
Monday, February 24, 2014

Quick, easy, on-the-go solution to a delicious breakfast!

Sundays are my favorite day of the week. I don't know what it is about that day, but it's always the one day of the week where I feel great, my house looks great, my family feels great, and most importantly, I eat great. As in, I eat a really really really good breakfast. Breakfast is, after all, the most important meal of the day, and I have to say that my husband spoils us rotten. We don't skimp when it comes to breakfasts and we love to have a variety for all to pick from. Who am I kidding here, there is not much picking as there is just devouring everything. From pancakes to bacon, toast, omelettes, and waffles. Throw in a glass of orange juice and a side of fruit and we have all food groups covered. Maple syrup with cinnamon and whipped cream is the obvious dessert here.

Lately though, I have noticed that when we go to the early service at Church {we're talking 9 am here}, then we are always making a quick breakfast on the go. Which is okay, as we definitely don't need a production each and every time, but I definitely feel like it's becoming the same old boring---greab a cereal bar, a banana, and maybe a bowl of cereal if you're lucky and go. I miss my eggs. I miss my bacon. I just miss the feeling of the Sunday meal that I so look forward to having every week.

Read the rest and find out my solution here.

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