
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

When all you want is a baby and to be a mom- Leah.

Leah. What can I tell you ladies about this lovely mama? For one, she's beautiful. She has a kind soul. She is an amazing mama. And she is quite a story to tell you. Through miscarriage and yearning to become a mother, to now all the challenges and blessings that motherhood entails.

I’m an {almost} 30 year old wife to my {very patient} husband and mama to our miracle baby girl.  I was a former teacher turned work at home mom.  I have an unhealthy obsession with Starbucks, Pinterest, everything pumpkin and all things Christmas.  I am a daily list maker,  always wishing there was more time in the day to get everything crossed off. I love life and strive to get the most out of each and everyday.   You can read more about me here.  

I started my blog just after the husband and I were married to keep our family up to date on our lives and as a keepsake for our future. Something our children would always have to look back on and cherish forever.   Over the years it’s turned into more than I could have imagined.  Blogging is something I truly enjoy.  It is where I come to share pieces of my life, the celebrations along with the challenges.  It’s where you’ll learn about my adventures in marriage and motherhood, how I try to turn everything I see into a DIY project and try to organize (and reorganize) my life day in and out.  I share my favorite recipes, the parties I go overboard planning and too many pictures of my little lady.  Recently, my family moved from FL to TX, leaving all we’ve ever known.  Come follow along as we adjust to our new normal in the lone star state.  

Here are some of my favorite and most popular posts. 
{1} 10 Things I live For 

{2} Pregnancy after Miscarriage 

{3} When all you want is a baby and to be a mom

{4} It won’t be like this for long

{5} One Piece of Mommy Advice