
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Taking time with number 1.

It's been a while since I blogged about life with two. You know, the current, now, life with two moments. Because although we are 9 months into it, it's still a new and exciting and different world with its own number of firsts with each passing month and milestone.

I don't think that is going to change anytime soon. The newness of it all.

So one thing that I have learned that I really enjoy a lot is taking the day, hour, or moments here and there to spend alone with Elliana. This is something that I made an effort to do more and more after Graham was born, but now that she is older, talks a whole lot more, and gets excited about the world around her, I am more aware of this and want that alone time as much {if not more} than her. I know that this is something that will become equally as important as Graham gets older, but for now, his alone time is satisfied simply with me carrying him around 12 hours a day and a boob in his face the other 12. And sleep and other food in between.

By the way, I am typing this while lying down {neck hurts}, a toddler snoring next to me, and a baby out cold. I'm uncomfortable and cannot move. It will be surprising if I make it through this post without passing out.

Today we did that and I was almost a glob of mush by the time I got into my car.

Let us back up here. We went to my parent's house for the weekend, and after spending the day apple picking, playing, and plain old enjoying ourselves, my mom decided that we should make something apple for dessert. I wonder why... Oh yes, the 40 apples that were sitting in the kitchen just staring at us. However, it was perfect timing because a friend of mine at work had just texted me her favorite apple crisp recipe. So an apple dessert... coming right up. But first? First we need some more ingredients.

I grabbed my keys, wallet, and was just about to be out the door when I saw E and said..." Hey baby, want to come with mama?" She was in the middle of putting a puzzle together and instantly stopped. "Yes!" She said with the most excited face and exclamation in her voice. We put on her shoes, kissed on Graham, and said "we'll be right back!"

Except it wasn't exactly right back. Although it should have been.

We got to the store and Elliana kept talking about riding in the "baby car" as she calls it. It's her favorite thing to do at the grocery store, and unfortunately I did not see on in sight. I made multiple apologies to her and placed her in the regular cart. As we are walking through the automatic doors, in the corner of my eye, I spot that big hunker of a yellow car. And I kid you not, it was almost embarrassing how excited I was to see that thing. I mean, stupid excited.

So I whisked her out of the cart and placed her in the "baby car" and all was well. As promised, I also gave her the 3 dollar bills that she had earlier earned so that she could pick something out for herself while we were shopping.

Sugar. Butter. Oats. Beer. Ice cream. Starbucks iced coffee. Among other things.

All thrown in the cart. Then we made it to the toy aisle. I mean... it's Kroger guys, not much of a toy aisle. But it was enough. For a toddler? More than enough.

It was cute. The way she got out of the cart and stood staring at the two rows of toys with the "hmmm" expression written all over her face. Thinking. Choices. Choose wise baby.

She did. She picked the toy that was originally $8, on sale for $2.50. Saving money just like her mama.

We decided then to go through the self-checkout. I wanted her to be able to do her own transaction and not have to feel rushed by others around her. Plus, she loves to "scan" items.

So she did. I lifted her up so she could scan her toy and press the pay button. We then unwrinkled her dollar bills {eh, I haven't paid with cash in what seems like forever}, and let the machine "eat" them. She got her change {which was probably the most exciting part of the transaction for her... literally, mouth dropping}, grabbed the receipt, and placed it in her bag.

I then completed my short transaction, placed my hand into Elli's, and walked out of the store.

And without asking, without prodding, without me saying anything at all, she says to me as we are walking out.. "That was fun mama."

Remember how I said I was almost a pile of sobbing mush in the car? That. That does me in right there. Reminds me that I don't have to send her to the zoo, the museum, fancy musicals, or anything else to appreciate little things like letting her be a part of the every day.

So life with two? We're learning, and it's exciting, and it seems to only get better and better with time.


  1. What a sweet sweet story! I loved the description of the self checkout. You captured a 3-year-old's joy so well. Thank you for sharing.

    PS Starbucks. Can't live without it!

  2. So sweet! It turned me into a slight ball of mush, too! I love reading things like this! :)

  3. Oh, turned me into mush too! What a sweet sweet girl you have.

  4. oh my goodness I cried reading this, lol. Life with 2 is amazing, but it is hard making sure they both get the right amount of one on one time, the girls (our girls) right now more than our boys since like you said they just want to eat and sleep and be held and loved on. Love this!!

  5. So sweet! She is so beautiful and growing up so fast. I love her hair in that photo!

  6. So cute! I just love those little moments that melt a mamas heart.

  7. So sweet! I only have one (and will for a while -- she's only 5 months), but I already worry about what it will be like with two. Mom guilt is the worst! :)

  8. so sweet!!! I love that the littlest things make them so happy

  9. I needed this little reminder. My boys are now 11 & 13 and with the busyness of life it's extremely hard to give each of them the one-on-one time they need. But when we do have that special time together it doesn't matter what we are means the world to them. Thanks for sharing!
