
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Honey...Remember When...

Honey, remember when….

1. I flew to Orlando {on the whim} and picked you up in that Kia Rio that I rented. Oh Kia Rio… gold… I'll never forget you. 

2. I used to wake up in the middle of the night in my dorm and demand {request very nicely} that you go get me a drink from the vending machine downstairs. You did so without any complaint. Years later? More grumpiness and complaining….. :)

3. Remember when we were on vacation at HHI and i wore that hat to the grocery store in the morning and I proceeded to tell you that you were with a celebrity. I giggle now. Boy how did you get so lucky to have married me...

4. We said I love you for the first time at the beach in New Smyrna, Florida. We were dating for a couple of months then. I remember sitting on the floor in the dark, indian style, when you whispered those words. The night before we left. The next day? We drove for 18 hours saying it every two minutes. The excitement in our voices. It was like the best kept secret….

5. I drove you to Charleston's parking lot and proceeded to tell you to look in my purse, where you then found the pee stick. You know, the one that made you a papa for the first time.

6. We went to Ruth's Chris {for the hundredth time}, and we went through two bottles of champagne in a matter of two hours.

7. Speaking of bottles of champagne... remember our $300 bottle that we bought? I mean... it was our wedding dinner after all. Party of two. And to think, they never even gave us a complimentary dessert.

8. I threw up in the Taxi on the way home to our apartment in college, and you then told the driver to stop at the wrong building. I was awake enough to then tell you "wait... this isn't where we...," and then you rushed me out before the driver could figure out what had happened. Honey... i'm sure he knew.

9. You went as Bristol Palin for halloween. Pregnant Bristol Palin. While the rest of the campus was her mom. And me? I was just some pirate hooker.

10. When Graham was born. And he was THIS little. And now he is this big.

11. When you used to drive me to class our Freshmen year because it was too cold for me to walk. Half a mile.

12. Remember our musician at our wedding. You know.. the one that had me all sobbing because of his beautiful words.

13. When we threw your mattress out the dorm room window while moving out. Because we thought it was the "easiest" way to get it out.

14. Driving back in forth from Cincinnati while you attended graduate school. Which then required for me to have too much time on my hands... hence the start of this blog.

15. Remember how you didn't even like the blog back then.

16. Hamburger helper... enough said.

17. Putting an offer in on our first home. The one that we ended up backing out of. The one that could have resulted in us living in a different state.

18. When I became a blonde.

19. And you became arabic.

20. When I randomly booked a trip out to Orlando, solo, the night before just because. That cost me a pretty penny. But I mean common... the wheels that I rented was totally worth it... insert Kia Rio.

21. When I went down memory lane.....


  1. Great mpost it's always nice to look back at memories.

  2. Awwww this post makes me cry. So so beautiful! Now I want to write one for my husband.

  3. Aww so sweet! Thanks for sharing all your memories with us! You guys are too cute!

  4. "You became Arabic" haha Love this!! You two are so cute together!!

  5. so cute. I love this post. You guys look so happy and in love.

  6. You two are such a beautiful couple!!

  7. You two are the sweetest couple and it is obvious you two are in love still after all these years, so cute to go down memory lane :)

  8. You two are the sweetest couple and it is obvious you two are in love still after all these years, so cute to go down memory lane :)

  9. Love this post. My husband and I went through high school and college together so this post made me think of a lot of funny things we have done too!

  10. I love this post Becky!! It has been so long since I have commented, I try to find time once or twice a week to catch up on my favorite blogs but I usually just read and not comment! It is so easy for us to forget what life was like BEFORE becoming parents! Jer and I were just talking about the "old days" when we used to get "bored" I can't even remember those days! haha

  11. Such a great post. I love looking back on memories and reminiscing!
