
Friday, August 30, 2013

I confess....

I'm not really good at braiding my daughter's hair. At all. Sides are never even. I start too high. I miss hairs. I just want to put a hair bow in it to make it all better.

Speaking of my baby girl, how is she going to be three in a few months? I confess... I'm just not ready for it. At the same time? I'm loving how much she communicates, makes her own decisions, and analyzes situations. I already daydream of shopping dates, and going out for lunch and manicures.

I put 8 packets of sugar in my coffee. EIGHT.
Not sure why I even consider buying the Trader Joe's Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies. They're gone {the whole tub} in a day. Then, on top of that, I buy two tubs. So? They're both gone within a week.

I haven't watched TV {longer than 15 minutes} in months. I've talked about cancelling the cable, and somehow my husband got the company to just bring down the bill. That's how they get you. My linen closet is so unorganized that I try my hardest just to avoid it in general. If I don't look at it, it just doesn't exist. Right? But now that I have talked about it... it's on my "must-do" list this weekend.

Speaking of organizing drawers... I decided it was time to organize Graham's clothes, get rid of clothes that don't fit and make sense of the clothes that he has now. By doing so, I found clothes that he had never even worn. Also while doing so, I stopped and thought about how I always managed to change Elliana muliple times a day. Even with the smallest of stains. G-man? Eh. Not so much. Stains no longer bother me.

I have not had a haircut in probably 5 months or so? Maybe.

That hair? I'm thinking of turning blonde. And not telling my husband so... just surprising him. HA.

Sometimes? When I have lots of things that MUST-GET-DONE...I just do everything possible NOT to get them done. The other day, I had every intention of getting all these {much needed} household items marked off.. and instead, I packed the kids lunch, filled up the car, and we were off to spend the morning/afternoon at the museum. I love days like that.

I am behind on making Graham's baby albums. I have a couple from his birth. However, I do have them {majority of the pictures} uploaded to the printing services... I'm just waiting to put the books all together. I have decided though that I will do the whole, "organize pictures" button. You know, the automatic they will do it for you deal. The time saving route. That.

I drink out of my daughter's straw cups when we are out and about. Often times because I forget my own water. I have to imagine that I get a few stares here and there. I try not to notice. And certainly, I don't care.

We are running out of disposables {finally!} and will be making the switch to cloth diapering. I'm actually really excited about this new adventure. Andrew? Not so much.

I've neglected this little space of mine. I feel like I haven't "written" anything in a long time. Really poured my heart out. Although I have posts sitting in draft waiting for me to bang out on the keyboard... I just simply have not found the time.

Sometimes? I want to just speak everything that is on my mind. Get heated and in the moment. But most the time? I realize that I just do not have time for drama. It's kind of disappointing in a way. Losing what this space truly used to mean

I'm ready for September. And October. November, and December. I'm ready for cooler weather. New holidays. Family traditions. And of course the holidays.


  1. Lovely post :) And you're not alone on the whole 2 tubs of cookies thing ;) xx

  2. Cloth diapering! You can do it! I never thought I would, but here I am on my three year cloth diapering anniversary! You're always on your game, so you probably know this, but definitely splurge for the diaper sprayer! I couldn't diaper without it! It may take a while to learn the proper spraying angle! ;) good for you girl! You're a remarkable momma!

  3. I love these posts.

    I have drank out of Breannas cup too lol. I am so so ready for cooler weather too!

  4. I drink out of my daughter's water too. No shame.

    I can't braid my daughter's hair, or my own! But she won't even let me touch her hair. No bows. No ponytails or pigtails. It's a mess and a half, all day long.

    We cloth diaper!! And have been since the beginning!

  5. I totally relate to this post on so many levels! Last Friday I got off work and knew the house was a complete mess, had tons of laundry, etc but decided to pack the kids up and go to the zoo, I was SO happy I did!

    Good luck with cloth diapering!

  6. So excited that you're going to switch to cloth! Seriously there is nothing cuter than a cloth diaper butt!

  7. Grest post! Good luck with cloth diapering. And I hear ya about losing your blog space. Sometimes it's so good to vent but the way people take it isn't how you meant it and its gets complicated sometimes. I feel though you are still always true to yourself on your blog. Your posts are always amazing and heartfelt

  8. I LOVE the little bun in her hair though! Who cares if it's no braid!

  9. I love this post... its so easy and flowing... Like sitting with you over coffee! (I never learned how to braid hair either... Thank GOD I don't have a girl... hehe) ;)

  10. love this, I am working on the braiding as well and I also share straw cups. :)
