
Friday, August 9, 2013

This & That Friday

Not trying to start a trend here. It just so happens that the past couple of This & That series have fallen on a Friday. Maybe it's because I don't like to have any of my scheduled "serious" posts to fall on a Friday. Friday, to me, seems like it should be a fun, random kind of day. So. Random it is.

*This was supposed to post last night, and for whatever reason didn't. 

Did This

Went to the state fair. It was awesome. We spent 4.5 hours there. Rode crazy amount of rides {which was a first for E, aside from the merry-go-round}, ate too much bad food {grilled cheese, mozzarella sticks, elephant ear, loaded chips, milkshake, lemonade shake up, and a corn dog}, saw a parade and a horse show, and an assortment of stinky yet cute animals. It was overall just a great family day and that's what I enjoy most about doing activities such as going to the state fair. Something we plan to do every year for the kids, and I always want them to remember these days.

Planned This

I have the next 3 nights off and we are planning to get more stuff done around the house, go raspberry picking, and just hang out as a family. Probably catch up on some sleep as well since I worked the past two nights.

Instagrammed That

Read This

This. This is absolutely absurd and really enraged me to no end. A mother should be able to breastfeed her child anywhere she would like, with or without a cover. It got me so fired up that I wrote a post on this... oh boy.

Bought That

Elliana and Graham new sunhats and fedoras. Because I'm a sucker for accessories. And another pair of squeaker shoes for both kids... because... well feet grow and noisy shoes are so fun!

A jean jacket for myself for fall from gap. They are having a 30% off sale, so I snagged one for $24! Thought that was a pretty great deal.

Last Day for This

1 year of advertising giveaway will end at midnight! Don't forget to enter. Winner will be picked this weekend. There is also a $50 target gc giveaway and a GIA pillow {5 of them} going on now. Scroll down below to enter!

Happy Friday!


1 comment:

  1. Pardon my ignorance but what is an elephant ear?? Lol.

    Great photos! That video enraged me too. I LOVE fedoras, I need to snag some up for my boys.
