
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Music to My Ears

Growing up, music had always been an emotional outlet for me. A friend during all the teenage roller coaster of emotion: sad, happy, mad, clueless, weary, afraid. Turning to music after a breakup.  Turning to music for answers. Turning to music as an escape. I got lost in music, and music lost me. And yet, music went with me everywhere through life. Through years of changes. During a chapter closing and another opening. Beginnings and ends.

And now that I am a wife, mom, and no longer that teenager that I once was? Music still remains a huge part of my every day life, a place I continue to turn to, and a redefinition of an emotional outlet. Nowadays, I turn to to music for peace, quiet, and a time for me to think.

Something about music puts my thoughts at peace, allows me to take the good things in, and makes me evaluate situations that I normally wouldn't think twice about. Like making a simple run to the grocery store with my oldest... the quality time we got to spend together... just the two of us. Or how the mornings alone with my son while my daughter sleeps are sweet and intimate.

I listen to music when I cook. When I drive. When I want to have a dance part with my babies. On a Wednesday night, Thursday morning, or weekend evening. Any time is  a good time for some tunes.

That is why it is important to have a good quality piece of headphones that I know will last me through many years down the road. Durability is important when you invest in something, but even more so when you invest in something that is important to you. You know when you want to hear the words of the song as though they are being sung to you, right into your ears? That. Monster headphones give me that feeling. As though I am in the concert and the rest of the world is completely cut off, shut off, and on pause. And they are. I tested them out at my parents house where we had the kids screaming {with happiness}, and the dogs barking {because they can}, and I could not hear them one bit. Not even with the sound on the lower settings. First thing I thought of? I'm taking these on every flight.

And need I even mention here my love for color? I love anything that pops and the Monster headphones come in an assortment of colors to meet any of your color needs.

Now that these are with me, I have a feeling that there will be many more deep blog posts to come. When the husband and kids go to sleep? It will be me, my Monster headphones, and the blog. Late nights and good music equates to some good content.

I hope.

That is unless my sister decides to snatch these from me. She has already threatened. Better yet, maybe it will make her Christmas wish list.

And since the holidays are right around the corner, how about a chance for you to win these for yourself or a special someone during this holiday season.


1. LEAVE A COMMENT with favorite color: Win a pair of Monster headphones valued at $150 by visiting and letting us know which color is your favorite.

To win your very own pair of N-Tune headphones (valued at $150),  read all about the Monster headphones hereand let me know in the comments of this post which color you prefer. The comments on this post will be aggregated with the comments on the posts from the other bloggers participating in this review, and 25 pairs will be given away. This giveaway will close on Nov 1.

Sweepstakes Rules:
No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
  • Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
  • Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
  • Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post.
  • For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winner  will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
BlogHer will pool entries from participating blogs and select a sweepstakes winner at random and will contact the winner with details about fulfilling the prize.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 10/2/13 – 11/1/13


  1. I love the blue - but my son would love the Orange. Thank you.

  2. I love the Candy Red - then my husband wont try to steal them from me. I am sure he would love the blue though! Fun product!

  3. Red! No, purple! Wait, green! I want them all!

  4. Love the red!

    These would be great :)

  5. Love them all, but definitely digging the candy purple!

  6. Candy red :) These would be perfect for the many snowboarding trips I have planned this winter!

  7. I love the blue ones! Music is a big part of my life, too!

  8. I love love the purple ones and perfect for the kids to use as well.. I love music and everything about it..

  9. Puuuuurple! That's my all-time fave color!

  10. I love the candy tangerine color!

  11. Love the BLUE! And it's a color my husband, son, and I can all agree on!

  12. Love this post, music my world! & I would take any color except the orange...but first pick...definitely Candy Blue!

  13. As much as I love purple, I think I'll have to go with tangerine this time! I've been needing some new headphones! Thanks for the opportunity!

  14. Candy Purple! Love this post, reminds me of my teenage years and how my music taste has evolved with me throughout the years.

  15. the blue ones are pretty sweet!!

  16. love the blue!! or red! not picky :-}

  17. Love the red! And I need these! Those stupid little iPhone type "headphones" don't fit in my ears and I can hear everything. Especially on flights...these would be amazing to block the outside noise while traveling!

  18. The red is my fave. greatwhitetee at gmail

  19. I Like the Orange but since i would give them to my daughter i will say green

  20. Love the Candy Red or Candy Blue!!

  21. Candy Purple so my hubs isn't tempted to "borrow them!" erthornbury(at)gmail(dot)com

  22. Orange is amazing.

  23. Candy Purple is definitely my favorite!

  24. Ohh, this is hard...favorite color...hmmm Candy Purple or Candy Red. I know...I just can't pick one!!! :)

  25. i like candy blue

  26. I have teeny, tiny ears that don't like buds. These would be per-fec-tion. And of course they have to be red!


  27. Candy purple!

  28. tweeted:


  30. Candy Tangerine for sure!

  31. tweeted

  32. i love the Candy Purple headphones

    debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

  33. This purple one is so beautiful...I'm in love already. plus, love all the features and quality
    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  34. tweeted:
    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  35. I love the Candy Blue pair.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  36. I Tweeted:

  37. I like the candy purple

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  38. tweet

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
