
Friday, March 14, 2014

The Perfect Accessory

With a glimpse of warm weather ahead, a little bit of sunshine peeking through my window, and the days becoming closer and closer to summer, there is no doubt that I am drooling over a whole new wardrobe. A wardrobe full of shorts, dresses, and flip flops. And sun kissed skin, pool trips, and bright colored toe nails.

One thing that I especially love about summer is that there is so much to do. We literally live out of bags and are on the go from June to August. From the kids' activities to road trips, pool trips, park dates, and sleepovers at the grandparents' house---Who so happen to have a pool, and free babysitting service. And I don't have a single complaint about that. It's what I live for, and being out is so much better than being stuck in.

However, I do have to be prepared. A lot of times, I find myself making sure that everything is checked off on the kids' needs list and forget the things on my own. I'm lucky if I even remember to bring a change of underwear and clothes to sleep in when I stay downtown with my husband. Better yet, shoes for the next day.

There once was a time when I walked out of the hotel room in cheetah pajama pants and 5 inch stilettos. True statement.
Read the rest here.

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