
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Meet Wildali + $25 Giveaway to Zulily

So excited today to be sharing with you yet another sweet mama of two, Wildali. I had the pleasure of asking her some {intimate} questions, and it was so great to read through her answers! I could definitely share a cup of coffee with her and talk life. She's one of those kind of people. Plus, she's pretty awesome for giving away $25 to Zulily to one of you lucky ladies!
1. Your wedding pictures are BEAUTIFUL! Tell us why Puerto Rico and what was so special about your wedding day {aside from saying the words "I do!"}

I was born and raised in Puerto Rico so I ALWAYS wanted to get married there. I wanted beach pictures and we definitely got them. All of my husband’s extended family also lives there so it made sense. Plus, I was not thrilled with the idea of getting married in the freezing cold in January. Our wedding day was PERFECT. I know everyone says that, but I truly mean it. Every single thing happened effortless and everything fell into place. I did not want the day to end and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
2. You traveled before starting a family? Tell us about the places you went and some of the memorable things that you gained from the experience.
Traveling before starting a family was something Luis and I were determined to do. While we dated for 5 years before getting married, most of that time was spent being “poor college students” so once we had some financial stability we decided to travel a bit before making babies. Our trip to Europe in 2009 is by far the best one we have ever taken. I LOVED going to Barcelona and Rome. I certainly had a goal of making it to Europe before we had kids and I am SO GLAD we did. It was the last trip that was just about us. I am a history nerd so I enjoyed the art history in Barcelona and the marvelous beauties in Rome. It really wasAMAZING!

3. Tell us 5 random facts about you that many people wouldn't know.
1.      I am well-versed on medical terms, equipment, medication and specialists. My sisterFrances’ room was almost like a mini hospital for 22 years.
2.      I remember spots at amusement parks where we took pictures, even if they were taken years ago.
3.      I always notice left-handed people since I am a lefty as well.
4.      I don’t enjoy taking baths or showers. I shower because I need to, but I am not one of those people who stays in the shower for a long time. Once I am done cleaning myself I am out.
5.      I LOVE it when people ask  me for breastfeeding advice. I have a real fear to offend anyone, but when they ASK me for help my heart swells. Few things get me more excited than helping people make their breastfeeding experience a positive one.

4. I bet you get asked this all the time, so I'll be yet another annoying person on the list, will there be another addition to the family?
Oh my goodness! We do get that question ALL THE TIME. I DEFINITELY want to be a mom again. I don’t think you can give your child a better gift than a sibling. However, I never envisioned us having children really close together, perhaps because both my husband and I have significant gaps in-between us and our siblings. The day after Isabel was born I literally told a friend of mine: How do people do this more than once? Granted, I still wanted to have more children then, but it was (and still is) too fresh in my mind. On top of that, despite being a federal employee, we do not have paid maternity leave. In order to get paid, I have been saving my paid time off to go on maternity leave once we get pregnant again. However, that was also difficult because once your baby is in daycare they just get sick a lot which means you have to takeMORE time off. It was a vicious cycle almost for the first two years of Isabel’s life. And the other issue that we have is that since Isabel was born in December she will technically have to be in daycare/preschool an extra year before she goes to Kindergarten. Therefore, we would like to time it in a way that we are not spending a huge amount of our earnings paying for daycare. If we could get my parents to move here then it would be easier! Hint hint!
5. Lastly, what do you hope your family will take from your blogging? Will you share it with your child/children when they are older?
I, like almost all bloggers out there, started blogging to keep track of Isabel’s development and share it easily with our family that lives far away. I love the little details of our daily life and I don’t want to forget them. I hope that my family understands that it takes a LOT to keep up with a blog, but that I did it because THEY ARE WORTH IT. I hope my writings outlive me and my children can look at them and understand that I truly cherished every milestone. I hope they always know that being their mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. Because the truth is that they DO GROW UP too fast. I love that I can go back two years from now and know exactly what we were doing as a family simply because I took the time to document it. I also hope my blog allows them to see themselves through my eyes.

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