
Friday, December 6, 2013

Thoughts on my mind

I am so glad I live in a place where Octobers are so beautiful. But can I just say this... it just doesn't last long enough. Now I'm a little bitter about the freezing cold weather. Already. And well when I wrote this... it was November.. and somehow time has slipped right on by and we are into December. That is life, I suppose.

Shopping has been exclusively for the children and for Christmas gifts. I don't remember the last time I shopped for me. A real shopping spree. I don't even remember the last time I stepped foot in the mall. To shop. For me. In fact, I had one cardigan in my shopping bag the other day {on sale, mind you}, and I could not bring myself to buy it. Ridiculous.

Cake pops are so much better than eating cake. No utensils required either.

The Voice is blows all the other shows out of the water. By far. Moms and dads---get it! I just signed E up, and the only reason that I was holding back is that I thought I would have to only do it on the computer, but turns out that all the lessons can be done on the i-pad. We do it together and she really enjoys it and this has helped with our lesson plans. It's only $8 a month and the first month is free if you want to check it out. {No, not paid to promote this, just really excited about it--being the dorky mom that I am}.

Trader Joe's employees are so much happier than any other employee out there. And so relaxed as well. Carefree is a good word for it. However me? I always seemed super stressed because I always have a toddler with one of those little mini shopping carts and it's quite the challenge to keep things moving.

I much prefer breakfast and lunch over dinner. Unless that is my husband is cooking. Because his grill food beats any food that I may make out of the park. Which reminds me, the reason that I love breakfast so much is because the best breakfast meals are those made by my husband. I think that he should be the one to cook.

There are actually people in this world who are shorter than I am. Really. it's amazing when I see this, and I've seen three women today alone. I'm actually average height according to the "standards" but feel a whole lot shorter.

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  1. If it helps, my mother-in-law is 4'9" and when she hugs me, her face is in my boobs! Lol. I used to think I was short... Not anymore! :)

  2. How tall are you? I'm 5'2 and one of the tallest women in my family! lol
