
Monday, December 9, 2013

How Nursing Has Impacted My Life

People often say that a nurse is a hero, an angel, a helping hand for those in need. They give back to the sick, and impact those that they touch. They're givers. They serve. They sacrifice a lot to do what they do, and they expect very little in return. They're there to help. To help you and me. But what about you? The patient. What do you do? Here's what I believe--I believe that nurses are the ones that are rewarded the most. That we are the ones that are touched. We are the ones that are impacted by our patients. And we walk away a completely different person with a new perspective on life. Each patient has a story, and certain patients leave marks on our heart and soul. They've left multiple ones on mine.

They've made me a better person.
They've made me appreciate life more.
They've made me hold onto my family members extra tight at night.
They've made me cry with them, for them, and about them.
They've kept me up at night thinking about how they were doing.
They've made me laugh like I've never laughed before.
They've sat me down and told me how to be successful in my marriage. How to be a great mother. How to do right in this world.
They've had strength in moments I don't think I would.
They've had faith in situations I don't think I could.
They've shown love and grace through people and situations that I don't think they should.
But they do. And they can. And they teach us along the way.

Since being a nurse for the past 5 years, I have come in contact with a variety of people with interesting backgrounds and stories to tell. Out of all those patients, there have been a handful that have truly changed my perspective on life, made me appreciate today on a greater level, and  opened my eyes to the more important things and people that surround us. I have carried their stories with me outside of work, and oftentimes will share them with others. I have always believed that we come in contact with special patients in order to pass on their legacy. To help change and inspire others. If no one else, then ourselves.

I know that patients are grateful for us---the nurses--but I don't think they realize just how grateful we are for them. For their stories. For their wisdom. For their strength.

So while I'm grateful that I have a job that allows me to help and serve those in need.
I am even more grateful that I have a job that reminds me every day how precious life is with no guarantee for tomorrow.

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1 comment:

  1. I returned to school at age 37 to peruse a career as a nurse (best decision I've ever made!). Having been in the service field for twenty years prior I thought I knew what it meant to give. Little did I know just how much of my heart I would share every single day at work. The precious heme/onc children and families I care for amaze me with how they handle their diagnosis with such grace. They are the reason I hug my boys a little tighter, kiss their sweet cheeks one more time, enjoy the small things, don't sweat the small stuff and fully understand how fragile life really is. Nurses are a unique group...we can talk about the grossness of our jobs in one breath and the sadness in another. We are a powerful force to be reckoned with...don't stand it our way when we need to advocate for our patient! It's the most rewarding career in the world...I'm proud to be Susan, RN.
