
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I have a question for you. Or Four.

I have spoken from the heart about to important topics the past couple of days, and just needed a break from posting anything. That includes a post that has been scheduled for months, but what is another day, right?

Thank you to everyone who continues to show support to this space of mine, and I just want you to know that I appreciate each and every one of you that comes over here to read. Really appreciate it. I don't say it enough.

So today, instead, I wanted to ask you a few questions, and if I could so selfishly ask you to take the time to answer them, I would be so thankful. I have a few ideas brewing in my head about this little space of mine and just wanted to reach out for some input.

1. Wordpress. I've been thinking about switching, mainly because I love their design options. My question to you is would this effect the way you read my blog?

2. If you have Wordpress, tell me how much you love it so I can make the switch. If you can, tell me what you love about it. And if you made the switch from blogger to Wordpress, did it effect your traffic?

3. Should I do a Q&A? Are there questions that people have been meaning to ask? It's been a while since I have done one of those, but not sure if it's something that is needed right now.

4. Lastly, what do you want me to write about? I have so many scheduled posts, scheduled ideas, and other things that are lined up, that I feel as though I may be forgetting things/questions/requests out there. Please do tell.

That is all. Four questions... and then questions within those questions {because I am so needy, you know}.

And here is to Happy Wednesday and a break from a real post.


  1. I've been using Wordpress and its predecessor b2 for 10 years now and I love it. They have an import function so you can import your blogger entries.

  2. I love wordpress! And I would definitely keep reading your blog if you switched!!!

  3. 1. No! I read on BlogLovin', and it supports WP blogs.

    2. At first, when I switched, I had a bit of issues with the followers. Since a lot of people read through GFC. But the ones who really cared, who really mattered, stayed with me. Now I have a bigger and better readership than ever before. I switched about a year ago. I love WP. I love the plug-ins. I love the design possibilities. I love having a bit more control over my blog. I love the dashboard!

    3. If you want to ;)

    4. Write what you want to write! I read it all, even if I don't comment most of the time.

  4. I love Q&A posts! It's nice to get to know someone on a different level than what they might normally write about!

  5. 1. I've noticed a lot of other bloggers switching to WP lately and I prefer it more over Blogger now. You switching would not make me stop reading your blog.

    2. Well, I can't really answer this question since my platform is Blogger. However, other bloggers have mentioned how it takes a lot of time (anywhere from a week to three) to get the blog running again with all of the cinks worked out. But afterwards, they are happy they made the switch so it can't be too bad.

    3. Sure, if you would like. Maybe you could vlog your answers :)

    4. Hmmm, definitely write what you want but incorporate every once in a while things we don't know. Like, a favorite hobby you have that you haven't talked about before or a secret passion you have for something that means a lot to you.

  6. 1. Nope, definitely wouldn't make me stop reading!

    2. I actually just switched FROM WP to Blogger. I got tired of paying for self-hosting in order to have ads, and it costs SO much to have someone design your blog that it just wasn't worth it for me. Then again, I'm a much smaller blogger than you are! I think the platforms are about the same when it comes to ease of use, though.

    3. I always love reading Q&As!

  7. Switching to WordPress was the best thing I did for my blog and I wrote about it here, it won't affect your readership whatsoever:

    It takes awhile to get used to and will be scary at first but it's so worth it. FAQ's are a great way to get to know a blogger, no matter how 'big' or 'small' the blog is - I say go for it.

  8. I know nothing about WP, but had the same question myself so thanks for asking! :) I think Q&A's are great! Maybe you could do a cluster of them... maybe split up into 5 days of different categories...? One day have everyone ask questions about parenting, another day about marriage.... budgeting... the working life.... etc, whatever! Then answer each category on a different day. Maybe take a whole week to do it, or just one category a week..? Just an (OCD) idea LOL Keep doing what you're doing, girl!

  9. I just switched from Blogger to Wordpress a few weeks ago and I LOVE IT! I'm kicking myself for not making the switch a couple of years ago. I used Blogelina to do the actual transfer for me because I just didn't have time to figure it all out. She transferred my existing design and got everything set up for me within 24 hours. I saw a HUGE spike in traffic immediately and my traffic has been consistently rising ever since. The transfer was done the first week of October and so far my pageviews in October are more than double the entire month of September. It really didn't take me but a few days to get the hang of Wordpress, it's very user friendly. I would highly recommend going with a premium theme- I went with Genesis. The options are just superior. Plus- content ownership! That's why I switched. Sorry- I'm writing a novel here. Ha! I highly recommend switching!

  10. I have blogger but I would still read your blog thank you bloglovin updates ;)

    I love Q&A posts...and vlog ones are fun!!

    I seriously love everything you write are a must read daily for me :)

  11. I would still read!! Love your blog..

    Yes those are always fun.
    Would love to know more about your household. How do you manage it all? Finance? Romance? And the kiddos?? More fashion post since we dont see you anymore on instagram :o(.. Basically more about you , hobbies, dreams and gushy stuff like that.... Would read everything you write none the less!! :o)

  12. I would still read!! Love your blog..

    Yes those are always fun.
    Would love to know more about your household. How do you manage it all? Finance? Romance? And the kiddos?? More fashion post since we dont see you anymore on instagram :o(.. Basically more about you , hobbies, dreams and gushy stuff like that.... Would read everything you write none the less!! :o)

  13. I've been reading your blog since before you got pregnant with Graham, and I really feel like I know and love you and your family! I would read your blog no matter what site you were on. And I'm in nursing school, so I really like it when you post about that stuff :]
