
Friday, August 23, 2013

This & That

Did This

Gymnastics has officially started and it went great. So great that E cried not wanting to go home when we went to meet her downstairs. Yes, I just said that. It was a solo gymnastics day. That means no more mama & me classes. And I am SO pleased to report that she did wonderful. G man cheered her on with lots of babbling. Lots.

Our friends are in town. This one. Remember how we met up in Chicago, and then she came to visit me last fall? She's back again with the whole fam-dam and we have lots of fun stuff planned for the weekend. I cannot tell you how exciting it is to hang out with adult friends with children.

That's actually two times in a week that we have had people over with other children. Adult interaction + baby interaction= happiness all around.

Loving That

We have really been into the brain quest cards during "School time." and E really seems to want to talk all the time {surprise surprise} about the monkey and what he is doing. Also, we have been working a lot on our sight words and utilizing our flash cards. The more I do this with her, the more I have this desire to homeschool.

Instagrammed This

Bought That

Baby gap had yet another fabulous sale with 50% off additional sale items. I got E a couple pairs of skinny jeans and G man a couple pairs of cargo shorts for next summer. Each item only cost me $7-8 each {with free shipping!}. 

Deal on This

We bought Elliana this backpack for $40. It's on sale for only $12! With that kind of a deal, it was silly of me not to grab one for Graham. There are 11 different styles to pick from!!

Also, there is a deal on the iphone idefender case for only $9. That's a huge savings and since I have now gone through 2 phones in 1 year, I think it is time for me to get something that can actually not protect. Not just look cute.


  1. You should consider homeschooling, if you're feeling it already. We're going to homeschool. There is so much benefit, and I think the joy of watching your child learn and grow right in front of you is just magical!

    1. I have not written about it on here yet {although it is sitting in draft}, but that is the goal {to homeschool}. My husband is still not sure about it and we still have plenty of time to decide {years}, however, that is where my heart is at.

  2. I'm thirteen and have been homeschooled my whole life and will be homeschooled through high school! I wouldn't have it any other way! I love being homeschooled. And I don't have to deal with the drama of public school.

  3. We've been going back and forth about homeschooling! Jax is enrolled in a private pre-k right now, but I'm not sure I want to send him to public school next year. I've just been praying about it and trying to research more and talk to homeschooling mama friends. Such a big decision!
