
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Longest Video EVER

Important things to note:

1. It's long. Very long. I imagine only 1 person may watch the whole thing. My mom. That's because she was there.

2. This is only 1/10th of the content that I could have shared. Who has time for that!

3. I'm not a movie producer. Nor do I aspire to be.

4. My voice is that of a teenage child. I know, I know. And I speak russian in the video

5. My family makes me all sorts of giddy and happy. So does the beach.

6. Detailed vacation post will be up tomorrow!

Vacation 2013 from Becky S on Vimeo.

Just think... that's 17 minutes of your life you'll never get back...


  1. Do you speak Russian often to your kids? Are E and G growing up bilingual?

  2. Cute video! Glad you had such a great vacation. Your kiddos are adorable

  3. What a beautiful family! Great video!

  4. Well I watched the whole thing....lovely! I think you should post about taking a baby to the beach. Is it hard? Do you have to schedule beach time around nap times? We are debating going to FL this fall but our 14 month old still takes 2 naps a day and I'm wondering how that will work out or if it will just be a huge hassle!

  5. Def. watched the whole video. It was too cute not to! You look so much like your mom, and is that your dad- he looks so young! You guys looked like you had an awesome time and your kids adjust so well to everything! Blessed!

  6. I didn't watch the whole thing, but I watched a lot of it! What a beautiful way of preserving your vacation memories!

  7. Watched the whole video and Loved every minute of it!!! Looks like you had the most wonderful vacation! Your family is absolutely Beautiful...Your kids are the sweetest babies ever....E is the most stylish beach baby I have ever seen....G is getting so big and his eyes, I can't get over them....your hubs has the best smile and the brightest eyes.....your mom is Beautiful and you look so much like her! Sweet, sweet memories!!!

  8. Super cute video! I need to learn how! Also your parents are so young! Looks like a fun vacation!!

  9. I watched from start to finish and enjoyed every minute. What a beautiful memory for you to cherish. I am not gonna lie, it made me quite emotional (granted I'm 38 weeks pregnant with #2!) watching the interaction between all of you, particularly your parents with Elli and Graham. I lost both my parents young and wish everyday that my children could make memories just like this with them. What a blessing and a treasure, Becky. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I watched the whole thing whilst cleaning the dishes haha it's a fab way of remembering these memory's of your babies as time sure goes by fast!! I love the music in this video!!xx

  11. Beautiful! 1. E looks so grown up in her swim suit & stylin! 2. You are a great video producer :) Your voice does not sound like a teenager, mine sounds the same way! Your family is so cute. Did you learn Russian growing up? Or is part of your family from there? Watched the whole thing!
