturing the everyday lately and I know I will regret it. Must change that asap!

  4. Wow, that third pic down of your son you can really just see what he'll look like in high school or college, looks like such a cute heart breaker!

  5. Great Pics!!! Love Love Love the last two...amazing and gorgeous kids Becky!

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