
Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Goodbye summer, hello fall.

As I was going on a walk with the kids yesterday {weird, I say kids now because I have two... but the word "kid" just sounds so... old}, I began to think about this summer ending and fall beginning. With every season that passes, I seem to find myself reminiscing of the past, and in a way trying to identify the future. What it will bring. What we plan to do. Where we plan to go, people to see, and milestones to achieve. Especially after having already gone through the baby stages with E, I find myself rummaging in my head through the past to dig out what to expect next.

So while I thought about all these different things, I thought about summer. And fall.

Saying goodbye to summer means that we are saying goodbye to G's first summer. Outside the belly. His first time going on a family vacation. His first time stepping foot on a sandy beach. His first time in water, the zoo, the splash pad, and more. A lot of firsts this little guy, and come next summer? It will just be recreating memories all over again. And making new ones as well.

It means that we are saying goodbye to the hot weather. The sun-kissed skin. The shorts, tanks, and dresses. The need for sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses. The stickiness, the love for A/C, and the need to be in water.

Saying hello to fall means that we get to experience the first fall with G. The first time we get to go apple picking. The first time we get to pick out pumpkins. The first hay ride. Sip of apple cider. And fall crafts that lie ahead. Fall means that our baby will be in his last season of the year. Before he turns... the big one. Fall means that we get to soak up these last "baby" stages and prepare for the next milestones and stages.

Fall means cooler weather. Weather that allows us to be outside for hours on end. Weather that means we get to put more clothes on, and yet not have to bundle up with thick layers. Just yet. Weather that brings back the afternoon walks around the neighborhood that we always enjoy. Taking our "learning" lessons outside. And eating lunch and dinner on the front porch.

Fall also means that winter comes next and we all know my love for winter. Not the weather... oh no not the cold weather. But Christmas time and our families coming together.

And this year we get to add just one more thing to that list.

That being celebrating G's first birthday. The day after Christmas. My MIL recently said to me "that's the worst birthday" out there. She meant no harm by it, and I smiled and nodded. But really? I think it's the best birthday out there.

I think that we get so excited for Christmas and then it comes, and then it goes, and then we are in a state of... "Well what's next." And just like that we are ready for the next season of our lives. However, for us, that day will be different. That day after Christmas will be more exciting than ever before. That day after Christmas we will celebrate one of the greatest blessings in our lives. Each day on the 26th of December. Every year. So although, yes, we are always anticipating the close of one chapter and the beginning of another, the end of one season to the start of another, there is always that opportunity to reflect.

Saying goodbye to summer is bittersweet. I will miss the sunshine, the warmth, and the memories, but I so look forward to the beautiful parts of fall as well.

More so now than ever before. And when fall ends? I'll be ready. Sad, but ready.

I think about what it would be like to live in a place where it was always summer, year round. My favorite holiday, every day of the year. And although, at first thought, it sounds nice, I think I much prefer having all the different seasons to go through. All the different anticipations. All the different traditions, holidays, and birthdays.

So although I'll miss you summer, I'm even happier to see you Fall.